The best of the possible new uniform combos

I think these are the best helmet/jersey/pant/sock combos possible with the new uniforms. Anything other than these should be avoided imo, especially anything with the same colored pants/socks

  1. I wouldnt mind a white out where it’s all white, including the helmet

  2. I love that we have uniforms that are actually interchangeable now. White jersey/blue pants is one of my favorite combos but our old uniforms straight up didn’t match.

  3. I love all of them, besides the white jersey on colored pants. Those look awful to me personally.

  4. Blue- white- orange- blue is my favorite road combo and it’s not even close. I’ve wanted orange pants to wear on the road for years and I’m so happy we’re finally getting them.

  5. I hope we get lots of combinations this year, and I hope we weed out the bad ones.  I really don’t like the white helmet when paired with the blue jersey and blue pants, and that seems to be the default alternate look.  Looks fine as long as the pants are white.

  6. Should always be white pants and blue socks unless it’s the all blue. That’s the broncos brand. Anything else would make it look like Syracuse or Virginia

  7. I don’t like the Navy helmets with the white jerseys or really with the orange. I think the navy helmets should go with the navy tops and use the white helmets with the orange and white tops.

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