Can the Chicago Bulls jump into Donovan Mitchell or Darius Garland trade talks? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

Can the Chicago Bulls jump into Donovan Mitchell or Darius Garland trade talks? | CHGO Bulls Podcast

[Applause] [Music] I’d rather not hey what’s going on BS fans welcome in to the CSO BS podcast coming to you live from our studios here in Wes Loop downtown Chicago on peek Bulls forek big day bam bwl Sports looking freshh today as always will the goat perfectly quore Godly our P producer on the controls is Joy spus at joy spathas happy Thursday one day away from the weekend y’all shout out to the taper Joey got right there thank you Dave long time it’s a haircut haircut Joy fresh cut that’s slang for haircut it’s not slang taper it is not slang it’s a fade is what I would say yeah it’s yeah no yeah the Top’s not a f it’s not it’s not white guy fade but yeah yeah it’s not an exaggerated it’s not an exaggerated F be fair Joey is a white guy yeah fair but the sides are faded okay all right you know what I’m going let you have it it’s not like a you look nice you look very nice I appreciate you Dave I appreciate you maybe the longest I’ve ever gone without getting my haircuts in my adult life so I think I went from 155 maybe to 153 oh are you saying you cut off 2 lbs of hair well you know I didn’t have a scale or anything but that’s my estimations yeah I do want to share something with you so wait hold on before you share something with me does George ever Rock the fade George senior no George doesn’t have as good of uh do you have a brother named George Jor no okay check just baby I just like referring to him as George Sor there’s no there’s no senior yeah there’s no junior or senior but yeah George doesn’t have enough hair on the sides I’d say to really rock a nice fade but oh I disagree he’s got some good lettuce came with he full head of hair George in his recent years since the since the pandemic he’s got some nice lettuce on the back so he’s like he’s got some of the crossplayer curls coming out of the back and it’s got some salt and pepper crossplayer curls in the back a good it’s a good look for you know lettuce coming out of his helmet almost you know I’ve never heard it referred to his lettuce before yeah he’s lettuce got some good luga on the back there okay salt and pepper looks good good look for him shout out to you Georg for watching smooth guy man shout out to the cool one the Cool Young sir what what did you want to talk about uh I don’t know if you saw this but Luma alatis and Portillos yeah combined to make a lum malti Portillos Pizza I did see this the Italian beef Pizza yeah okay I thought you going to say which is like a pizza not just a pizza with Italian beef toppings on it like Italian beef and jard corre but like literally combining the two literally combining the two yes I got to see this yeah you got to see a picture of it I am intrigued I will say for the record I wished that Portillos had collabed with a different Pizza Joint I am on the record on a c show video yeah that I think luad is trash I stand by that you can stand right by it sir I’ll I disagree I am on record cuz you’re young and not smart your taste buds haven’t developed yet so I don’t fully take from I just I just let it I let it r f is a first of don’t take it from that bro I just I let her roll off my back at this point I don’t understand why is this any different than a normal just the official official Portillo beef yes the official Portillos be it’s made like an Italian beef but it’s P you could order this and you get two of them and you also get 2 lb of Portillos Italian beef that’s all I need you also get two quarts of the signature gravy yeah you also get uh eight of the Italian rolls 8 o sweet peppers and 8 oce of the hot Jara how much you think that’s running for wheel like 250 bucks I was going to say like a buck 50 oh 141 wow what a deal I was actually going to say 140 but then I was there’s no way it’s 140 almost nailed it way there’s exactly one way that it’s 140 uh Jeremy in the comments said damn you’re making me hangry sorry about that it it is good for your cholesterol levels fish um just combining the the two Chicago Staples of of deep dish pizza if you want to deep dish pizza go to SOS yeah that’s right sorry that’s very true 50% off SOS you can’t beat that at all can’t beat that with a I just did our uh our Thursday Ceno Tavern with our palini today earlier than earlier he predicted the be Vinnie no we had a great time okay he self admittedly is not very upto date with current NFL rosters okay oh so he did pick off he literally like you know he hadn’t even looked at the bear schedule that got dropped yesterday and I just took him week from week one to week 18 and made him pick Bears win Bears loss and he was just shouting out NFL players from like the 70s and ‘ 80s that’s pretty awesome it was I like that I like that uh shout out to laros shout out uh all right guys uh fun stuff to get to today we are going to talk a little bit about the fact that the Cavs were sadly for them eliminated from the playoffs last night lost in five to the Celtics in that Eastern Conference semi- series and already today wow did y’all read that Shams collab Report with some of those other athletic guys I read it like three times I had there is so much in there it is insane jimy biger staff might might be fired they might trade Garland they might try to resign Mitchell if they can’t resign Mitchell they might trade Mitchell Jared Allen Jared Allen people think he’s a bum Evan Mobley never wanted to get drafted by the CES in the first place right that that column was hot fire you don’t want to take a shot in your ribs yeah uh so we are going to Pivot that conversation into if the Cavs are calling all kinds of people this summer desperate to trade one of Garland or uh or Mitchell might the Bulls be able to get involved in those phone calls and trades maybe finding themselves a way to get off of Zack LaVine maybe a Zach leavine solution Lies over there in Cleveland where no one ever wants to Vacation uh but before we get all of that we did also want to touch on a little bit of Lonzo ball update stuff he in case you missed it hey Julia riveting news Lonzo ball launched a podcast with his brother liangelo and a couple of their buddies uh that is called the what an Experience Podcast talking Hoops talking culture talking whatever else is on their minds and in their first episode that just dropped the other day of course uh one of his co-hosts asked Lonzo for an update on how lonzo’s feeling right now after his umpty knee surgery and Lonzo ball said this quote it’s coming along man week by week it’s improving so that’s all I can ask for still not where I want it to be out of a 100 I’d say I’m about a 70 good enough to play but it could still get better I’m still H I still have a long summer ahead of me but definitely looking forward to the future end quote uh and again that was Lonzo on his new pod what an experience so also combined with that I did see a couple people posting some video of Lonzo on a basketball court dribbling shooting kind of jumping when he’s shooting running drills uh yeah I mean like it wasn’t even like a five on five it was just like a few guys kind of like you know goofing around half court style but he was on a court and moving between that and these words from Lonzo what are we feeling I felt a little excitement a little bit yeah just for you know what and I’m not going to say I felt excitement for all man he’s for my team as a bulls fan you’re saying that excitement you know it was excitement of oh yes he’s up and he’s moving around and he’s doing things and he’s actually when he says he’s this he’s showing you that I am this I am 70% I told you I’m going be back doing things he’s back doing things cuz again it’s been a while since we seen him do anything like that and it wasn’t and people weren’t wrong to question would he be able to even do that again ever in life so the fact that I’m seeing him do that I’m like oh this is a great step I’m very happy for him I’m excited to see The Next Step I will get ramped up in the fandom when I see him actually doing it during Bulls practice 515 full contact then you’ll see that oh yes thank you finally he’s back let’s play ball and things like that but this is a good step for him just as Lonzo ball yeah totally agree and you know we got a chance to see him at practice at one point towards the end of the season shooting around um obviously like he’s mobile yeah but there’s a big difference between like being able to shoot around in an empty gym versus like actually play MH basketball games let alone 82 basketball games correct correct factoring in back Tob backs factoring in the grind of a season so yeah I don’t think like I I just don’t want to I’m not going to say like Lonzo can’t come back and play but I just think like the idea of him going from three knee surgeries not having played for two and a half years to to now coming back and playing I mean he he played 35 games in the year that he was healthy he averages like 55 games per year for his career so factoring him into the equation as like somebody who’s gonna like really come back and provide you impact um and production I think is just not wise like maybe it happens but that’s not the way I’d be preparing for this can you repeat that real quick how many games does he play I think like 55 per year like before he was ever hurt want people to hit that I can go look that up while I’m talking because I don’t want to be spewing fake news here but right um and yeah 35 games in the year before out of like the 60 that were before he got hurt um yeah so 55 games in 2020 21 54 uh sorry 63 the year before that 47 52 so this is just not a guy who you can like factor in for 80 or 70 games a year and that’s even like when things are going well and we just don’t know how or if this is going to be something that he’s able to come back from obviously we’re all hoping for his sake that he can but um and yeah like he hasn’t even we don’t even know that like he said he could play I don’t really know what that meant but like the team has not cleared him for full five on five contact right um you know his dad Lavar went on to 670 I think a couple months ago and was saying like towards the end of August so there’s a chance that he comes back but you know the the other consideration here is how this factors into the Bulls cap sheet and like insurance is paying I think like 80% or maybe 90% of his contract right now if he starts playing games insurance payments stop so I don’t think the Bulls are going to be in any rush to get him back on the court until they know for a fact that he’s ready to contribute because they don’t want him coming in playing 5 minutes uh and then sitting for three games just to play five minutes again because then that’s a huge amount of money that they’re basically losing out on from insurance yeah very true I I wanted you to say that again because I needed people just to understand that you know what I mean like you say even when he’s here on the floor he contributes you know what I mean but it’s not someone you could just truly on you need to play 65 just to be in the awards yeah you know what I mean so whatever award you might think he should get it’s not going to happen it was one of my Kno Mt you know on wendale that I used to say all the time that he never really played 50 gam he’s played 60 games once and that was his first year in Orlando so yeah you just I don’t want people placing the whole heap of Bull’s Hope on a back and some Shaky Knees like that when even when his knees weren’t the shakiest it still was 55 games that he would get you and I think the Bulls are even past that point too great where like I think for the first year or so they were like yeah I think maybe we can get Lonzo back we can get this thing back on track and now I think they’re probably at the realization of like yeah maybe he can come back and be you know and play but like I don’t think we can kind of count on him anymore and in a lot of ways like this team has kind of moved on around him not necessarily with the roster but like io’s been huge and that’s a product of Lonzo not being hug and that’s a ofono and z not being there and those are two young guards on very Team friendly contracts for two more seasons as opposed to someone who hasn’t played in two years and has been basically just dead cap for the team for three seasons right and you know the other the other piece of this is you know this idea that the Bulls are going to be able to wipe him off the books with this like medical retirement Clause that allows you to if this like you know third panel third party panel of doctors says that he can no longer play that the Bulls could wipe that $21 million of money off their books because he’s still trying to make this comeback and because he’s saying like I’m not going to retire basically like he has to be on board with that in order for the Bulls to be able to do that otherwise teams would just say you’re retired he he has to he has to be in agreement with the doctors who say your career is over he has to retire that is part of the process and so um and that his podcast the other day didn’t not sound like someone who was ready to retire exactly so that that takes us back to the you know you either let this year go through and then he’s off the books next year um or you wave and stretch him and you get $7.1 million on your cap for the next three seasons um so those are their two options right now and obviously that factors into the decision with d rozan with Patrick with Zach and how do those things all play out and we’ve talked plenty about that but um you know I I think just important to kind of recognize that like because Lonzo is still trying to make this comeback the idea that they can wipe him off the books I think just does not work yeah no I I think the only option that they have if they if the Bulls front office have decided regardless of what happens between now and October when the 2425 season is about to get underway with lonzo’s rehab and Recovery if they’ve decided that they don’t want to take that risk of banking on Lonzo to be useful to them in any way next season in the final year deal the only option they have is to wave and stretch him and then pay him only 7 million as opposed to 21 and change this season but then also pay him 7 million the two seasons following that and I’m not sure about this I can try to dig it up but I’m not sure that the insurance will continue to pay if Lonzo has been wed and stretched so in other words I think it probably benefits the organization itself from ownership’s perspective to keep him on the books this year and let him expire now other teams could be interested in that as an asset like uh team who wants to like isn’t necessarily worried about the luxury tax but wants to lower their actual payroll uh you’re getting reimbursed for like a chunk of what Lonzo is making a good chunk of it so maybe that becomes an asset as an expiring contract to another team and they can leverage that um maybe in addition to another salary to try to get something back um you know maybe you attach a pick to that and you’re able to get a decent player back that’s kind of one of the options the Bulls have here but um yeah I I just don’t think they’re going to have as much kind of man ver ability with this contract as we may be thought before when we’re talking about well what happens if they can’t trade Zack and they still want to bring back Tomar oh just wipe lon’s contract off the books it’s not yeah no that that that simple solution for the bulls running it back and somehow staying under the tax this upcoming season Lonzo clearing lonzo’s money does not seem like a feasible option to get there yeah under that tax line uh Julia in the comments saying Lonzo is not ready to retire but his knees are y Julia is on Julia Julia’s cooking Shew is saying how about tra Charlotte to reunite Lonzo with Melo they did one of them or both of them said recently on some interview like yeah we really want to play together and okay first things first they both need to be healthy that’s step one that was exactly what I was thinking when I said like maybe the Bulls are able to leverage this like a team like the Hornets you know they could try to use this opportunity as a way to keep lamelo engaged in the Hornets and not kind of start to force his way out because you know he just he may not want to be there longer term and if he’s got his brother there then maybe that’s a little bit more exciting to him so maybe that’s an option um but also like at that point maybe you just wait until next year when his he’s completely a free agent his money’s off the Bulls books and now you can sign him for a vet minimum yeah indeed Jeremy is it just me uh but it feels like the Bulls will never be good again it’s not just you Jeremy the good news is we’re all going to die someday for Jerry good for Jerry you know not waving stretching him saving that insurance money why good for him why you doing this Joe because he’s he’s being a smart smart smart business F it’s fine it’s fine it’s not bothering me he’s squeezing every penny out of it that we can I got shout out to our friends at uh at 670 The Score did you guys see that graphic that they posted earlier today tell me about it oh my goodness uh so it was like uh you know hey look how uh bright things are looking for Chicago okay a new era Chicago sport is in good hands with their best batch of with their next batch of stars making the come up and it’s you know like a graphic with Chicago skyline in the background we got Caleb Williams front and center we got Morel we got Angel Reese we got Bard and adun flanking them five young upand cominging Chicago star athletes not a single person from the white socks or blls made the cut despite the fact that this you know 67 the score are partners with at least one of those teams yes good for you 67 the score way to throw that shade at Jerry Rin stor that is definitely Petty you don’t qualify you know what I saw some bull F be like oh you know our guy Kobe white got snubbed in this graphic no no he didn’t I I like Kobe I I borderline might love Kobe I love the season he just had he saved my me my my mental health but no he is not in that group of exciting young stars that Chicago sports fans be excited about no I can’t be excited about good for dragging Jerry for both of these dysfunctional irrelevant organizations D and Terry couldn’t crack that graphic right he did not and shout out to Matt wearing the Subzero t-shirt while he say these things which you can also pick up at the all chg loer room L say Jaz look at that looking smooth and also right there look at this specialness get you one of those and be just as cool as mattack not a hard test uh all right let’s let’s take our first break take the eel kids gotta get yourself a pair of Burks first there go let’s take our first break then we’ll come back and dive into some fun hypothetical Cavs Bulls trade talk as a Cav just got eliminated last night uh while we are doing that and you know what to do hit that like button if you’re watching on YouTube maybe catching the replay on YouTube make sure you also subscribe to our csj Sports YouTube channel 55 and a half thousand and Counting oh beautiful hey uh Big Dave who’s first today well shout out to the 100 people in in chat but we only have 17 likes we’re going to need those likes to get on up there you’re watching just hit that like buttony Jo do it for baby Jo do it for troll Joe and do it for the people on the beach cuz Hey there Beach babe St in the morning to you how’s it going are you ready to soak up the summer Vibes and unveil the ultimate Beach B I’m not even doing this on purpose that’s just how it comes out like for real why you Lu just turn into a nervous tick yes that’s just what it is man I don’t fight it baby I just throw it out there I don’t fight it see what happens throw it against the wall see if it sticks our friends over at man’s gate have cover you covered from head to toe everybody has cleared out of the office with the performance package 5.0 Ultra this will bring him back like the P Piper this ultimate all-in-one grooming kit is set to have you looking and feeling your best in the sumers Sun Trust manscape and unlock the confidence you need to turn heads this season like Joy spus with a new haircut join the 10 million men world who trust for 20% off for free shipping lot of mercy and use the code Bulls BS let’s make the summer want y swoo this yet uh Embrace I mean Mario lamb so I did something right embrace your summer V gos it’s actually it’s actually no it’s Irish but it comes out Jamaican for some it’s jish jish now with a hint of Mario [Laughter] say h Mario and all of us ladies and gentlemen how we roll it BR your summer B goals with our all-inclusive performing package 9.0 perfect for those aiming for that Cris clean will to go got Le look cool and 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the same starting unit and whether Garland can Thrive playing alongside Mitchell as two smaller guards who both need the ball furthermore rival execs believe the Cavs will have to seriously evaluate the fit of Mitchell and Garland and ultimately may have to choose one or the other should Mitchell decide to stay longterm sources on the matter say Garland’s representation AKA clutch Sports and Rich Paul would have a conversation with the Cavs officials on potentially finding a new home for the onetime allstar this is this is really juicy like when when we talk about a lot of moving and shaking that could happen in the NBA offseason yeah everything that we’re hearing out of Cleveland is this team even though they went from being a first round elimin elimination last year to making a conference Demis this year they’re they they are making some changes it’s just a matter of which direction they’re going no it’s funny when they got Donovan Mitchell I think we all kind of felt like this day was coming for them because we knew they would when you get Donovan Mitchell you’re trying to make a run at a championship and you know your window is very small because Donovan’s not going to sign a long-term deal so if he’s going to come there you got a couple years can you get to a title in a couple years I don’t think anybody thought they could um and they obviously didn’t but I feel like but I also think like can get maybe not title but like can you get to a Conference Finals and now start to all right Donan we got Moy we got Allan we got Garland we’ve gotten to a Conference Final can we now reshift around this group or parts of this group to keep going with you have we earned your trust in that way and it seems like to to this point no yeah and it and it never felt like it was going to make that move he was focused the haircut just got him different like different that one me the weight loss in the haircut he just you know what I’ll take it that’s a o like why why am I still on single Camp right now it’s a loaf he’s focused man go be B but but I think I never thought that they would make a Deep Run like that I never believed that in the two years they were going to get to a Easter Conference Finals I didn’t see it that way for them um so I thought that this day was coming I just was like this isn’t going to end well and I didn’t nothing against their coach he didn’t seem like the coach that was going to take them that kind of far you know what I mean and he can coach he can do his thing he can can get you there but he just didn’t seem like the one to get you K mentioned that a lot of the players had various issues with how bigger staff was running things yeah so I’m not surprised to hear that any of this I’m kind of surprised I’m not I’m not and and I was waiting for this storm to happen so now I’m like what is going to be the result of this storm is Donovan Mitchell GNA be just like I hate everybody in leave which what it seems like Garin not happy that part’s not surprising Mitchell trying to force his way out I don’t think it’s surprising to anyone who has paid attention to what he has done for for his basically last couple years his but Garin falling off a cliff I think they had pretty high hopes for what that what that duo could be I me Ballin signed him to a Max rookie extension that was like close to 200 million they did but he’s twoo ball dominant for him and Donovan Min to work and he’s not a healthy you know guard all the time man he he has to have the team built around him you know what I’m saying for him to be good like and for him to exhaust all his greatness that’s in him I should say it like that and you’re not better than Donovan Mitchell so have to build it around him and they both have to have the basketball this why Donovan M was the one bringing the ball up a lot on that team man so he can’t be the point guard that he is we saw him in that last game without uh Donovan Mitchell about what it looked like you know for Darius Garland I don’t think he has that mental makeup yet you know what I mean to carry a team you know what I’m saying but he will because he’s really really good but I’m not really surprised I’m just I’m just not will I’m not really surprised yeah and you know Garland like broke his jaw at one point in the season and and then like had to have his his mouth wired shut and lost a ton of weight and just didn’t really seem like he was ever back on his best play and so um I don’t think this was like the full representation of who he is as a player but regardless like they’re at kind of a this Breaking Point with the team where they have to decide what direction to go next and it’s just kind of interesting to think about this in relation to the Bulls who obviously like made the play in last year lost and were like we got this we’re good and they made the plan again this year and although they said change is coming like you’re talking about giving D rozan $40 million you’re not really sure if Zach’s going to have a new home like is there going to be change here compared to a team that like made actual progress over last year Advanced to the second round of the playoffs and still like it’s not good enough this was not good enough and now we’re going to make sweeping changes that’s attractive yeah I but I think it’s kind of this you know I think it has its downsides in some way because it’s hard to like like I do think there’s something to be said for continuity in the sense that like you have a foundation that you can keep growing with but there’s a difference between continuity and like building up the same core versus leaving everything the same and not making any attempts to get yourself better and obviously that’s the distinction that left the Bulls where they are um so I just think it’s interesting that they probably are going to have to make a decision here um you know even though they’re kind of talking about giving Donovan that extension and keeping him and building around him and maybe that pushes Garland out like like that may not be what Donan wants and he’s got a player option next year he doesn’t have to pick up so in two seasons he’s still under team control next season that’s right that’s right uh and then in the 25 26 season is when uh Mitchell has that player option so that’s why there’s all this talk of at some point between this upcoming off season and this next 2425 season the Cavs trading Mitchell to get something for him instead of losing him for nothing right if they can’t convince him to sign a new deal shaking your head like do you agree will do you like do you think that they can’t convince Mitchell in any way to sign a new multi-year deal and throw a whole bunch of money at him to stay in Cleveland I think they might try and I think in order to do that you’re going to have to get a really good wing for Darius Garland because I think this idea of having two small guards and two bigs it’s just a really unbalanced floor like they were better when they had stru and Sam Merill and Dean Wade out there alongside Donovan and Jared Allen because you have a ton of space you have a ton of movement you shooting a ton of threes um so I think that’s probably what they’re going to try to do first and you know you can kind of like look at the different reports from W versus Shams and hear the way that they’re talking about the different clients and tell who is giving who information correct and it’s pretty obvious to me that like clutch is kind of operating with the same Playbook they had with Zack LaVine Y where all right this isn’t working for you guys and now you’re going to choose between like my guy and this other back court guy well maybe we’re just going to have to ask out and try to find a new home ourselves so that that’s sounds very similar to what um you know clutch fed to Shams and Sam amch uh in the Zack LaVine report and it seems like that’s kind of the direction they’re going so that that would be my guess and again whether that matters or not who knows because Donovan still might not want to to stay long-term in Cleveland anyway and so is there too much risk associated with trading Garland for a wing now just to see Donovan move anyway in this next summer exactly exactly so I mean when you look at trying to maneuver your way to seeing Zack LaVine and getting him moved somehow using the Cavs and needing to move one of these guys so Mitchell is under team control for 35 A5 million next season that 37 player option that everyone expects him to decline Garland meanwhile here are his remaining four years on his contract no player option okay 36.7 39.4 42.1 44.9 LaVine meanwhile for those Bulls fans who forgot remaining three years the third and final being a player option 43 46 49 so is there some way that you can find LaVine a new home using one of these Mitchell or Garland contracts I think that is the big question here for the Bulls who you know there’s been some rumors about about this like I for me like I think Garland is a better fit alongside Mitchell than LaVine or I’m sorry than I think Garland is a better fit alongside LaVine than Mitchell is just cuz I think Zach can be a little bit more off ball than Donovan um more ball dominant you know I mean which is what Zach kind of needs right exactly um so I think he he could play alongside either of those guys um but yeah if there’s other teams that are going to be more interested in Donovan that’s going to hold off the Zack sweep Stakes so unless the Bulls can get into a three- team deal with Cleveland where they maybe get LaVine Cleveland gets LaVine a third team gets Donovan and the Bulls get whatever else coming back from that third team I think that could make some sense whether it’s Brooklyn who’s obviously been uh pushing for him pretty hard but is that going to be a place where Donovan wants to go he’s been so adamant about you are you’re Legacy is defined by winning championships getting to the finals and getting in the Conference Finals I’m not doing this first round stuff I’m not doing this second round stuff like that’s not good enough for me um and is is Brooklyn a team that can offer him that I’m not sure uh you have the Lakers who Brian wior said were interested um and then you have Brandon Ingram who could also be kind of on the move and and maybe the Pelicans are there few teams that some report threw out today as far as teams that might be in on Ingram right can’t remember who they were I can’t remember Miami is obviously the the Dark Horse that’s always going to be seeking the next star available and Donovan Jimmy bam would be PR a could getler andse like okay the Lakers I keep hearing oh the Lakers Mitchell they’re talking they want yeah what the hell do the Lakers have left to trade to get Donan MIT part of what’s interesting here is that because Donovan has just one more year of guaranteed money and then he’s going to pick up or decline the player option he has a lot of power over where he he can show up because like if Brooklyn’s going to you know unload the clip and give um Cleveland all the picks in the world like and he says I’m not staying around here then Brooklyn’s not going to do that so if he says Lakers Heat make me the best offer possible yeah show it to me I think the other thing that can keep the that works in the Cleveland’s favor is we’re in the East you know and look around at you know the teams that are battling right now for a Conference Finals it’s the Pacers and it’s the Knicks M I think that Don can look and say Donovan we can be better than those teams we might we can be better those teams to get there and compete against a team like Boston or if Miami reads up we can compete a team against a team like that so I think the conference that he in they could kind of use that as a little bit of Leverage correct yeah I think there’s one other Factor here that Cleveland has to consider which is the draft pick situation I know we’ve got to get into an ad break so we can maybe talk about that in the other end we can pick that up on the other side and uh ant brought up something similar in the comments about uh clutch and Garland saying I don’t see clutch moving to a loaded W on okay with J coming back uh other young Talent uh it’s best to keep him in the East that it’s funny that that sort of talking point comes up a lot as far as like young Stars where they want to play hey well you got a easier path to the finals if you play in the East like yeah the Celtics close out the Cavs and five but have you watched the Celtics play in these playoff games good God they what what did you say in our text the other last night like you it’s like clockwork when you see the Celtics down their opponent you can set your watch to it you know what’s going to happen I I honestly I don’t know who is coming out of the West I still think it’s going to be Denver I got Denver i’ I’ve I’ve been sticking with Denver uh all along if if the Celtics do get past the Knicks or the Pacers I I’m I’m I’m not picking the Celtics you’re not going to pick the Celtics really no like I’m sorry this this Tatum Brown Celtics team has never proven to like be serious serious enough to win so you’re going to take the Knicks or the Pacers to go to the finals I honestly I might I probably will still end up taking Boston they’ll probably use more games than they should have to to get there age that it’ll be an unnecessary series yes but they still win uh all right we got to take our break then we can come back and pick up on that goat thought uh about this Cav situation and how the Bulls might get involved hit the like button now if you didn’t do it the first time and then after you do that get yourself some fresh icy cold Coors Lights delivered straight to your door between work social media uh worrying about the bear schedule release uh all the things that life throw our way it’s no wonder sometimes we can get a little bit worked up little bit maybe you’re worried about which cameras are on and who’s point which which cameras pointed to who it’s okay though because cor light celebrates Rising above those hectic stressful moments in our lives and choosing to have a chill mindset why not turn a rain out barbecue into a karaoke house party we all know that goat would bring the house down oh my God or after a tough loss settle the scores with an icy cold peace offering in the sh shape of a cold Co light make the choice to choose chill and then once you’ve made that choice for yourself reach for a Coors Light smart because it’s Mountain Cold refreshment that absolutely goes hand in hand with choosing a chill mindset when the mountains turn blue can bottle corite cup doesn’t matter either way you know it’s as cold as the Rockies and ready to drink Coors Light is cold Locker cold filter and cold packaged for a smoother or finish when you embrace the chill mindset it’s a good time to reach for that cold Coors Light you can get it as I said delivered straight to your door by going to instacart go to chgo basketball and have instacart deliver these icy cold ready to drink Mountain Refreshments delivered straight to you celebrate responsibly Coors Brewing Company Golden Colorado golden and when you’re sipping that and enjoying it like young Matt peek is doing get you a nice Pie Pizza Pie that’s what your give it to you hook it up you do it at Salos Pizza y’all Salos on tap which is located at 1201 West Grand Avenue in Chicago’s West Town you can go there and enjoy that Tavern style pizza and some of those Frosty ice colde CS delicious stuff now whether you headed to the game or you want to watch it live or you want to pick it up and take it back home or you want to stay there and watch it on the big screen they got you covered anyway baby going and coming they got you covered and covered in sauce and cheese and deliciousness so go to SOS or you can give them a call 312 666 3444 312 666 3444 make sure you mention chgo why do I do that Big Dave because you will get half off your pizza half Eddie half off Pizza yes I love a deal I mean when this deal first came out the goat said what yes I’m going to cinos and getting me some pizza cuz it’s half off 50% soos on tap get you some get you some uh before real quick shout out to Lars I was just about to get there all right you take it just just about to get there baby you take it uh shout out to Lars who said my family and I had some Co lights uh last weekend to celebrate my college graduation way to increase your brain power buddy and then kill some brain also speaking of celebrating and congratulating college graduate shout out to Emma our our social media inter hero who just got her degree from Lola last week and also speaking of that not shout out to Harrison bucker oh no he sucks he sucks and staying on Collegian Athletics real quick shout out to quinnn ERS for landing on the cover of EA Sports NCA 25 shout out hey I was going to ask you who that was cuz I had no idea quers hook them uh uh Travis Hunter Travis Hunter and um Donovan Edwards from Michigan yeah but Quinn Quin Quinn crack to cover baby hook a horns hook horns also uh before we dive back into Cav B trade talk I saw a super chat from our palal Eli appreciate you buddy saying hey I’m debating coming to Chicago wanted to know if I should come my dad lives in haven’t seen him in a year I don’t know how safe it is at this point Eli Chicago is safe come hang out visit your father come hang out with us swing by the studio we’ll be happy to see you hang out show you a good time Chicago is safe let’s Joy cut your hair the only thing that’s dangerous about the city of Chicago is Joey’s unwieldy hair yeah damn yeah maybe maybe bring some sort of like thumb guards or something thumb guards thumb guards guards manay roaming the city you’re going to me need it and if you don’t you got to pay the toll man yeah you got to pay the toll you know where I was going Joe has anybody told Angel Reese yet to stop calling and CH R has has she been informed she’s been informed okay good she’s good uh okay back to CS uh go what what were we saying before we took that ad Break um well I was just going to say like this is not maybe a situation like some other teams who if they’re selling on their star player are going to want a ton of assets back right because the Cavaliers if you’ll recall sold everything to go get Donovan Mitchell in the first place boy howy did they they still owe their pick in 2025 to the Cavalier to the Utah Jazz unprotected they have a swap in 26 they owe their 27 pick they have a swap in 28 and they owe their 29 pick to Utah still so this is not a team that’s going to want to like bottom out now correct and I think like that could make Zach in some ways appealing to them because he at least helps them maintain a certain level of play um and you know money is going to become an issue for the Cavs but at least they’re like willing to spend in the into the tax if they need to um so I I do think Zach could be an option there I just don’t think he’s going to be the first option let me well just kind of two questions one with that big contract they gave to Garland and everything you just mentioned that they gave up for Mitchell what do you feel that franchise kind of values more and the other question was who do you feel fits better with Evan Mobley and between who between Garland and Mitchell um I mean Mitchell’s just a much better player right now so probably him I think that’s probably their priority is keeping him cuz he’s the better player but I think they’re also not going to be like foolish and think like we can create something great around Mitchell that he’s going to want to stay for five more years I think that’s the hope and the idea at this point but I don’t think they’re necessarily you know fooling themselves into believing that they have a great chance to keep him so would I be surprised if they trade Garland to try to get a wing back and continue to build around Donovan no but would I’d be surprised if they ended up moving to Donovan to wherever he wants to go because they recognize that that’s their best chance to one capitalize on a return but two like it kind of secures their future with the group that they have I I think that would be my guess but I do think that they’ll try to prioritize Donovan just because he’s the much better player at this point okay does he want to stay where you guys stand on Moy real quick because I do think that I mean two years ago when they made that trade I feel like I I feel like all of us would have would have expected him to be maybe a little further along in his development than he is now Evan Moy yeah I I mean I think he was a very hot name people were talking about him as a defensive player of the year kind of guy slurping uh and and then also he showed a couple of flashes of what he could do on the offensive end and people were really excited yeah I think basically and I think they even mentioned it in in that athletic column some people within the Cavs organization have been a bit frustrated by the fact that Mo’s offensive game has not developed to the point where they want it right to be um hello Patrick Williams um so I mean like look do I still love Evan Moy and his potential yeah I I would like for Evan Moy to find his way to Chicago I don’t think he’s likely um but and and that’s why like when I was reading that article on his Garland and and you know Mitchell and who’s going to go but then also Moy and Allen being brought up as well I was like those are two bigs that I’ve really liked yes for a long for a while yeah how do we get one of them yeah feels like moas either develop a more consistent outside shot or he’s got to play the five yeah just such a weird combination it’s exactly the predicament that they’re in and Jared Allen has been so good that you can’t put him on the bench allar he is just so dominant in the short role he’s really really good um just in the post he’s good as a passer he’s just really good but MO is not a good shooter uh he is kind of a good roll man he can catch lobs he’s a very good passer for a five but a lot of that stuff is marginalized when there’s another big clogging up the paint yeah and so I think ultimately what they would probably do is like in a couple of years start to build towards Moy at the five but again this could hurry up that situation to where now you’re moving Jared Allen to try to help find that wing um but small for a wing or big for a wing is a tough trade to make because everybody’s looking for wings yeah and Al and also like they’re not happy with uh Allan they mentioned that in those articles as well weren’t happy that he wouldn’t do everything he could to get back on the floor in their opinion yeah what do you think about that I think he made the right decision like you choose what’s right to go in your body bro like you have to live with that not them you’re the ones who got to walk around if it doesn’t work for you I’m saying and you’re the one who has to walk around and live with it for the rest of your days you know they just want do it so you can get back on the floor and you know give the team what they need cuz you’re an All-Star and they need you we understand that but at the end of the day you have to live with that man th% agree like it was pretty surprising to me that that was even in the article like these guys were trying to pressure him into playing well he’s clearly hurt and like you don’t want to I don’t know that was that was kind of weird yeah people in the comments asking you know like what’s wrong with Jared I mean uh I just pulled up Jared Allen’s career games played dude’s been pretty resilient yeah for a big that you know bigs take beatings in the NBA I mean his first few years with the Brooklyn 72 80 70 uh and then the season where he got traded mid-season for Brooklyn to Cleveland he played 63 did uh only manage 56 games in the 2122 season but made the All-Star team that season because he put up monster numbers and then the past two seasons 68 77 dude plays that’s what you won from aent yeah those amazing numbers for a center but like you say the physical toll and the way that he plays you know the aggression that he plays with the shot blocking the rebounding those things like that and to play that amount of games and then it it has seemed that he’s been banged up for the Cavs postseason runs each of the last two seasons that is true that is true that is not ideal but also you know who else has been banged up in these NBA playoffs who’s that man freaking everybody cor freaking everybody everybody gets hurt everybody gets hurt at this time of the Season everybody’s banged up everybody’s tired injuries everywhere okay and you know what I’m little mini 20 second Soap Box oh here we go one of the things that I am an old meat hat about and I saw wearing a bacon head I I saw call yelling about this on Twitter the other day for all of the yelling that people do about oh you’re playing these guys too many minutes you’re playing too many minutes this why they get hurt load management and giving guys nights off and worrying about minutes and minutes restrictions is at the height that it’s ever been in professional basket and more and more players are getting hurt mhm so shut the freak up about minutes played shut up they’re professional athletes getting paid tens of millions of dollars go play shut up about minutes Fred oh that wasn’t a Rand that was personal he’s he’s the poster boy for all minutes tips play guy too many minutes tibs ruined Derek’s career I can’t I cannot with that [ __ ] keep going what were we talking about no keep going I like I said 20 seconds so you did you did say 20 you know extra five but I think the thing with minutes is more like when you are so thin that you have to rely on your 35-year-old because you have nobody else to play correct so now all of a sudden he leads the league in minutes year I think that’s the bigger thing yeah playoffs yeah Josh Hart’s going to play 48 minutes yeah when you’re missing Julius Rand bonovich and Mitchell Robinson like you gota yeah play guys it’s it’s the playoffs think Chris Finch is worried about minutes tonight for the Wolves down 3-2 oh no everybody’s playing um okay so any any other teams that come to mind for either of you if you’re talking about hey maybe there’s no not a truly feasible way for the Bulls and Cavs to make a two- team trade this summer when the Cavs decide we’re either trading Mitchell or we’re trading Garland um a third the Bulls to be a third team to help facilitate the Cavs to move one of those guys elsewhere and in doing so find a new home for Zack LaVine cuz I feel like that might be a more fruitful route I mean would you agree um you mean like three team trade basically yeah yeah I think that’s probably just like how it’s going to have to be because I just don’t think Zach’s going to be the primary target for a lot of these guys and for the Bulls to get in on one of these deals they’re just probably not going to be able to get a lot back and that’s the issue that’s kind of held this whole thing up is like now we’re at the that point where are the Bulls going to have to attach something to Zach to move him and is that even like something that the Bulls will entertain yeah if not then you have to be willing to either sell at at the lowest point and maybe just not get much back for him but at least it’s better than having to attach something or you got to hang on to him but you can’t do him and dear again because one it doesn’t work on the basketball court but two it’s going to put you $20 million into the doesn’t work on the cap sheet so you have a decision if look if the Bulls found a great home for Zach uh that also netted them a good return the deal would already be done yeah seriously be add it it and dear’s contract would already be extended the reason he hasn’t signed is because the Bulls can’t sign him because they would be so deep into the luxury tax that they’re just not going to do that all this stuff is being held up by Zach and it’s really a question of like is anybody in the league going to bite and if not then what do you expect it to be I shouldn’t even say done but progressing and moving forward as far as things that we’re hearing uh the closer we get to the draft a Zack trade yeah um I don’t I mean maybe but like okay let’s think about the teams who might be interested uh Detroit was one that we heard they don’t even have a president of basketball operations right now they’re not trading for Zack and we know that D series yeah yeah maybe that happens and then we revisit it but like is Zach a Tim Conley guy I don’t I don’t know probably not probably not um okay so the Pistons probably are less interested now than they were at the deadline the magic well they’ve been linked to Brandon Ingram they’ve been linked to Paul George uh they’ve been linked to Trey young like I just don’t see Zach as being I think he’d be a fine fit there I think he looks good Philly has a much longer list before they get to Zach’s name sugs but yeah it doesn’t Philly uh the Lakers heat the heat like they’re going to want Donovan so like who is taking Zach off the Bull’s hands and also giving up a lot of assets to do so that rockets that the Bulls are going to be able to do this before the draft to where they can extend dear and you know start to reconstruct their roer I just I think Zach is really holding things up and uh I just I don’t know how I I feel like a Demar extension at the reported number I mean dear’s not getting $80 million from any other team over the next two years probably not even the next three like is DeMar signing a three for 80 deal anywhere free agency no so for two years he would probably take that from the Bulls if that was a hard offer because nobody else is touching that and you get to stay in Chicago and you get to be the man M the I saw you quote tweeted a different clip of that interview Demar did recently where he said hey love Chicago love the organization you know want to want to come back where he said I would also entertain the idea of going play with the Lakers which is what he wanted to do three years ago yeah he’s not shy about hiding that fact uh and they said and LeBron said no let me get Russell Westbrook instead uh hilarious yeah um I didn’t pick him and and go you quote tweet it and you’re like well if you’re Demar would you rather be a nin seed in the playin making x amount of dollars with the Lakers or a nin seed in the East making x amount of do with the bulls yeah that was funny the Bulls I think that was a pretty a point that you made I mean it was kind of joking but it’s kind of serious too like his options are going to be okay you want to go to La you’re going to have to play for the mid- level exception and you want to play in LA in the west like you’re going to be the ninth seed there might might have to fight bronnie Jr for minutes oo damn that’s actual possibility oh [ __ ] like I think this situation there’s a chance that dear kind of holds out in free agency um lets things progress to where the Bulls can try to move Zach and then bring dear back but what if he gets a offer from the Lakers or something or the Clippers or you know it’s just I feel like the Bulls are being held up by the rest of the league in a way that because they are because of the direction that they’re trying to go with this they have opportunities this is something you said that was a great point M they have the ability to regain some power and operate from a position of strength if they go One Direction but because they are seemingly trying to go the same direction and just like wiggle some stuff around the edges right they’re going to have to wait on a lot of these teams yeah yeah and what happens once free agency starts after the draft and you still can’t sign or Patrick gets a $20 million a year offer sheet from a team and you still haven’t moved Zach yet and and matching that now puts you into to the tax like what do you do M when you don’t make a decision a decision is made for you yeah and that’s kind of what the Bulls situation is like they say these things that they want to do we know what they want and it sounds like a decision being made but they’re not moving towards that you know what I mean they’re kind of stepping in kind of still looking on this side like well we could still do this if you don’t make that decision about where your team should be going and damned if we agree with it or not we’re going to yell about [ __ ] regardless all right but damn if you agree with it or not but you have to make a decision that is your job or it will be made for you by the league and put you in a position you your ass might not want to be in as I told him op operating from a position of weakness they got to make a decision it’s the only thing they can really control will is their mind state right now about where they want to go I not saying you’re wrong I totally agree but let’s say you will lose your job if you don’t make the plan next year how do you do that if you can’t rely on Zach but you also can’t move him you have to rely on dear but you also can’t resign him mhm until you move Zach like what do you do you I’m saying you have to say that sign five gantes yeah but I’m saying you have to have that mentality like this is what we’re going to do period and act like you’re moving towards that we don’t feel like they’re moving towards anything right now and that’s the point I’m trying to say until yeah until they prove that they are they’re not they’re not so and it’ll be I’m 100% with you I’m just saying this situation is held up in a variety of different ways and yes the Bulls could potentially get in uh maybe maybe maybe Cleveland says Zack is our guy yeah and if we put him next to Garland or Mitchell and we’ve got stru next to him you’ve got two backline Defenders that can clean up a lot of that mess maybe that’s their guy but I think they’re going to check in on Paul George first I think they’re going to check in on Brandon Ingram first um and they’re going to be in the running with a lot of other teams that are also going to be waiting on the decision from those guys before they actually make moves to where the Bulls can offload Zach and even at that point teams are like $43 million for this guy like I don’t know you got to maybe give me a pick defitely there’s definitely a tier there’s definitely a Peck and go to trademark that that is like that in in this league man and like you said there’s a Paul George there’s a Donovan Mitchell and then there’s a Zach with and so the other alternative is all right you know we want to be able to move Zach first that would be great it would be ideal but we can’t so now the decision is do you attach a pick to get off of him and is that even an option right like both internally and externally would you be willing to actually mortgage some of your future to get off of a contract see I just want the decision I want the or would other teams even say one first round pick for Zack line is that good enough yeah who knows make a decision bro so you got to do that or you got to say you know what Demar it’s been great but we literally cannot afford to keep you right because of some of these other decisions that we’ve made let’s work something else out can’t pay the tax for N Seed but but something has to give here because they cannot do correct an said I seear hanging up soon so the vet minimum isn’t too bad if you’re referring to him going to play with the Lakers uh hanging up soon the guy who just led the NBA in total minutes played this season the guy who grossly outperformed his contract with the bulls he and he’s looking for another onew he was awesome hanging up soon playing for the vet minimum neither of those things sound like Demar Rosen and and it ain’t going to be DeMar rosen he’s playing uh shout out to Jamal who said love the show I think there could be a three- team trade Bulls Hawks Spurs okay talk to if you are at all referring to Trey young get the [ __ ] out he says trade of the Spurs I see okay trade of the Spurs Zach to the Hawks Bulls get maybe a little cap relief and pick oh okay uh Spurs pick maybe favorite cast consideration # Cas considerations JP uh there has been some talk about Wy being open to the idea of playing with Trey okay somebody throw him lobs I’m need to run the point for him that’s all he needs is a um I you know I think and I was listening to I can’t remember if it was uh low POS or hoop Collective somebody was having a conversation about this earlier this week hearing the same thing and the Hawks looking to move Trey would Trey be okay with clearly being in San Antonio where wemi is the chosen one yes wemi is our franchise you are here to feed him and make him look good and sit behind him yeah yeah I be just what is Trey’s ego like compared to taking uh a trade well where you’re going somewhere where you are not even the number two or maybe you are technically the number two but you are miles behind the number one as far as who the franchise is built around in prioritizing the second he finds out he doesn’t have to play defense he’ll be fine and also like W’s Wy can get his own shot but he’s not somebody that’s like dominating the ball on the offensive side no he’s not I think it’s a fantastic fit because Tre can still have the ball a lot still create he’s got the best lob threat in the league five and could put him in the paint and also you don’t have to play defense cuz you’ve got the best rim protector in the league correct cleaning up all your M all of it I think it’s a great he he can cheat on steals now you know what I mean all day long D it doesn’t matter he’ll clean up everything it’s the best yeah uh I agree with CJ RT saying not sure Deon and Zach would work out well not the defensive version of Deon we saw this season no not this one no the one in Spurs yes maybe he was he was awesome with the Spurs defensively uh Andrew saying if Don Mitchell really is on the mark then Zach isn’t going anywhere until he does once Mitchell moves Z value increases for the teams that missed out and you know say the same thing for insert All-Star player here like he’s he’s the he’s the second prize you know he’s the runner up you know how Bulls always get the run up prize when we would do our F free agent uh signing run up the only time that worked out po Gasol P gas instead of paying a bunch of money to Carmelo yeah PW gazol two-time All-Star all NBA damn for a team that made the conference semis dude we have Melo though oh dude Meo I saw somebody on Twitter uh as after Joker’s most recent insane playoff performance game five Melo is being surpassed by Jaylen Brunson with the Knicks yeah and he has already been far surpassed by Joker with the Nuggets where is melo’s NBA Legacy he’s a Hall of Famer that was one of the best to do it sure like that’s one of the best scorers on NBA but like his two teams that he spent most of his prime career years with sure well one is it might go down as the greatest Center of all time you know what I mean so okay like and Jaylen Brunson is having just an incredible playoff run which he never had which Melo never had in New York you know so I think I saw he like a first player under a certain height to average 40 or more through his first 10 postseason like games in a single post run that sounds right like Allan Iverson didn’t even do it sounds through brunson’s playoff games thus far shortest player in NBA history to average what he’s averaging it’s amazing he’s been incredible he has he’s been great crazy he’s been great uh Nicks took a 3-2 lead when a lot of people thought that they might be dead with all their various injuries oh that New York Power Man uh it’s suck right there behind T TTL power uh go ninja go ninja go shout out to Caesar in the comments who said hey just watch the sell the team video which one which one uh and now came to find this live one as a Spanish Bulls fan I feel like you guys abody the real passion of being a chicag sports fan love your content appreciate you Caesar glad you found us thanks for tuning in uh hit the like button we are about out of time here but thank you for joining us hit the like on your way out if you didn’t do it yet and uh one more show on deck for yall tomorrow afternoon 4 P p.m. central to round out the week y’all going to hold that down cuz I have to go hang out on the bleachers with Cody have to go right Friday 120 club guys I’m filling in I was asked it’s part of the job this week I got to go get drunk in the bleachers congratulations have fun I I mean you know pop in what do you mean I the answer is thank you what do you mean I said have fun I don’t know Dave I I will drinking in baseball I am not prepared to be at Murphy’s bleachers at 10 a.m. tomorrow yes you are that is an early yeah okay then much much further back in my youth you’ll be fine Kev to be there I can gear up for yeah kev’s going to Kev are you are you cracking a beer at 10: a.m. oh okay well if kev’s doing it doing it yeah ex he’s even older he’s even older and crustier than I am but the hair is amazing I mean look at the hair though rockabilly youth pass and he’s running marathons I don’t know about you Matt but he’s running marathon sadly because it’s overlapping with the the Bears London trip that he’s not doing the chicag this year he planned it that way he didn’t want to do it again he set that up probably was like one and done one Marathon never again I’m snacking and eating in there right now look at you don’t want to do it no more that’s what I would do join us K join us on the couch go get myself an Italian beef deep dish uh thank you for tuning in hit the like button follow will will _ gole on Twitter if you haven’t checked it out yet if you are a Die Hard go check out that draft database if you aren’t a Die Hard yet there’s your latest and best reason sign up to become a die hard to get access to the goats 2024 draft class database to available to die hards only yeah big DAV is at B bwl Sports our palent producer son of George senior with the lettuce the lettuce Joyce BS at Joyce BS I’m Bulls _ we are choore bulls have a great evening enjoy nuggets Wolves game six tonight and uh talk to you tomorrow see rubby good Peace Love [Applause]

The CHGO Bulls crew welcome No Ceilings NBA founder and NBA Draft expert Corey Tulaba to the show! Corey offers his insights into the 2024 draft class, covering the overall strength of the class and the best approach for the Bulls. Corey also highlights some possible value steals for the Bulls at 11, and some players who he sees as being overvalued in the lottery. They cover some of the hottest names like Cody Williams, Dalton Knetch, Isaiah Collier and more! Corey is a Bulls fan as well as a draft expert, so the guys also get his take on the latest DeMar DeRozan interview and the Bulls’ best path forward this offseason.

An ALLCITY Network Production








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#Bulls #ChicagoBulls #BullsNation

  1. Lonzo recovery is more about him having a healthy walking life ahead rather than basketball. 55 games a season prior to injuries …na time to move on

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