This hat is disgusting and for 50 bucks also😂

  1. wearing that is what I imagine a fantasy football punishment would look like

  2. Flat bill lol. And don’t even get started on the third party looking design.

  3. Fanatics trolling us with this hot ass garbage. They prob didn’t like the backlash of not having merch on time for the SB

  4. Looks retro. I like that. Would consider purchasing if there was a sale on it

  5. Look. I love crazy Niner gear. I only have a few things I wear year round. When I go to a game, this is totally something I would and am planing on wearing. I have at least 5 jackets that I ony wear maybe twice year.
    Gold and Red shiny coats don’t play well outside of THE BAY.

  6. I would of thought this was from Wish if I hadn’t seen Fanatics. This is a fucking abomination

  7. Heavy-set Mexican coke dealer in San Leandro could MAYBE pull this off..

  8. Someone, somewhere looked at this hat and said “ yeah this is a great idea”.

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