You know who I miss a little?

I love the leadership DJ brings, but plumlee was a very serviceable backup, he was a bruiser too. Too bad we’re on that nnaji contract for a while.

  1. Found Plum Dogs burner account😂 we miss you too…a bit😂👍🏻

  2. We took this man’s backup center minutes for granted! Plumdog Millionaire!!!!

  3. Plum has been soooooo bad in the first round so far.

    I know he was a dawg when he was here… But he’s definitely below Nnaji as a player at this point. He lost a step and it made him go from a good defender to a Reggie Jackson level defender, and it also made him even more turnover prone on offense.

    I miss him for the memories but I wouldn’t want him back.

  4. I love all of our guys but man, I’d give a lot for Tay, Plumdog and Milsap to get the ring they deserve with us

  5. Man, I gotta disagree on this one (basing it off his recent play because I didn’t watch enough basketball to remember his play when he was on the Nuggets), but one guy I would have loved to keep is Hartenstein

  6. In the 2020 bubble, him getting confused on the screen leading to ADs game winner makes me miss him less

  7. watching the plumthree in person will forever be one one of my highlights as a nuggets fan!

  8. I know the team is better off without him, but I kind of miss Bones’ energy and swagger sometimes. However, I think Braun does a very good job of filling that role now as the young guy who can come off the bench like a shot of adrenaline and get the crowd back into it and the rest of the team back into it with a couple of big plays in quick succession.

    The best way I can describe the hustle and energy that Braun plays with on the court is that whatever the speed limit is, he’s always doing 20 over.

  9. He had some good plays but I just remember him having no hands and making bad decisions in the clutch

  10. One of the worst games I’ve ever seen live was because of Plumlee. I am totally fine with moving on from him. Jamal also hurt his ankle during that game 🙁

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