Andrew Schulz says they were all told not to make any Robert Kraft jokes at the Tom Brady roast, which is why he believes Brady was genuinely upset at Jeff Ross for his massage joke.

Andrew Schulz says they were all told not to make any Robert Kraft jokes at the Tom Brady roast, which is why he believes Brady was genuinely upset at Jeff Ross for his massage joke.

Andrew Schulz says they were all told not to make any Robert Kraft jokes at the Tom Brady roast, which is why he believes Brady was genuinely upset at Jeff Ross for his massage joke.
byu/MTRIFE inPatriots

  1. I’m honestly surprised there was so much confusion and debate over if it was real or if it was a bit. I know we live in an age where people don’t believe anything is real anymore but it was painfully obvious Brady was genuinely upset by that one.

  2. Of all things off limits, it’s the fucking billionaire. Loved the roast, but that is pretty stupid imo. Just more evidence that Kraft is insecure as fuck about how people view him, and his need for validation.

  3. Worth noting that he doesn’t say they weren’t asked to make jokes about Kraft, but that they were asked to not make jokes specifically about that.

  4. I mean , maybe don’t get happy endings in a strip mall massage parlor if you don’t want to be made fun of for getting a happy ending in a strip mall massage parlor !? Just sayin ….

  5. So Kraft was fine with all the cheap Jew jokes but not his handy? Tells you everything you need to know.

  6. It isn’t that complicated. Brady wants to be an owner, of course he’s going to cover for another owner, whom happens to be a big supporter of his.

    My opinion is that if any of the comedians had any balls, they should have leaned into that to make Tom more uncomfortable. I love TB12, but that was weak sauce.

  7. Bahaha they can make a bunch of Jew jokes and gay jokes but weren’t allowed to make fun of a billionaire paying for a cheap rub and tug?

  8. Every roast has a few banned topics.

    I was surprised how little this one did.

  9. Anthony Jeselnik commented on this on his podcast. Basically there is a no-go list at any roast but one of Jeff Ross’ bits is to ignore it. Normally it gets cut from the final broadcast but the press writes about it so he gets a nod. So it being real is probably correct.

  10. I don’t think these roasts work unless the people you’re roasting consent to being roasted. If Kraft didn’t consent to be a target, then I don’t think he should be targeted.

    I know you guys hate Kraft, but try not to let that bias your opinion.

    It’s being Streisand effect’d now though. If Brady just didn’t say anything then people never would’ve been talking about this.

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