Slafkovsky jerseys at Worlds

Check out the support for the big rig in Ostrava. Courtesy of @StefanBugan on Twitter.

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  2. When’s the last time we had a player for whom the Montreal spotlight is a nice relaxing break?

  3. It will be good for Slaf to come back and play in a small quiet market like Montreal instead of that rabid Slovak fanbase where he can’t escape the media and high expectations.

  4. *On the ice, when the referee blew his whistle the two teams would rush at the puck; we were five Maurice Richards taking it away from five other Maurice Richards; we were ten players, all of us wearing with the same blazing enthusiasm the uniform of the Montreal Canadiens. On our backs, we all wore the famous number 9.*

  5. It gives that clip where every player getting on the ice has a Jagr jersey with a mullet

  6. I’m Slafkovsky! I’m Slafkovsky! No, I’m Slafkovsky. I’m Slafkovsky and so’s my wife!

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