I always forget how spoiled I am as a Celtics fan

I always forget how spoiled I am as a Celtics fan

  1. To be fair, if you’re under the age of 37, you’ve only seen one of those.

  2. As a 34 year old Boston sports fan, our time in the sun has been greatā€¦ā€¦ this also shows how stupid ring culture is

  3. Like others have said, Iā€™m 30 and only experienced one

    Itā€™s like thatā€™s the only one we haveĀ 

  4. OKC = 0

    They gave up the claim to the Sonics title when they made the move.

    In fact, in 2014 when the jerseys started sporting the little gold tab on the back for teams that have won a title, the Thunder refused it.

    Also, let’s all have a laugh at the Lakers, who as a franchise refused to acknowledge the 5 titles they won prior to arriving in LA until 2000 or so. There were no banners, nothing. In 1987, the team used the “Drive for 5” slogan or something similar that season as a motto to get their “fifth” title.

    Then one day someone realized “hey, maybe if we count those, we can get closer to the Celtics”. I guess they were embarrassed by their Minnesota roots or something.

  5. You saw that Heat post then?

    We’re they ranked themselves right after GSW and way ahead of the Cs and Lakers???

    They love to put the time stamp right in the perfect spot. Lol

    But hey, they’re 34 year old super star with a super contract on deck will keep them going.

  6. Hopefully weā€™ll be out on our own again pretty soon šŸ¤žšŸ»ā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļøā˜˜ļø18šŸ™šŸ»

  7. Wolves should have 5 and Lakers should have 12.

    I’m dying on that mountain idc

  8. Man, I think ABA championships should count as well, so only few didn’t win a one at all

  9. Are we spoiled? In my lifetime Iā€™ve only seen one championship.

  10. kind of ironic how fans have this “be grateful, we’re spoiled” mentality when it’s clear ownership doesn’t share the same sentiment. brad will literally trade anyone if he thinks it brings them closer to a title.

  11. Spoiled?

    Iā€™ve seen a whopping *one* of these

    Thank god for the Pats and Sox cause the Bā€™s and Cā€™s havenā€™t been pulling their weight šŸ˜‚

  12. Canā€™t really be spoiled by championships if you werenā€™t alive to see like basically all of them, I was born in the 2000s and Iā€™ve only seen one out of 17 of the Celtics banners so I donā€™t know what it was like to see Larry Byrd three championships or Bill Russell get 11

    Canā€™t say the same for the patriots though I was born the dynasty and Iā€™ve seen every championship for the patriots for the Celtics Bruins canā€™t because Iā€™ve only been alive for one Bruins and Celtics championship. I donā€™t think itā€™s really fair to label. All fans of the Celtics are spoiled if theyā€™ve only been around to see one championship

  13. Since most of us didnā€™t see the near majority of these championships, the upside to being a Celtics fan has been the competitive consistency. Have only missed the playoffs 3 times since 2001.

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