Quickley’s back in Toronto πŸ‘€

Quickley’s back in Toronto πŸ‘€

  1. I feel like there has to have been some good, constructive pre free agency talks. By all accounts it seems like Quickley really wants to be here. And while RJ has really worked out tremendously here already – Quick was the more desired piece in that trade in the eyes of our FO. They were aware of his contract situation and I believe they are prepared to do what it takes to keep the young PG they’ve brought in.

    My nightmare scenario is that that DOESN’T happen but I refuse to even dwell on that thought. Big fan of IQ and want him here for the long haul

  2. There must be a deal in place for them to trade for him, I can’t see them trade an expiring in OG for an expiring in Quickley and Quick doesn’t stay, might as well just have kept OG then. Brown and Nwora can walk, I wouldn’t care if they did.

  3. I just hope we don’t overpay to keep him here. I definitely want him back – but we shouldn’t have to overpay.

    Winning chips is as much about cap management as it is team building.

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