#NBAVideos: Cavaliers come back from 18-PT deficit to win Game 7! 🚨 | #Shorts

Cavaliers come back from 18-PT deficit to win Game 7! 🚨 | #Shorts

  1. Great content, you always have new interesting ideas! Here I find not only entertainment but also lessons in creativity. Thank you for that!!!πŸ‘»πŸ€πŸ«΅

  2. Idc how many people don't believe in the Celtics. The Cavs have no chance of beating them if Mitchell has to do what he did tonight for them to have a chance to win. Garland was shameful for most of this game. Either he wasn't being involved in the offense or they just couldn't rely on him. They're also gonna need Jarrett Allen.

  3. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ This Cavs team won a game 7 against this Orlando team and celebrating like they accomplished something lmao. Walt till next round.

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