If this happens I feel like it’s the kind of culture change we desperately need.

If this happens I feel like it’s the kind of culture change we desperately need.

  1. Brady is the kind of player to ask his teammates why they aren’t trying to blow up the other team BEFORE getting to the puck. Him and Berube could bring the attitude change that makes other teams no longer confidently assume they can push us around with no response all game.

  2. literally zero reason they would trade him

    someone seriously try to find a legit reason why they would trade him.

  3. I think fitz also is related to the tkachuks as well. Intellectually it all makes sense, but realistically there is no chance the sens let that happen. Especially for Nemec straight up or even throwing in holtz. I don’t even know what Brady gets paid but I also don’t see how that works out cap wise. I think Mercer on a new deal would make more sense going the other way along with the tenth overall pick.

  4. Hahah Nemec for Tkachuk. C’mon now, this is just silly. Apart from it being stupid to begin with, Tkachuk also carries a $8,205,714 cap hit.

  5. He’s signed long term and is the captain of the team. They’re pushing to end the rebuild and be contenders just like us. I can’t see him moving unless and until the rebuild is a failure

  6. Their roster is so mediocre at best idk how people are really thinking they’re close. He’s not sticking around til they make it, HE’S NOT EVEN CANADIAN. You guys actually think he enjoys canadian media, and tax?

    Who is ottawa overtaking to make the playoffs? Toronto? no. Tampa? no Florida? dear god no. Detroit is just a better version of them, and Buffalo is identical. They need everything to go right just to lose in round 1.

  7. Nemec is going to be a Devil his whole career. Holtz is going to get moved at some point if we don’t progress this season. Brady is the kind of guy we need, I would have been elated if we got his brother when he was being traded.

  8. Look I want Brady more than anyone but it’s likely not doable. No one wants grit more than me but I’m also not comfortable if the trade is for Nemec who IMO might be the next Victor Hedman!

  9. Don’t wanna give up whatever Ottawa would want for the worse Caillou lookin ass Tkachuk brother who’s gonna take terrible penalties when we’re a goal behind in the 3rd all year.

  10. Until I see him publicly asking out I’m gonna continue to think this whole thing is a bunch of wishful thinking.

  11. For Nemec??? Were they hitting the bong before the recorded this??? I actually wouldn’t mind Brady here but not for a young stud defenseman.

  12. One of the reasons, apparently, they hired Travis Green as coach is his close friendship with Keith Tkachuk. That suggests the last thing the Sens would do is trade Brady.

  13. I would love to have him if only for no other reason than to watch everyone on this sub complain when he gets a stupid penalty every game.

  14. I saw a YouTube video earlier that was talking about this and mentioned how Brady is not only Fitz’s cousin, but Brady’s Wife is from NJ, he apparently recently bought property in NJ and according to a video interview with Brady, he apparently loves the Hughes boys like family.

  15. C’mon guys, this would be the equivalent of saying Hughes is available in the Ottawa sub.

  16. Isn’t he like Fitzy’s cousin and his family is best friends with the Hughes family? 

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