Am I crazy for thinking that Ricky reminds me of a young OBJ? His athleticism, route running, and hands are pure filth and if his QB play was better at Florida, he would have gone much higher.
I think our front office may have pulled off another heist in the 1st, similar to when we stole BA a few years ago and many questioned it. The more I watch him play, I'm starting to think that our offense is about to explode next season as we become more pass heavy.
Someone get the camera guy some valium, please.
There are a million players that fit this basic prototype. What will determine his success in the NFL is his consistency, not his flash.
Here’s how production works: If you can beat your man 100 times and receive a ball, that means you “produced” 100 catches. When people say “this guy produces”, that’s what he did. People seem to have a very inaccurate idea about where yards or points come from. It’s not “he has the best style, so he’s probably a 100 reception guy”. No, you get 100 receptions when you are marginally better than your opponent 100 times. So, Julian Edelman could be a 100 reception guy, and Terrell Owens could be a 100 reception guy. If you say, “he looks like Terrell Owens, so he must be a 100 reception guy”, you haven’t understood the point because TO and Edelman didn’t become 100 reception guys simply based on their talent (or things visible to the naked eye on a highlight reel). They became that way through consistency.
This shit made me realize not only am I out of shape but I don’t think I ever was 😂