anyone else randomly miss the metrodome?

i LOVE target field, don’t get me wrong. but sometimes i miss the metrodome… i miss that big dodge caravan ad that they always had out in right field lmao.

  1. No. But I mostly remember it being 3/4s empty during the mid/late 90s.

  2. Certainly a little nostalgic from time to time – I remember the Metrodome as the first place I went to a professional baseball game, then the World Series teams and also a bunch of weird college football experiences.

    As far as a _facility_ – no. It had the personality and feel of a terrible airport at best.

  3. I am nostalgic as my uncle used to fly the blimp that would drop the prizes to fans pre Tc bear. Always thought I had the coolest uncle who had backstage access like that

  4. Hell yeah I miss it. 2 chips, Kirby, that massive suction when the doors opened… good stuff.

  5. 1. Parking was (in an odd way) easier. I had a couple of random lots with cheap prices (this was in the 90s) and didn’t mind the walk. Nothing like that near Target Field , sadly. —and the ramps, while convenient…..ugh no.

    2. Specific memories/nostalgia: World Series Games, my adult son’s first game as a little kid, etc.

    3. Not having to worry about weather. Target Field is beautiful, but you couldn’t pay me to go to a game when it’s 90 plus degrees, or when rain is expected but they’re not sure when, etc.

    That’s just me though 🙂

  6. I miss it. Idc what anyone says being a kid and getting to watch air conditioned professional baseball after my own hot summer games and then get physically pushed out of/by the dome after watching Tori Hunter stealing back a home run and running into the plastic bag masquerading as a wall ending games was the most fun I’ve ever had and there is literally nothing anyone can say about that ball park that will make me feel otherwise.

  7. I do. I just want to go to one more game there. That would be good for me. It was a shit hole, but it was out shit hole

  8. It was a shithole, reeking of stale beer, hotdogs and maybe urine from the trophs. But it was OUR shithole.

  9. Early 2000’s. $3 tickets and $1 dogs. Upper left field was a lawless wasteland of high school and college kids getting drunk and smoking weed behind the large vent boxes on the top rows. The place had personality, I miss it.

  10. I had some great times in that dump. I only actually miss it when there are rain delays.

  11. Yes I do. I love Target Field, but nostalgia aside there was something so cool about an indoor stadium. Like the old camp snoopy, as a kid, it was so cool to see it all inside on a cold day. Felt like a kids dream.

  12. Watching a game in that place during the day was surreal. I had only been there for a night game and walking into the stadium looking at the field wasn’t exactly a feeling of joy haha. We had some good seats and johan Santana pitched a great game. Lecroy hit a nice home run as well big papi hit a home run as well.

  13. Honestly? About once a month I have a dream that I’m in the Metrodome. I’m not joking here.

  14. Yeah dog. Lot of childhood memories there. First time I saw another dude’s dick was at the troughs. Lots of good memories of Johan and Torii and Joe. Twinsfests. I miss that shit. Target Field is way better though lol.

  15. What’s not to love about urinals a mile long, baggie home runs, random hops and bounces on the garbage turf, and pop flies lost in the ceiling.

    I’m not really joking. I loved all of those things and do randomly miss them.

  16. After watching hundreds of games there, it’s still hard to believe it’s gone. Looking at this photo makes me think for a half second, “oh yeah, I’ll get back there again.” It’s not about what it was, it’s about what happened there. We lost a lot leaving there: $1 student tickets, $3 dome dogs, Wally the Beerman, the Hormel Row of Fame, Blown away when leaving, Beautiful Day after a win or Hey Jude after a loss, passing beers down the row to the guy in seat 15, the enormous photos of Killer, Oliva, and Puckett on a curtain that got dingier every year, Walks Will Haunt, looking up and thinking about swastikas, line drives off the baggie that Cuddyer could hold to a single, bounces higher than should be allowed…

    And Bob Casey. *Ferrrh the Twins, leading off, numbrr eleven, the scond baseminn Chaaaaahck Nahhblahk…*

  17. I do, but you can’t beat beautiful nights like tonight at target field. I would miss that more if I moved away.

  18. In the late 90s/early aughts the tickets were dirt cheap and my family went often. It was cheaper than the movies (shit, cheaper than the POPCORN), and we made some memories (Rich Becker hitting a lazy fly ball that got lost in the lights for an inside-the-parker).

    But let’s not lose sight of the fact that the reason tickets were that cheap was because no one wanted to pay GOOD money to watch a dogshit baseball team play under a dingy blimp on a warm summer’s day.

    The first game I ever saw at Wrigley when I was a kid absolutely ruined the Dome for me. It just wasn’t a baseball venue.

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