Who had a worse end to their Seahawks career?

Who had a worse end to their Seahawks career?

  1. I’d say Russell, because of all the off season drama which led to his departure – then to his demise in Denver. Shawn just kind of fizzled out in Seattle, before moving on to Washington.

  2. People forget Alexander leaving a bitter taste in their mouths when he went to the Pro Bowl in his contract year and talked about how much he wanted to be a Panther. Still, his decline was super fast; Russ is still an average QB 12 years in.

    Alexander only had about 5 solid years, if I remember correctly, before the wheels fell off. Still, Alexander mended his fences with Seattle pretty quickly … of course, he didn’t have much choice, given how his final year in Seattle and then his final year in WFT worked out.

    I guess, then …

    Professionally: Alexander had the worse end

    From a fan relationship standpoint: Russ had the worse end

  3. Russ gave the Hawks a plethora of goods on his way out. That was a great end to his career

  4. For the team or player?

    For the team, Alexander. Big contract only to do nothing and fizzle out. We all know who won the Russ trade with Denver which set Seattle up currently.

    For the player, Russ. I know it must’ve been awful for Alexander to go out like he did but it wasn’t like one game ending injury. The writing was on the wall for at least a half season. Russ did the whole “I can succeed anywhere” and did not. Now he’s gotta prove he’s a starting QB for an entirely different team.

  5. I really wish this sub was more positive towards its legends. It seems to always focus on the worst parts of their careers/departures.

    That said, in an off the field sense, Russ, obviously, but on-field Shaun regressed so suddenly and completely that I’d say it was significantly worse. He was out of the league a couple years after winning MVP.

  6. Shaun’s last season here was 700 yards and 3.5 y/a. Not bad really at 30 years old, at a time when RBs had steep dropoffs. Shaun’s pristine reputation probably was saved a bit by the lack of today’s social media and comprehensive analytics. In turn, Russ’ reputation took some hard hits b/c of new media, as we got the inside scoop in his last year.

  7. Definitely S.A. He essentially quit on the team and would comically fall over at the slightest contact to protect himself for his next contract.

  8. Russ. Alexander was never good again so I’m just going with he was worn down

  9. Russ in the sense that how bad he was with Denver exposed just how much the coaching staff and entire offense had to be designed around his shortcomings (holding onto the ball too long, not being able to through into the middle of the field, taking bad sacks).

  10. After the Vinnie Testeverde helmet touchdown and the 2006 Jeremy Betoos retirement party there is nothing more revolting to watch in Seahawks history than Mike Holmgren calling runs on 3rd down and Shawn Awexander going to the ground on contact like a rugby player the second he got paid.

  11. In terms of falloff, Alexander for sure. IIRC he had a weird ass foot injury after he got his big contract and the dude just couldn’t return to form. Russ fell off too but his regression was at a much slower pace compared to Shaun.

  12. Russ. Played himself out of the HOF. Shaun took home an MVP and would’ve lasted longer if they had the rules in today’s game

  13. Good old Hookslide Alexander? He was only good when we had a line that could open holes an 18 wheeler could fit through. Without Hutch he was useless getting tough yards.

    At least Russ delivered the Hawks an embarrassment of riches on his way out the door.

  14. I think Shaun, he’s the only rb that has over 100 tds that doesn’t even get a hint of hof consideration to the point of not even being mentioned, he’s 8th all time in rushing tds every single person above him is in the hof, the next 7 after him are in the hof (depends where Henry ends up and if he gets in)

  15. Russ gave Seattle everything he could but Pete and him fell out

    Shaun’s body betrayed him dude could have been the greatest Seahawks ever hell a top 5 HB all time

  16. Kam. He is and was such an amazing dude. Wish he could’ve stayed playing longer.

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