Minnesota teams can’t keep their stars according to TV host


Minnesota teams can’t keep their stars according to TV host
byu/Skol-Man14 inwildhockey

  1. The Pohlads would remove the bathrooms from Target Field if it meant saving $3.

  2. Define ‘left’ you clown. Most teams have players that leave because of trades or were let go due to age or decreased production. You have such vague goalposts that any player for any team could have been seen as ‘left’. You just want him in a big media costal market like every other talking head.

  3. Watching the Toronto series made me appreciate Kaprizov even more. 4 guys making more (well, soon) and the only guy id make the cap space for in a playoffs run is Willie. Meanwhile Kaprizov, strong as an oxe and always battles, not just playing for a contract year. He’s not leaving, pay that guy 12-13mil if you must. That’s OUR fucking guy. That guy alone can give the Wild a fighting chance. As i said before i don’t think he’s happy with the slow starter reputation. Going into the offseason healthy i fully expect him to break his previous records.

  4. This is a tv show? I couldn’t imagine spending my day watching this. People yelling and talking over one another with negligible or nonexistent substance to their opinions. This is like a sports show version of 24/7 news networks.

  5. What does this even mean? Joe Mauer, Adrian Peterson, KG, Zach Parise (if you can call him a “great” player), Jonas Brodin, hell even Kevin Love, all had lengthy careers during their prime in MN and only really left after their production started to decline and age caught up with them. It isn’t like we’re losing first overall draft picks after 3 or 4 years, in fact the Wild have never even had a first overall pick. This dude is a certified clown.

  6. I feel bad for this guy he and his show are one of like 20 identical shows meant to be viewed on mute while you’re waiting for an oil change. The bread in my cupboard has as long a shelf life as this guys show will

  7. This is why I can’t stand shows like this one and Undesputed

    Their takes most of the time are hot garbage and you’re much better off getting takes from team-specific podcasts or shows

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