Friedman reporting Rod has had a verbal agreement since as far back as last year. He’s facing pressure to get a better deal as it affects other coaches negotiations.

Friedman reporting Rod has had a verbal agreement since as far back as last year. He’s facing pressure to get a better deal as it affects other coaches negotiations.

  1. I said this on another claim thread but the long and short is that he and the GM are waiting on where they end in the playoffs to set a number. Rod doesn’t want to make less money if he wins the cup and ownership doesn’t want to over pay for someone who doesn’t have one.

    Also if other coaches are complaing that he isn’t making enough money so other teams are fucking them then they need to actually perform as coaches and set the bar themselves.

  2. I’d be interested to know how the rest of the staff gets compared to the league as well. One of the reasons it took him so long last time was that he wanted to make sure the rest of the staff was taken care and wouldn’t sign until they had all signed.

  3. Now the pressure is coming from some of these nitwits second guessing him, the team, and hand wringing with public posts “worried” about rumors. If everyone just chills out and waits, it will get done. This man is the ultimate Caniac. He loves Raleigh and this franchise. Hell, he is our franchise. Roddy Franchise has taken over from Ronnie.

  4. How about other coaches shut up and let Rod do what Rod wants to do. He’ll work it out with Don.

  5. After watching Peters, I’m excited to celebrate Rod’s next deal. Bank up the money truck.

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