Three Penguins Players Undergo Successful Surgeries | Pittsburgh Penguins


Letang had hand surgery, recovery time 8 weeks

Ludvig had wrist surgery, recovery time 4-6 months

Nieto had knee surgery, recovery time 6-7 months

  1. All things considered, people were talking after the season like Letang’s injury would be more on the Ludvig/Nieto timeline so this is good news

  2. Happy tanger is much better than expected (hopefully that was the worst one)

  3. Good to see Letang will be ready for the season.

    Ludvig sucks, man. He was the only defenseman with a bit of snarl. St ivany was good but ludvig really seemed to have that piss n vinegar element to his game.

    Nieto… Yea whatevs. Hope the best for ya man while you get on with your life’s work.

  4. I do think it’s imperative they figure out who is going to be Letang’s partner next year. Pettersson/Karlsson was excellent down the stretch and frankly can probably eat minutes better than Letang at this point. We’ve seen Graves simply doesn’t work with either Karlsson or Letang, so the answer probably isn’t on the roster at present

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