Did anyone else see this comp between Arraez and Tony Gwynn?

I’m not ever going to second-guess getting Pablo but this is kind of crazy. Of course, Arraez’s knees could crumble to dust at anytime.

  1. I think the only big difference is Gwynn was a gold glover while Luis is just average out in the field. This is a pretty crazy comparison tho

  2. Well yes these are similar numbers not counting Gwynn’s speed and defense. Also, Tony hit for an even higher average *after* this period, and had another 2,000+ hits.

    Would be awesome for Arraez to get close to the longevity of Gwynn to see how long he can sustain this level of success.

    I wish the strikeouts were on here, because I think those might be similar as well.

  3. He’s got a good start but a long way to go. Tony aged very well. Arraez’s contact skill should age well. His slower speed is going to cost him a few hits each year. He’s had leg injuries in the past that could catch up to him too.
    Past performance doesn’t predict the future very well. I’d lock him into a contract until age 33 for sure.

  4. I had to look it up. First 6 seasons Gwynn had a 29.6 WAR. Arraez had a 15.4 WAR. Gwynn also played 200 more games.

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