Bruce Brown responds to a tweet.

Bruce Brown responded to a tweet I saw thought I would put it on the sub.

  1. I hope so like will Lou has said multiple times if he can buy in and play healthy I feel like he can contribute a lot to this team

  2. I mean if we were to actually keep him we better get “the real Bruce”, cause I don’t wanna see any of what we had to put up with this last season lmfao

  3. Bruce about to roll up to the season opener like:


  4. Oof. He replied to the wrong account.. Now a grown man gonna be sleeping in Bruce Brown pyjamas with Bruce Brown bedsheets tweeting him every day for another response 😂

  5. I want to believe it was just injuries, but a lot of what people got upset by was him making weird decisions with the basketball, not his physical capability.

    Please prove us wrong though, I’d be ecstatic.

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