What would the lyrics to NYJ Anthem be? I was throwing around a few lyrics in an AI Song Maker and this is what I got so far: Killer Chorus and of course the Jets Chant as the bridge but nothing else. Any suggestions?

What would the lyrics to NYJ Anthem be? I was throwing around a few lyrics in an AI Song Maker and this is what I got so far: Killer Chorus and of course the Jets Chant as the bridge but nothing else. Any suggestions?

  1. Greene and LT spin that propeller
    Play action pass to an open Dustin Keller 🔥

  2. 🎶 /Kill Meeeeeee!!!!!!!! Fuuuuuccckkkkkk myy liiiiffffeeeee!!!! What the fuck are you doing!?!?! God DAAAAMMMMNNNNIIIITTTTTT Jets!!! Someone fucking kill me!!!!!/

    /It’s only four minutes into the season, its already the end of the season!!!!!/ Build that fucking walll!!!/ The injuries will take them alll!!!!/ What the fuck Jets!!/

    /Find someone who can throw the ball!!!/ Maybe find more than two people who can catch the ball, yeahhhh!!!!/ Fucking kill me!!!!!/

    /Zach what the fuck!!!/ Sam what the fuck!!!!/ Geno why the fuck did you wait 7 or 8 years, good for you but what the fuckkkkk!?!?!?!!! / Oh yeahhhh!!!!/Favre you fucking dick head, taking pictures of your dick head, you were our pilot, fuck your tricep!!!!!/

    /What the fuck Jets!?!?!/What the fuck Jets!?!?!?/

    /Haven’t seen the playoffs in as many years as the desired birthing age for girls in jesus freak states, what the fuck Jets!?!?!!/

    /What the fuck!?!/ Someone kill me!!!!/god damnit these fucking Jets are gonna kill me!!!!/

    /Woody Johnson wearing chains but never changing things!!!/ Ownership sucks at this and this is going to last forever!!!!!!/ what the fucking fuck Jets!!!!?!?!!/ Oh yeahhhh!!!!/

    /This team is fucking fucked no matter what!!!/ what the fuck Jets!!!!!/ 🎶

  3. Can we work the melody for “taps” in there someplace so as to properly convey a dignified sense of despair and dissolution?

  4. Idk… but I’m pretty sure it would be called “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday!”

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