Murphy’s relentless attitude infectious for the self-coined ‘Average Joe’s’

Murphy’s relentless attitude infectious for the self-coined ‘Average Joe’s’

  1. Nice writeup by Feinsand about our unstoppable skipper, haha.

    >assigning a numerical value (A being one and Z being 26) to each letter of a choice motto of Murphy’s that starts with a word that is not exactly fit to print and ends with the word “relentless.”

    Well, anyone up for a math decoder puzzle haha? Probably not hard to guess the sentiment anyway

    E: thanks everyone, sort of what I figured but didn’t have the time to do the math. I would definitely call the Brewers “Fucking Relentless” and it dovetails well with their “Fuck you, we’re the Brewers” demeanor these days

  2. I read through this earlier, and this bit really stuck out to me:

    >“He tells you how it is,” Yelich said. “When you play for Murph, you’re never wondering how he feels about you or what he thinks — good and bad. He’ll tell you if you’re doing something really well and he’ll also tell you if you’re doing something that needs to stop. That doesn’t happen as much in sports now; you kind of have to decipher things. There’s none of that here. What you see is what you get.”

    I really wonder if that attitude is helping the younger guys. Murph isnt just being an asshole when youre doing something wrong. He doesnt seem to leave it up to you to figure out. Hes direct, but its with intent to help. I have to believe thats extremely helpful for those guys just starting out.

  3. If we’re the average joes does that make Greg, the cubs and Chris Guccione reperesentatives of globo gym

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