Intro to Winning Time

Intro to Winning Time

  1. I absolutely hate the New York Knicks. They always act like they’re better than everyone else. Glad they fell off the basketball map for almost 25 years.

    Great clip. Go Pacers.

  2. That headbutt is so legendary. It’s such a wonderful snapshot of Reggie goading someone into something dumb, John Starks losing his grip on reality, and the rivalry at its apex as a whole.

    Incredible side story is that Starks’ mother told Patrick Ewing in the aftermath that she didn’t appreciate him putting hands on her boy. Patrick replied, that if her son did something that stupid again he would once again correct the behavior.

    Golden days.

  3. As someone who was at Market Square Arena throughout this series in the 90’s, I hope we kick these MF’ers in the teeth— you feel like you’re going to choke on the arrogance and entitlement from these NY fans. Very much reminds me of Peyton with the Colts vs the Patriots when it was actually a rivalry. I respected most of the players, (aside from John Starks), but the attitude of some of their celebrity fans who treated Indy fans like they were shit on the bottom of their shoe was enough to make your blood boil— I’m expecting more of the same this go round.

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