Good Luck next round go win the cup!

Gutted the Bolts are out but had a good time at game 5 and still have the whole week in Miami before I have to go back to frozen Norway. Good luck next round!
Every fan was nice(except the one guy who sucker punched me in the bathroom. Fuck him!) punching a man relieving himself in trashy but it was just one bad apple it can happen anywhere.

  1. Uh fuck that guy, we don’t condone that shit. Nobody intervened or said anything?

  2. What the fuck!? I’m so sorry that happened to you. I’ve been to nearly every game for the past five seasons and I have yet to see any fights (or isolated assaults like yours). It’s one of the things I love about hockey; the violence happens on the ice instead of the stands.

    If you’re still here for the next game, please return.

    Heia Norge!

  3. Jesus what? Someone did that in Amerant? Must not be a regular attendant cause Amerant is usually the most tolerable to away fans

  4. I am horribly sorry for that experience and sad to hear about the lack of accountability. I would wish the arena was made aware at a minimum? And if not there is still time! The arena should know this.

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