This is what makes the 2023-24 Orlando Magic unique in today’s NBA

Hello there, everybody! I'm happy to be here, and I wanted to share a story with all of you. Today, I wrote about what makes this Orlando Magic team unique in today's NBA. I've covered the league for 15 years, and I've haven't seen a team in this sport like them, except maybe the 2008-09 Magic, and even then, the comparison is a stretch.

I'd also be happy to answer any questions you have about the series or anything else basketball-related. For now, though, I've pasted the story link below, and please don't copy-and-paste the text of the piece, if you don't mind. -Josh Robbins

  1. Love you, Josh! Thanks for still writing about the Magic, I know I speak for many when we say you are one of the best Magic writers we’ve had in recent history, if not the best! Keep it up as usual, Josh, all the best

  2. Thanks for sharing Josh! I enjoyed the article.

    It’s been apparent for years now that we have a group of guys that are really close. Even during our last two seasons, you could see it.

    The front office has been reluctant to make any major moves that past few seasons. Do you think the team will factor in the culture when evaluating free agency this season, and if so how much will that factor in?

  3. i’d say that a part from how close they are to each other, their spiritual growth is impressive. they really care about it.

    also the meditation before every game.. that’s some cold ass shit. so proud of them

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