Mrs. Met says goodbye to her Twitter feed. She and Mr. Met will be one of those couples who shares a Facebook account

Mrs. Met says goodbye to her Twitter feed. She and Mr. Met will be one of those couples who shares a Facebook account

  1. I saw this, I was about to post this, but is it people being gross like how Tony the Tiger doesn’t have a Twitter? This is what I am assuming people are writing gross or sexist comments. Like I am out of the loop here.

  2. On Linkedin I saw they were hiring a new Mr. and Mrs. Met. I guess this has something to do with that? Perhaps they are going to make more of a branding effort

  3. Trouble in Paradise? Is Mrs. Met seeing someone on the side? The Philly Phanatic maybe? Or Bernie the Brewer?

  4. Due to the gender pay gap, Mrs Met can no longer afford to keep her account verified.

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