Knicks’ Josh Hart is staunchly anti-Indiana: ‘Bottom of the barrel’

Who is this fool?! Let him find out 🤣

  1. I am a pacers fan through and through, but if you don’t like Midwest vibes, completely understand thinking this city sucks compared to other ones these guys get to play in and live. They’re young and rich and not a lot of places to actually enjoy that here. There is almost no nightlife, and outside of just bars and music venues and the 1 month a year we have the race Indy is forgettable as fuck.

  2. Even as dedicated a hater as he is, he recognized Longs. As well he should.

  3. I get Indiana not being high on anyone’s list as a place you want to spend time in. I don’t take his attempt at trolling here seriously. Hopefully he gets to spend a lot of time here over the next two weeks. When this story first came out, I commented that it’s going to be really funny when he gets traded here.

  4. The truth is, Indianapolis was extremely special before its decline and uptick in crime the last 5-6 years.

    Walking downtown and being there 7-8 years ago was always so enjoyable, clean and safe.

    I had friends fly in from San Fran, they asked me to take them to Chicago. They said, “we hate this, this is more of the same as San Fran”. I took them downtown Indy and they went on and on about how much they loved it and how special Indy was. They loved how clean it was, there were no homeless tents anywhere, and very little begging on the side of the street.

    Unfortunately it isn’t the same downtown anymore and feels like we are going the way of every other major city.

  5. We should fuck with him and flip the script and actively cheer for him. He wouldn’t even know what to do if he can’t be the villain 🤯

  6. If you’re not used to people waving hi as they pass by in a car, it probably seems weird. A lot of midwest things probably do. It’s ok. Not everybody can be midwest nice.

  7. Cool, you couldn’t pay me to walk around in New York City and have a sewer rat shit on my foot or a crazed maniac rip my face off in a subway.

  8. Well guess what, JoshShart? Now you’re not invited over to my house for beer and nachos. SUCK ON DEM APPLES!

  9. New York is hemorrhaging people and Indiana is growing. Turns out a lot more people prefer Indiana.

  10. Context: Doesn’t make it any better, but he said this around all-star break, not in response to the upcoming series.

  11. I really don’t want to get in a whose city/state sucks more argument with every other fanbase. NYC life is not for everyone. For someone like me, Indy is the perfect size. Different strokes for different folks

  12. Well this would be the first time anyone gave a fuck what Josh Hart thinks

  13. I get not liking the city or state but the amount of vitriol is so much more than just a little bit. I’ve not heard him say the same about Ohio or Michigan or any other Midwest state. So I’m not sure what happened to him but he definitely does not like Indiana in a way that doesn’t make sense in comparison to other states.

  14. Lol it was an exhausting two weeks of hating on Bucks fans and watching people care what their fans/subreddit were saying about us and the team, I don’t wanna do that again with the Knicks aside from the typical banter. I actually respect the Knicks fanbase and franchise unlike Milwaukee and am hoping it goes 6-7 games regardless of the outcome.

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