Made it from Fenway to Atlanta to watch the Sox take on the Braves. Son met his baseball idol JD and got his autograph.

Made it from Fenway to Atlanta to watch the Sox take on the Braves. Son met his baseball idol JD and got his autograph.

  1. I remember being his age meeting Tom Brunansky. Thankfully players still take time for what really matters about the game that fans and most importantly the young ones. He will remember this his whole life I do and I am 43 lol.

  2. Jarrens a good dude! My nephew went to a game in April and took a pic with him as well, always love to see them taking the time for the kids!

  3. I went to his last game in Worcester before he was called up and before the game there was a massive group of kids waiting to get his autograph and that guy spent a good half hour standing at the edge of the dugout signing baseballs and baseball cards and taking pictures with every kid that asked for one. And he genuinely seemed really happy to do it and grateful that so many people cared

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