[Staple] Miller-Trouba and Gustafsson-Schneider paired at #NYR practice

[Staple] Miller-Trouba and Gustafsson-Schneider paired at #NYR practice

  1. Good to try something else because Gustasfsson-Trouba is probably at best a bottom 2 D pairing left in the playoffs

  2. When you have the opportunity to take your one bad pair and make it 2 bad pairs you just HAVE to do it

  3. Miller Schneider has been our best pairing outside of last game where no one really played well. Not a fan of this move. The issue is Trouba and Gus are turnover machines when they get pressured in the D zone, not sure how spreading that out makes anyone better.

  4. Is he trying to do the impossible and go from the literal messiah to “*idk start the clock of 12 months till he’s probably fired*” within a 2 week span

    Inspiring stuff

  5. On one hand I hate it as miller/troub is a big downgrade from miller/schneider, on the other hand, on the road, you can’t shelter trouba/gustasfson – so perhaps the mindset is to have a more balanced 3 pairs so Aho doesn’t cave in Trouba/gustafson.

    Obviously the easily solution on paper is to get Zac jones in there for Trouba or Gustafson – but we know that won’t happen.

  6. So now not only are they not putting Jones in the lineup, but they’re also going to severely weaken K’Andre Miller, who’s been NYR’s best defenseman in this series

    Anybody with half a brain could tell you that Miller/Trouba has been one of, if not, NYR’s worst D pair in the last 2 years and yet here we are rolling out this bullshit again

    When anybody tries to go full on argument from authority fallacy and say “do you think you know more than the coach?” you can just point to things like this

  7. Rod can’t line match his best line against Trouba everytime now if all 3 D pairs are under performing


  8. Oh God please no, trouba Miller pairing was responsible for the majority of our regular season losses. Just fuckin bench trouba, don’t drag Miller down with him. Also gust and Schneider is going to be great defensively but they’re going to give you nothing offensively

  9. Unless this is a sneaky move by Lav and he knows something we don’t, I’m worried

  10. Jones more than proved himself when he was given the opportunity this season. Dude is tough and has what it takes. Kinda annoyed by this but it’s out of our control

  11. JFC Ok. Can someone get Gallant the fuck out of the arena please? Lav here is just showing his cards that he’s just another retread old school coach who refuses to see reality.

    In all seriousness, Miller/Schneider should be the #1 pair now. Fox is hurt. Lindgren can’t make up for it.

    79/4 IS the tandem we need.

    Sadly…… I really really REALLY fear this season will be undone because our coach couldn’t make the tough decision to sit Trouba because of the whole old school belief you can’t bench a captain.

    Trouba (and Lindgren) have been awful…AWFUL at zone exits. What’s the best thing Zac Jones does? Zone exits.

    We already got an 11 game sample size that our best 6 man unit all year was 23/55 79/4 and 56/6.

    But Lav at the end of the day is too old school and won’t do what’s best for the team.

    And giving a dude who has been on the ice for 80% of the goals against MORE responsibility may likely be our undoing.

  12. This really gets me heated. And I’m gonna be a dooomer for a quick second if you don’t mind. I could pretty easily be convinced in Miller- Schnieder being leaned on more and more as we go in the playoffs to take us to the promised land. But now…

    Fox- Hurt and has been zapped of pretty much everything that makes him special. Hoping for a miracle recovery on the fly in the middle of the most physical hockey of his life.

    Lindgren- not good or fast enough to shelter Fox’s limitations and flaws right now

    Miller- Good / borderline great but he’s now on babysit the boat anchor duty.

    Trouba- the aforementioned boat anchor

    Schnieder- good/ borderline great but now is somehow rewarded with likely less minutes and a fringe 6th D man partner

    Gus- replacement level

    *…Does that sound like a D core that’s winning a cup?*

  13. If trouba wasn’t wearing the C he’d be paired with the bench. He has been on the ice for how many of the goals scored against us in this series? 75%?

  14. Hey remember that three week stretch towards the end of the regular season when the rangers played the best defensive hockey they’ve played in a decade?

    *Jacob Trouba was not playing due to injury *

  15. Lav is not above showing one lineup in practice then playing a different one in the game

  16. Lav has been pretty clear all season that when he starts to see a few loses he will mix things up. This isn’t surprising at all.

  17. Considering one would think Jones is gonna be one of the teams top 6 dmen going into next season, and seeing how good hes been playing and getting breakouts, its infuriating hes not getting some minutes. Idk if the staff watches film, how can you watch Trouba and Gus, and Lindgren to an extent in his own zone, and not see this team has a massive problem?

    Im so sick of hockey coaches pandering to veterans and higher paid players over younger guys. It makes no fucking sense. AV did is in 2015-16 season towards the end he kept putting out 39 year old dinosaur Dan Boyle out on defense getting cooked OVER AND OVER AND OVER until…the season ended. I forgot if it was Raphael Diaz or Nick Holden the team had, but either of them were way more competent in skating and playing defense at the time than Dan Boyle was. But once again nothing will change as all these NHL coaches get recycled by every team in the league.

  18. Oh man, have some of you tried tweeting Laviolette yet?

    “Hey, sure you are a Stanley Cup winning coach and have taken more teams to the playoffs than anyone else, but my stats cards tell me that you should actually be putting in Jones.”

    Please find my coaching CV attached.

  19. So much shitting on Trouba and I get the frustration, I really do. But he was also our lone goal scorer last game. How did he score? (1) block a gnarly shot with his body (2) get up and cause a giveaway (3) haul said aching body up the damn ice (4) commit to a shot on net and make the goalie actually work for it.

    After the game quotes from the locker room were that they wanted more in the 3rd than we did. Came down to effort and lacking that next gear that the canes desperately found. When I think of effort and leading by example, I’d say blocking a point blank shot, getting up, stealing the puck, skating down the ice in pain, and getting the shot off is all good shit.

    Meanwhile after zibby took a cross check in the 2nd he decided he wasn’t going to put in effort anymore. After Panarin got held with no call in the 3rd, he decided he was done backchecking for the game. Both stars made low effort plays in the back half of the game that got exposed. Meanwhile Trouba scored our only goal and did so through sheer effort.

    Wherever he ends up in the lineup is the coaches call. But he sure as hell isn’t being scratched while our two stars were out there skating like it’s preseason.

  20. Lavi said on X that the pairs in practice might not be the ones at game time.

  21. Oh look the part in the playoffs where the coaching staff does something really dumb. Maybe if we play a game 7 we can sit Kakko again.

  22. Once again, the root issue here is that Trouba fits with NOBODY in the d corps… Lindgren is also playing like a replacement level player… And I’m sure trouba will continue to see PP2 time which makes me want to vomit…

    We’re done for

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