[Highlight] EVERY Tyler Lockett Touchdown Ever

[Highlight] EVERY Tyler Lockett Touchdown Ever

[Highlight] EVERY Tyler Lockett Touchdown Ever
byu/The_Throwback_King inSeahawks

  1. You read that title right. That’s EVERY SINGLE TOUCHDOWN that Lockett’s scored in his career up to this point. All 63 of them.

    Tyler Lockett is one of my all-time favorite Seahawks and we’ve entered one of the slow periods in the offseason. So I thought, what better way to celebrate Lockett then by making a 12-minute highlight reel of every score that he’s made in his career so far.

    This was also a means of practicing some video editing on my part, as this was my first multi-sourced edit. I wanted it to be something I could be proud of; something I could be happy with now and for the future.

  2. Great strategy. He can’t get hit if he scores. This guy is awesome.

  3. Man when Tyler retires i’m going through the same I went through when Doug did.

  4. And this is why I don’t mind the business decisions he makes going to the ground easy. He started as punt and kick returner and he was great at it. But then he reached the point where he was too valuable as a receiver to risk injury playing hin on special teams. It’s the same thing now with YAC. He’s an older guy now and he’s still hella productive, there’s no point risking losing him to an unnecessary hit. He’s earned the right to pick his moments.

  5. Maybe he isn’t as shiny as WR1’s.. but we have been so blessed to have him. He’s a 1 to me.

  6. Tyler gets a pass for being a god botherer. In this house we actually have a ritual on kickoffs and PR that has gone on for years: “OH SHIT, PRAY FOR TYLER”.

    Thank fuck he doesn’t do returns anymore. It’s the worst play in the sport, both sides included. Seeing Ricardo on the field after the Heath hit and actually thinking “..did he just die?”

  7. All these Tyler Lockett compilations had me scared thinking he announced his retirement or something

  8. Tyler Lockett is my all time favorite player in the NFL. I wear his rookie jersey every single Seahawks game since we drafted him.

    Thanks for this OP, this made my entire week 🙂

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