Different lip read of the ‘Stop Fn crying bro’ clip



  1. I agree that it appears to be Nylander talking to Matthews, and not Marner. What we don’t know is what Marner had to do with it or not.

    They are still broken as a team, completely ineffective on the power play, penalty kill, 5 on 5, 6 on 4, and 4 on 3. The list of what they are effective on is a blank page at this point, unless bench bickering counts.

  2. Yeah, it never looked like said anything about junior hockey to me. This makes a lot more sense.

  3. Matthews. Guys I’m not playing next period

    Marner. What the fuck dude.

    Nylander. Stop fucking crying bro

    Marner. Throws gloves in frustration.

    I’m the opposite of most posters on this sub. I think the team issue is Matthews. Mr October doesn’t score when it counts and he’s supposed to be the best player on the team.

  4. I feel like without the context of what matthews was saying were never gonna get the full picture. It makes sense he was talking to marner because marner throws his gloves right after but it certainly looks like nylanders tilted back speaking around marner, same with matthews

  5. Lol i was just watching this video but yea Willy definitely did not say “This ain’t junior hockey”

  6. When I saw it on TV, I interpreted it as “For fuck’s sake, Mo!” and “this is the problem, you have to shoot.”

  7. Saturday night does not define this team. How they respond tonight, good or bad, is what will define them. LFG!

  8. So Marner was pissed at the refs, Matthews was “crying” about how Marner was pissed at the refs and play better, and Nylander was telling AM to shut up and let Marner get pissed?

  9. I think nylander may have been speaking to matthews, but I think he was talking about marner. Contextually, I don’t know why nylander would be pissed about matthews crying or pitching, cause by all accounts, he never does. He doesn’t yell at the refs, he doesn’t prairie dog for calls, he just plays. My complete guess is that marner was whining to the refs on that play and nylander told him to shut the fuck up. Then matthews jumped in telling them to all calm down and focus on the game, and Nylander said what we all saw in response cause he’s sick of losing for the same reaaons.

  10. Every time it being discussed on tv/radio the host or analyst tries to make it a big deal and the former player says it nothing and happens all the time.

  11. Maybe Marner is reacting emotionally as a child would who’s watching his parents fight

  12. I don’t know how he can assume Matthews is talking to Nylander when Marner point blank responds to Matthews when he finishes talking.

    The lipread looks good though.

  13. Thank you for the alternate take
    People are too ready to blame Marner and forgive Matthews. Matthews being out the entire third and Marner scoring should have more relevance in this conversation

  14. Bunch of cry babies that have won a single game past the first round in all their time together. Maybe they just man carded up and grew up. All good just go play mad because it looked better in the third. About time they are owning it 🤷🏼‍♂️

  15. Yeah and then Matthew’s couldn’t play the 3rd due to a “lingering” illness 🙄

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