Tiger Wish He Could

Tiger Wish He Could

Tiger Wish He Could
byu/BuffaloBowser inbuffalobills

  1. Man, it’s hard not to love this guy. I hope he balls out and is here for years to come.

  2. I really like this guy. He’s very smart. He’s going to JA17’s best friend on that field.

  3. I think they may have picked him to be Josh’s best friend. Just a goofball

  4. The way he talks about helping the QB, that’s the shit we need. He and Josh are going to have a good connection, hopefully getting better each game.

  5. I fricken love this kid. I don’t see how he doesn’t gel with Josh.

  6. I just really like this kid, he’s so damn likable. Comes off like a young kid and all but at the Same time you can tell he’s a very smart young man. I think he’s wise beyond his years, karting from the right ppl

  7. God, I fucking love this guy. I hope he plays half as well as he dishes.

  8. This guy won me over so quickly. Seems like a great fit on the team. Hope he has a great season.

  9. It’s astounding this guy is only 20 years old.

    He seems to express a maturity most of us don’t have at that age while also possessing a youthful joy about him.

  10. If his play can come close to matching his personality, he’s gonna be a beast.

  11. “It forces you to stay calm….and have some fun”…perfect. Amidst everything…last year’s roller coaster season, Diggs drama, Kims health, he is the perfect addition to help pave the way for a focused team but more importantly a LOOSE team. Folks, this season begins Josh era 2.0…character and culture.

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