ESPN April team grade

Grade is weighted against preseason expectation while factoring in how and whom they’ve played.

  1. Using their own criteria, I would give the Sox an A-, considering injuries. Still quietly winning ball games.

  2. I think vibes are excellent after ending the month 7-3. Maybe they wrote this two weeks ago.

  3. This raises an interesting question: who gives a shit what anyone at ESPN thinks about anything?

  4. Can you link the article? And Was this article using C as average?

  5. This is dumb. Maybe April was a fluke, but they ended the month within a half game of the wild card and with the best ERA in MLB. How is it not (at least) a solid B. They are grading based on expectation.

  6. I’d give them a damn A for not getting buried by injuries and cheap ownership in the off-season.

  7. Using injuries against them in a grade is like having a teacher give you a c+ on a paper after you broke both hands but still managed to get a well written paper in, on time, but your handwriting was bad. Of course the handwriting is bad, I don’t have any fucking hands Mrs. Anderson.

  8. Please shit on this team more, ESPN, only for them to prove you wrong!

  9. An ESPN personality doesn’t know why guys get hurt playing baseball. They don’t care about the sport.

  10. Best pitching in MLB this year so far….

    Solid hitting and defense despite a catastrophic string of injuries.

    Three games (now four) over .500

    How in gods name is that only a C+

    Oh wait ESPN is based out of the NYC area. We could be 29-0 and still only get a B.

  11. I don’t give a shit what ESPN has to say about baseball cause they haven’t even cared about baseball for over a decade

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