Can’t believe our franchise been this bad

Can’t believe our franchise been this bad

  1. Some of it comes to bad luck. Even when the Jets had good teams the teams in our division were elite, like the Bills in the 90’s the Pats for the last 20ish years, and the dolphins in the late 80s early 90s.

  2. Not the least amount of super bowls on that list though.. I can handle it

  3. I love how Colts haven’t been in the AFC East for over 20 years still have more AFC East titles than we do

  4. And half the posts in this sub have been to extend Joe Douglas and Robert saleh. You guys love piss poor results.

  5. I personally don’t care so much about division titles so much as playoff berths/championships. 14 playoff berths in 50+ years is torture. If we were consistently competitive, eh, fuck it. But we’re not, and combined with this stat, it’s just pathetic

  6. Division title wins when including pre-merger seasons:

    1. Boston/New England Patriots: 22

    2. Buffalo Bills: 14

    3. Miami Dolphins: 13

    4. Baltimore/Indianapolis Colts: 6

    5. Houston Oilers: 4

    5. New York Jets: 4

  7. the colts left in 2001… we have won 1 title since then. 2002 – when everyone finished 9-7 and we won due to a coin flip or something

  8. Some of this is being unlucky with the great team in football history dominating the division for two decades

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