Braves Mt. Flushmore

Here are my all time Braves that I absolutely hated at some point or another. I’m 32 so I may be showing my age.

Note: this has nothing to do with the players personally. They just pissed me off on the field lol

What are yours?

  1. What we’re not going to do is talk shit about Luke “LJITBPIBAIIPC” Jackson.

  2. Folty!!! That crazy bastard. He had some good stuff but was so damn squirrely.

  3. Super recency bias here. Farnsworth, Joey Devine, Mark Wohlers/Jim Leyritz, Lonnie Smith…we have 30 years of gut punches

  4. Brooks Conrad’s career highlight was that comeback grand slam against the Phillies and then it all just went down hill lol

  5. Yunel Escobar. Also you accidentally placed Luke into the Flushmore list instead of the Rushmore. That’s ok though because he’s on there twice.

  6. Greg Norton would be on my list. That guy was a dog turd and yet Bobby Cox felt the need to bat him every single game it felt.

  7. Why is Luke Jackson on this list? Luke was awesome. The Luke Jackson Experience was either pure joy or pain, no in between. Without Luke Jackson there is no Tyler Matzek and that alone makes him a worthy Brave. Remove him from this list.

  8. Luke Jackson doesn’t deserve to be here. Neither does Chris Martin tbh. Folty I’d say doesn’t deserve it but he’s a massive piece of dogshit so fuck him.

    How does this list not include Uggla/Dan Kolb/Scott Proctor lmao

  9. You gotta add kenji kawakama or whatever his name was, along with Derek lowe.

  10. Cole Hamels should wear a paper bag if he ever comes to the city of Atlanta again. He turned in a single 3-inning performance that resulted in a loss and walked away with 20 million dollars for it.

    The injury was out of his hands of course, but iirc he then tried to swindle two more teams into that kind of money knowing full well he was already cooked.


  11. Bro Luke Jackson was a stud in 2021 for everything except the NLCS.

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