[Murphy] Tocchet says Hoglander may sit. Aman, Podkolzin and Karlsson are all options. They’ll have discussions tonight. Juulsen is a possibility too.

[Murphy] Tocchet says Hoglander may sit. Aman, Podkolzin and Karlsson are all options. They’ll have discussions tonight. Juulsen is a possibility too.

  1. Lotto line

    Garland Lindholm Joshua

    Suter Blueger Mikheyev

    PDG/Lafferty spot fill, PK.

    Load up our top six minutes, and get blueger some more ice time with capable players. Draw Juulsen in as 7th D to PK, and play physical minutes. If Cole struggles, he can fill that spot if needed.

    Hoglander/PDG/Laf all play -10 minutes a night, any of Pod/Aman/Karlsson would surely play even less. I’d much rather use the spot to shore up our PK and physical presence with Juulsen.

  2. Hoglander has looked terrible. Have been a big Reddit advocate for him, but he certainly deserves to sit. A shame, because we really need depth offense with Miller’s line being in a checking role against McDraisaitl.

    We should deploy Cole as a forward. His deflection game has been on point, just towards the wrong goal.

  3. I was pretty excited to see hoglander perform in the playoffs, but man he has been less than the wrecking ball he usually is. Would love to see Podz get a shot

  4. You’ve gotta wonder if Hoglander is injured. He’s been a total non-factor all playoffs

  5. Garland-Petey-Joshua





  6. I was willing to give Cole a chance after game one, but he did nothing to change his game , he’s a liability. How much worse could Juulsen be? Maybe I don’t wanna know, lol.

  7. I really thought that hogs was going to have a massive playoffs, his game is built for it. But yeah the guy has been struggling and probably should watch for a game or two, at least. But none of those other options provide any offense, so who’s playing with petey then?

  8. Ian Cole is a solid vet. Just some unlucky bounces last two games. It will turn around for him. Not convinced Juulsen is a better bet at all.

  9. I would not be opposed to running 7D if PDG and lafferty are gonna play less than 10 minutes a game to add Juulsen in

  10. Can we please try Lindholm on Petey’s line again

    It worked decent for a couple games, the team said “he’s a centre” then they never tried it again…

    That lets you put the real thirst line back together. I don’t get it.

  11. Hoglander is just not a top 6 player, he is a fantastic 3rd/4th line guy that can provide tons of energy and a bit of depth scoring, but as soon as he is put on a top 6 line that line goes super cold, and he may have a 2 goal game every 10 games or so.

  12. I’m no coach, but it might be worth putting Blueger back with Garland/Joshua, moving Lindholm into the top 6, and shortening the bench instead of continuing to put the 4th line out as often as Tocchet is right now. I find it hard to believe that Lindholm and Pettersson are incapable of playing on a line together — they had such a small sample size of games together during which Petey was slumping and Lindholm was playing hurt, and they *still* had games when we thought the “all Swedish line” was the solution to our problems.

    I know our centre depth with Miller-Pettersson-Lindholm is a huge asset, but Petey’s line right now simply isn’t working and putting someone like Podkolzin up there isn’t going to solve that. Pettersson-Lindholm-Mikheyev would be a good 200-foot line who I think could hold their own against McDrai + Hyman, and assuming they can rekindle their earlier chemistry we’d still have a solid 3rd line. Petey plays wing when the Lotto Line is out, and I remember a few years ago he got pulled out of an offensive slump by being placed on Horvat’s wing — he’s a fantastic centre, but he’s a great player in general who does well on the wing.

  13. BENCH IAN COLE. He’s Bettmans plant. How does he allow 4 goals in the past 2 games. Bench his ass.

  14. podkolzin looked poised in reg season, didn’t seem overwhelmed, and actually could make a pass.

  15. cole looks so bad out there, looks very unsure about even making a pass. He is an active negative when playing atm and they would be better off replacing him with no one at this point.

  16. Hoglander was a homie down the stretch but has not been good enough to justify a spot right now. I’d be fine getting another big boy in the mix

  17. Never thought I’d wish they’d traded Hoglander for Guentzel when the regular season ended. Pretty disappointed with what Hoggy has done.

  18. Theoretically Podz would help tenderize the Oilers, and he has a track record of elevating his game when the checking gets tight in playoff games. Arguably the team can use that muscle more than the minute scoring threat Hoglander poses right now.

    And although Juulsen might struggle, if the team makes it even deeper in the playoffs they’re going to need him anyways at some point so why not activate him now if Cole needs a quick breather and mental reset? It’s good for Juulsen’s confidence if he doesn’t have to wait until someone is injured and that’s not nothing.

  19. “Juulsen is a possibility”

    Should be a definite. Fuck Cole’s garbage play lol

  20. Kane is such a clown 🤡. Hopefully they are watching his slew foot move tomorrow.

  21. Such a smart move bringing up all of those Abby players! At the least it will light a fire under the non-performers.

  22. At least Hoggy plays hard and gets under the opponets skin, what the fuck has Mikheyev been doing?

  23. Feel iffy that we are out of manpower and need to rely on AHL players to fill in playoff. But anyways, in Tocchet we trust.

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