Matt George, Locked on Kings – The Kings Paying Mike Brown Is A No Brainer

Matt George, Locked on Kings – The Kings Paying Mike Brown Is A No Brainer

man Matt George ABC 10 in the lock on Kings podcast mattye ice what’s up man Becky Studio I had to drop by love it man that not only do we get you in the studio we get you for uh an extended conversation here to talk basketball talk Kings uh talk Disney movies talk PlayStations now we’re talking all of that good stuff before we get to the Kings and some of the offseason content one thing that we we we talked about we we didn’t talk about as indepthly is is uh we did some of the things going on with the Celtics and Cavs Dallas is one win away from another Conference Finals um one thing we did talk about was this team is different than they were in January I don’t know what they are and I and and and uh laminate something KC said earlier I don’t know where this team is going in like a year but right now they’re playing great basketball yeah I mean they they they’re a p picture perfect example of recogn recognizing what their weakness is outside of the very very top because Luca’s Luca Kyrie’s Kyrie you’re just going to live with whatever those two guys do for you right like and and those guys can both do a tremendous amount for you to where I couldn’t imagine being a Defender and game planning to try and stop the Dallas Mavericks and I have a night where I hold Luca donic to 25 and like holding Luca to 25 is holding Luca to 25 and then Curry or Kyrie goes for like 32 it’s like what am I what do I do and then both of those guys can go for 40 at any given time as well plus the The Supporting Cast of characters but I mean Dallas it’s it’s kind of a painful example for us here in Sacramento with how the trade deadline can completely change your season but Dallas is was a completely different basketball team after the trade deadline their top stayed the exact same for the most part their roster stayed the exact same but they had a glaring issue and they went out and they addressed it and they did what needed to be done short term to address it and they’re reaping the rewards of they’re about to knock off the number one seed and have a good chance to make it to the NBA finals I don’t think I’d pick them to win it necessarily but I also I’m I would never be a team going I want to face the Dallas Mavericks in a best of seven series why would you because they’re they’ve shown that they can beat you defensively and they’ve got two guys that if they have to carry you on their back for a game they can do it at the same time or one can take the night off and the other will do it for him like that’s what’s crazy about this this Dallas team and I give them full credit because the first two times the Kings played the the the Mavericks they rolled them Dallas was not good because Dallas could not hang defensively with what the Sacramento Kings were trying to do and that was the Kings at a b-level offense compared to last season and now look where they are because they addressed what they needed to do take notes Moni and look you know we we get our jokes off or whatever but uh we also got to stay consistent you know and we gotta salute Jason kid in the job that he’s done you know any any other time somebody a team is doing good we we salute the coach or whatever it’s got to be the same with Jason kid still gonna get my oh no the jokes are still yeah okay I just make sure give credit but I’m still get my jokes the jokes are still happening they gonna live for the end of time but he’s he’s done a good job man’s he’s found a formula uh with this team and I for whatever reason I feel him and and Nico might have worked together with revamping that roster because remember they got Grant Williams and thought they did something in the off season and they pivoted off of that real quick saying man this isn’t it this isn’t working and got some guys in here that they thought um would work for him so um yeah you know I hate the Mavericks but I I’m not a hater they they are they’ve done a great job in in turning their season around I think there’s just a good sense of buying with that team right now as well because that report came out of that Anonymous executive whatever that the team is happier to play when Luca donish is out of the game because they can touch the basketball or stuff like I feel like only stuff like that comes out when you’re trying to find a reason to cut a team’s legs out from underneath them when they’re shining cuz on the floor the exact it shows the exact opposite now I know Luca has the ball in his hands basically it’s it’s crazy that Kyrie played with LeBron James and Luca somehow finds a way to take the ball out of Kyrie’s hands more than LeBron ever did which is crazy to think about but it’s not done in a way that’s like give me the ball Kyrie and get out of my way it’s like I’m the guy a lot of this runs through me Kyrie you’re definitely a part of it everybody else is a part of it I’m still gonna get mine gonna get my assists gonna get my rebounds and things like that but you don’t need only me all me all the time and that’s how my my focus has kind of changed this this playoffs is in the past I would have said LCA donic has to be the greatest player in the league if the Dallas Mavericks are gonna win a championship yeah he still has to be really really close but Luka donic can be really really really good and that team is good enough around him to win enough games to to have a shot well part of Luca being really really good too in some cases is pulling back and that didn’t need to be the case last night when you go back a couple of nights ago was like he he he he doesn’t do it very often I think he took feel like he was seven of 17 that’s the number that’s standing out in my head and they wound up winning that game right and that is an example of him being great like there’s growth in Luca donic we questioned now a game that’s great we’ve we questioned whether Luca can play like that for an extended period of time can Luca adjust the way that he plays to make his team better and I think there have been a handful of examples this postseason the show maybe he can now can he do it longterm for long-term success I’m not sure but this is the first time where I’m like yeah maybe he actually can do it I think a breakthrough moment for Luca too was he had a quote I can’t remember what loss it was or what game it was but he basically said like I’m letting Kyrie down I gotta help Kyrie more like I thought that was a very transparent moment from Luka it’s the right thing to say but it’s from a person that I wouldn’t expect to say it very similar way like Anthony Edwards has received a ton of praise for after what was it game three or whatever game it was and he he immediately in the locker room first thing he said was like that’s on me I didn’t play well enough like I didn’t bring the right score 44 the next night yeah exactly but he but you have this still lack of a better tournament not said disrespectfully you have this kid in the league who’s still very in the early stages who not only has taking the mantle of the leader on this team with veterans on it but also is wearing a Michael Shadow at this point and he’s the first guy steing the camera with all the personality that he has and going yeah it was because of me tonight that we lost like and people praised ant for that and rightfully so thought Luca kind of did a lot of the same things like man I mean I know he’s he’s got his reputation for complaining I’ll always get my jokes off about Luca as well but for Luca to step to the podium and say man I’m I am the leader I am the guy on this team but I’m not helping Kyrie enough I thought that was pretty telling speaking did you see what he said last night about the officials oh boy no he he said I he said I I have to like I made an effort tonight to not do that like I have to stop talking to the officials during the game like it is like it’s not going to change anything and I have to stop doing that and I guess it was a conscious effort for him to not address the officials the way that he normally does I’ll call cap on that a little bit it definitely does change things he’s officiated very differently than a lot of people in he’s complaining has bought him a lot but he still does it too much did anybody catch catch uh at the the tail end of the game where sga’s going to the basket Luca bumps him and fouls him they call foul Luca’s like hey no hey review that review that and they’re like all right luuka we’ll review it clearly just bumps the hell out of SGA no surprise wasn’t overturned yo what are we doing you just lean you I don’t even know why they they agreed to that but um I I I know I’m I’m pretty harsh on Luca on here a lot right I’m Prett in the the frustrations that I have with them um they’re not going to change after one game sure but number one I do think he is one of the great talents we’ve seen in this league ever already and number two and I’ve been consistent with saying this Dam you know I was like Lucas seems like a good guy he don’t seem like a bad guy well he called Kyle mat that was uncalled for no that that was really yeah you didn’t hear that story oh yeah he called Kyle Manson out his name Kyle uh in the in the in in in his 49er boys the Nick Wagner and um Chris Beerman were sitting Courtside like Court like feet on the court courts side I remember for warriors sit down Kyle put your hand down yeah 49 uh for Warriors versus uh Mavericks yeah and there was some sort of review with and and Kyle and LCA were by each other and Kyle said something and like it had something to do with the call to Luca donic and Luca called him out his name like knew his name no he called him out of his name he he called him the oh well he called him the the p p word oh he said he just looked at him and said p is it wrong for me to be jealous of that as someone who may have may not have made two songs about the dude I’m jealous of Kyle how did Kyle get that before me you got you got you gotta hang with Courtside Kyle or Courtside Ken Courtside it’s Courtside cyle I do have a somewhat I do have a somewhat Courtside experience and I actually got the opportunity to tell Chris Weber about this when he was here in Sacramento when I was so my my uncle was a season ticket holder he it’s his fault that I got hooked into to Kings basketball and one day he we’re we’re sitting there and they uh like the dancers come through and they’re they’re upgrading seats and they give me I was probably like 10 years old or something like that give me a pair of these tickets where it was Courtside but not the traditional court side it was the Baseline but right at the corner of the king’s bench so I I couldn’t tell you what happened in this game because I was staring at the bench the entire time because my hero Mike Biby was right there my my all these guys are right there Chris comes out of the game and I’ve told Pete Youngman this story too and get and sits on the ground and Pete Youngman starts stretching him out and Chris leans back and is leaning against my legs as a kid getting stretched out and I’m not when he stood up I was soaked because he was a sweaty disgusting creature but it was a unbelievable experience that’s my only Courtside experience is having Chris wber lean on my legs while he he got stretched out did he say sorry or anything like oh sorry little fellow he didn’t he probably thought I was the chair he didn’t care I was in his territory I I I left that part out of the story when I told him I just said hey Chris I sat right next to you and you you lean on me and he’s like oh cool shut up all right weirdo you gonna ask me a question that’s it that certainly is an interesting cour a Courtside Matt story that’s Courtside Matt I’ve been there once and I got there through pity from a dancer as a child you get there I only been there once too you get there balling out you bro why don’t do this only one time have I been Courtside stop stop stop okay this guy I don’t know why he lies to us it’s all right it’s fine we’ll be at the top of the Concourse doing work and that’s I’m sitting right there with you guys I’m standing right next to dowlo the entire time first off y’all never sit down sit down like I I can’t I don’t like sitting down I like to move around I just Pace back and forth how do you do a well I I don’t I don’t like well I do a 4 hour but what do I do for ksfm I stand up um you got a standing desk at home I heard those things I had one but because I’m not sitting there as much anymore because I we won’t do any shows from home I don’t I’m told those things are lifechanging but I I’m I’m not committed to that standing no I think it just depends on how much you work as your desk like if if I don’t know um we talked a lot about Dallas today as if OKC’s just done is if it’s all over for for Oklahoma City I I don’t think that it is I don’t think it’s all over Oklahoma City or Minnesota does this and this is this is just a we’re having a conversation type question because I don’t even know if if I believe this but does it say anything about OKC like what’s going on like I don’t think so um I think they do need to they need to figure out the giddy situation I think he is Expendable and his lack of shooting and it happens it happens often last year was Jared Vanderbilt where these guys are like really good and people really cover them and then you get into the playoffs and the other team doesn’t have to guard them at all and it kills everything that you want to do and this year giddy is this year’s jarro Vanderbilt yeah thinking about o OKC OKC could lose and be eliminated and there’s not a scenario where I’m not feeling great about OKC’s future because this is their first year and look where they are like first year on the playoffs look where they are Chet is really in year one Shay is not going anywhere anytime soon even giddy like if there’s doubts about giddy which that might be the route that they go to upgrade if that if that’s what they decide sure I have my own doubts about giddy too but this is just year one for them they’re they’re not going anywhere and they’re in a position with their Treasure Trove of assets that like an a way to improve the number one seed is very very possible and clear for them like that’s if I’m OKC of course I want to win right now and of course I’m going to be disappointed to lose especially to the what fifth seed Dallas Mavericks like I’m GNA feel like oh crap that doesn’t necessarily feel good but I think OKC fans and thunder fans can go into this summer and this offseason going well we’re gonna be just fine we’re gonna be back and even if they decide to run everything back there’s and they get back in this position again I expect them to be better next year in the playoffs than they are this year just through development and and natural progress but I mean that OKC is a team where in a blank of an eye they can ship out a handful of assets and suddenly the next biggest name is on that roster and nobody’s surprised by it so they’re just I think OKC is in the not just the best position in the NBA maybe one of the best positions in professional sports period of you’re really really good you’re really really young and you have all the assets that you need to add whatever you want the youngest team in the league or the youngest team in the playoffs I mean obviously one would mean the other I think they’re the L the youngest team in playoff history to win like the number one seed and oh it was one of those baseball stats where there were like 10 caveat very young I remember reading that or saying something like that on the air when they made it to the first round period they were the youngest number one seed in NBA history I know that for sure but I don’t know about anything today progress isn’t promised no and you and I keep thinking about what you said yesterday and you’re 100% right we all just assume everybody else is GNA get better except for the Kings right like every the kings are going to regress not only from last year of the three spot but now being a playing Team they’re destined to fall behind everybody and just everybody just gonna get better and I you know I think like you Matt I think OKC is is set up really really well but I mean injuries or you know other people not sleeping on them and all this other stuff I mean there’s there’s no guarantee that they get back to the same the West is just as hard for them as it is for everybody else all the things you used to diminish Sacramento a year ago you could do this with other basketball teams and I think like you can you don’t but you could for casting injuries is always a like there’s always the Assumption of a team will perform their best quote if they stay healthy but I think that that would be the one thing I’d be afraid of most if I’m a thunder fan or a member of the OKC Thunder is Chad holgren is obviously a massive part of what you’re G to be doing going forward and he is the build and he already has the history of Health issues and he is a player that with his size and his length and and the type of player that he is injuries can hurt him a lot more than maybe they could hurt a a guard who goes through the kind of the same kind of situation so if I’m OKC like there’s there’s fears of getting hurt which they lose SGA for a good portion of the season of course that’s gonna have a massive impact on them but if Chad holgren is your guy going forward and your SGA Chet Homen core is the core that you think you can win multiple titles with there’s always going to be for me just naturally with who Chad is there’s always going to be a concern of my franchise could dip with the health of my Star Center watching this conference shake out over the next handful of years will be interesting because you think Oklahoma City is good right you think that Minnesota is good you you know Denver is good um but I feel like Minnesota’s there are elements to Minnesota that’s you talk about your confidence in Oklahoma City I don’t have that same confidence in Minnesota I agree I have confidence in Minnesota but I don’t have that same confidence I look at them like yeah you know I could see a couple of things maybe doesn’t work out it’s not Anthony Edward it’s not Ant-Man it’s not Anthony Edwards I don’t see but there’s a few things that I wonder I wonder if this drops down a little bit what do you what do you think is more likely with the West that it stays this way for a long long long time with the parody of the league and how many teams are super super talented and loaded with Talent or that it crashes completely like what do you think is more likely because stays stays the way it is I feel the same way but there’s just so much talent and it’s at such a high level that what happens if the Next Generation just isn’t as good and it just I just wonder this is I think we always worry about that well this is something that I talked about a couple weeks ago that it was a little tongue and cheek right like I was being a little factious but there’s little truth to it they might need to get rid of conferences at least for playoffs we we and I was one of the people who 20 years ago when the West Was So dominant in the New Jersey Nets were coming out of the East right I was like nah man like they remember you guys remember they were having that same discussion back then like this isn’t fair the West is loaded d d like man it’ll balance out man like just like back in the 80s the East was dominant and the West was weak it it’ll balance out 20 years later is not balanced out and it’s not going to free agents go to the West they go to La they go to Phoenix they go to Dallas you know hell they even go to San Antonio those teams also draft better then there’s always one or two like really bad teams in the west that seem to get the top draft picks like this this ain’t gonna change I know they won’t change you want to eliminate conferences for the playoffs but I mean it it kind of sucks like this this is not going to change anytime soon it’s not gonna Chicago is not gonna be a free agent Des destination out of nowhere and it’s probably gonna even get even worse once Vegas and Seattle get in the league I just I can’t remember that’s a good point too yes especially Vegas I can’t remember when the narrative switched from because for a long time un lockon Kings I’m sure you guys and we had these conversations for a while too was the kings are trying to put themselves in a position with the next crop of teams to wait for the Warriors and the LeBron James Lakers and that and the and the whatever team Kevin Durant’s on that generation to to take their exit which is what they’re happening right now but it turns out two-thirds of the freaking conference maybe two-thirds of the league was waiting for the same thing the Warriors had their Dynasty the Cavs had their Dynasty in the East and and it felt like okay the kings were trying to put themselves in a position to where where the Warriors decline the Kings have ascended the good news is that’s happened but the bad news is everybody else is ascending at the same time that’s where that’s what’s crazy about the NBA is it’s a great thing for Adam Silver and it’s a great thing for the league to have so many stars and a great thing for fans of just basketball but for a team like the Sacramento Kings where this team has arguably the most Talent they’ve ever had just terms of pure basketball talent and athleticism and they’re still a couple rungs down the ladder of legitimately a championship program it’s just crazy and think about the the um just the unfortunate nature of like I talked about like things that are in people’s control that keep the West on top well there’s things that are out of their control that has made the West even stronger right like Minnesota gets Anthony Edwards the Spurs get wimy the Mavericks get Luca OKC get pelicans get Zion OKC gets Shay like all of the Next Generation all the players in the Next Generation West are in the west none of them are in Toronto so then there’s the Tatum and then kawhai leaves Toronto to come to the west then there’s the T the Tatum and brown Celtics that I’m almost rooting for to win and have success because one of the two of them leaves they’re coming to the West they’re not staying East yeah after a lifetime in the east LeBron comes West unless I mean if Jaylen Brown wants to come to the Sacramento Kings I ain’t say no to that that’s like my dream player in sa yeah we make that happen I don’t think we can well he’s also owed like half a billion dollars I’ll pay it well you got that kind of money oh come on you got the stop it Kimberly has it who has marble fours they’re not marble they’re they’re I don’t know what they’re is that an old house or the new house the new one it’s not don’t listen to himing not I don’t know what it is I don’t think it’s that though I’ll just wait for my invite and oh you gonna get it yeah no I gotta put I gotta put stuff in the right place first and then everybody can come um we’ll come back uh Jake fiser Jake fiser didn’t really report anything on Mike Brown yesterday but he kind of speculated based on evidence about what may go on uh with Mike Brown’s contract negotiations with the Sacramento Kings we’ll talk about that with a man Matt George who’s hanging out with us the rest of the hour I’m J.R right now we’re gonna take our last commercial break folks we’ll come back we’ll go all the way to the top of the hour here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 let me ask you guys a question everybody here and the chatty house what do you think happened at Stonehenge what is that what what what happened Stone hinges like how they got made Stone circles yeah yeah that’s the one where the stones are on top of the stone yeah what do you mean happened what happened there a bunch of cavem men got bored and started stacking really I don’t know what do you think happened K seems like you got a the the theory Al well that makes the the that makes the most sense wasn’t it the same guys the same Architects as the pyramids see we don’t know who did the pyramids either how they did that the pyramids no there was a I I watched a God this is so stupid I watched a documentary on how they did it and it involved like a water-based elevator system it’s wild I’ll try and find it and send it to you guys but it’s like the engineering behind it is actually absurd that they figured out how to do that they so uh we watch Ancient Aliens a lot and they talk about the um the pyramids and they like kind of I haven’t seen your documentary but they like do um the people who believe it was aliens they’re like all right if it wasn’t this is how it would have to be done with manow and they just talk about the way they presented it it was like that’s kind of it’s kind of far-fetched that sure men would have been able to do that I I have such little comprehension of how any of that architecture works that I’ll believe anything yeah I I don’t know I I really don’t know I don’t think I don’t think aliens can be uh just swe under the rug though Stone Hing is like you know Stone this Stone Ching like come on man are you a theory guy not necessarily but some of it it’s like we can barely do this stuff today how are they doing it you know Generations ago are you the guy that actually thinks there’s some some crazy stuff in like Area 51 nah I mean I don’t I don’t go that I don’t know nothing about that I don’t either I know nothing about it are we in or out on Bigfoot huh I said are we in or out on Bigfoot Bigfoot ain’t real you don’t think there’s some eight eight foot hairy guy out there Bigfoot ain’t real yeah I don’t think so I think that is a a manmade tall tail and nobody ever caught a picture of Bigfoot in 4k BR and that’s what be killing me about so like these little uh the they be doing this now today with like uh it’s not I forgot the name of it it’s like uh unexplained something so like it’s current situations like look I saw a shadowy figure in my backyard it’s 2024 and and I can’t get no 4K footage everything’s a little blurry everything’s a little off to the side and you miss like stop bro you remember that part of hard KN this last year when Aaron Rogers started talking about his alien story on hard kns did you even watch hard I’m not watching anything that involves Aaron Rogers they devoted a whole segment of Hard Knocks an episode to Aaron rogers’s alien story and it was the exact same thing it was like 2023 and it was blurry footage of something in the sky I’m like this Aaron Rogers is the biggest [ __ ] off on the I should have known the audience that I was asking that question too but yeah I I do believe I do believe that there are some probably basically monsters in the ocean like there’s there’s a statistic out there of how much of the ocean is actually completely unexplored like get down that deep and that dark there are 100% world ending creatures down there the ocean is crazy themselves I mean I think there’s that I think they are aliens quote unquote aliens like I don’t think we’re the only living creatures in a galaxy I agree with that that’s crazy I just don’t know if they hover over downtown Denver in a UFO I don’t know if they do all that but and I I don’t know if they built anything fans I don’t know if they’ve come to Earth and built things or not I don’t I don’t know nothing about that but I do think they’re they’re other living creatures in the Galaxy I do believe that I discovered an ocean phobia that I that I have and it was when during my vacation last year on my cruise is we were in um in Cancun and we were just swimming and I realized when I like I dove off the boat into not the ship just a different boat Dove off the boat into the water like just one of those pontoon boats that they have out there and I realized everything was just dark blue and I couldn’t see anything all around me and while I was coming back up the surface I realized and then I got to the surface and I’m up there and it’s like land is right there but I’m shreding water and I realize like I have no idea what’s around me and underneath me yeah I I’m good like yeah no the ocean is terrifying I’m good and I never thought of it like that before because I was like the ocean’s great I love to swim in the ocean and then I realized what I’m in and what anything could be around me and I’m like okay I’m good yeah that I don’t mess with the ocean at all my cousin’s in the OR she was in the Navy she just got out of the Navy and one of the exercises she had to do was the Man Overboard exercise where they take you out into the deep deep deep deep ocean no land around you and it’s like an exercise where you and a bunch of the crew get out there and you have to get in the ocean and just float on your back in the ocean for a period of time to simulate like if you fell out of the the ship and they had to rescue you and stuff like that and you’re just free floating in open ocean with no I absolutely not and I’ve seen pict reason number 4,000 I didn’t join the armed forces absolutely not no thank you yeah Dead Man’s float I think what they call it yeah abolutely not come up with a new name for that I don’t like that name gez goodness I thought the whole point was to avoid being the dead man floating the hell Matt George of abc1 in the lock on Kings podcast with us here in studio uh as many are they aren’t in studio but they’re in the chatty house brought to you by Matthews mattress your locally owned and operated mattress retailer where they got a massive KC a massive Memorial Day sale going on right now where you can get special 60 month special financing with no money down on approved credit with equal monthly payments required man look I’m already set I got to go to the location out El Grove right over there uh about that Walmart off of of um off of Bruce phille and I got I got to get me one of these one of these mattresses man I really do I last night because my one-year-old every 4 AM or so decides it’s time to get up scream yell just so Daddy can come get me and then I can get a bottle and go back to sleep I was like man and then she ends up in my bed right she ends up me in my wife’s bed I like we need a new better mattress that’s going to put her to sleep and so I can get some beauty rest and I got I was like I got to go to Matthew’s mattress I have to because this this can’t keep going on this way Matthews um you can find out the location nearest you and they’ll help you put your baby to sleep apparently I know they helped put me to sleep I’m ready man because this week has been hell for your boy and the only thing that’s gone right are those hours that I’m getting to sleep uh thanks to Matthew’s mattress being the only thing that went right on Saturday when I moved they said hey you ordered this mattress on Thursday we’ll get it delivered to you by Saturday no problem brought it in got it all set up you could order a mattress today and have it delivered at your house tonight go to Matthews right now find the location nearest you tell them dowlo and Casey sent you and ask them about that special 60 Monon special financing it’s in the name too but I’m a I’m a I’m a supporter I’m a I’m a customer we go mattress we yes indeed I like it I like it I like it I feel like I had to it’s like a require yeah you got support there only one place I can’t go yeah gotta support the Matthews all all over man stick together mat mattress Matthew George Matthew delova Deli gotta gotta let it ride man stop there gotta let it ride um Jake fiser wrote about Mike Brown yesterday again is not shade he was talking about the coaching situations across the league and he referenced Mike Brown he was talking about you know the Mike should be in for a pretty substantial you know bump here like when you talk about what Mike has done in his coaching career not just in his stint in Sacramento but his coaching career um he’s deserves you know upwards of you know N1 million do per year Matt you think this I know you guys asked mty about it at the um exit interviews is this something you think gets done this offseason yeah Monty kind of hinted that like the conversations will happen and so and and that’s no surprise to anybody and even Mike was asked about it and Mike did the the correct answer of basically saying like as of now I’m under contract I got a job to do I’m focused on that those that and he is under contract next year too like there’s there’s a weird like Mutual opt out at the end of all of this which has led people to believe oh maybe that year gets tossed pretty much and they come up with a new deal this this this season but even then the last I mean the last year on a on a coach’s contract might as well not exist it’s called a lame duck year like no coach wants to ever get to that year once you get to that year it’s either you got me you keeping me or not and let’s move on let’s get it done now or let’s just agree to to part ways I had Kyle Madson on uh on lock on Kings last night and at the very end of the podcast he asked me he goes like are you concerned at all about a Mike Brown extension not getting done and without hesitation like absolutely not like I I think this I have to be careful the way I say this and I truly don’t mean this in any kind of like hostile way I don’t think the King’s organization is stupid enough to get that wrong like and and that’s and I mean that 100% like look at your history as an organization look at the history of the 16-year playoff drought and the revolving door of coaches and then Mike Brown comes in and in his first year corrects that granted other things had to go right as well you made some right roster decisions you made a big trade that ended up working out for you credit credit credit you still needed a coach you needed a leader and Mike comes in and not only does Mike come in and get you winning Mike comes in and his introductory pre press conference on day one delivers a message not just to King’s fans and King’s media I think delivers a message to the entire organization of every organization has a soul and it only works if everybody buys in and does their job and this is Mike coming in and goes I know what this organization’s been I know what your reputation is I’m taking this job it changes and I’m going to be a part of that change lo and behold we see what’s happened so I don’t have any fear or any concern at all of Mike not getting extended because I think it’s it’s staring them in the face it’s like you can’t get this wrong like you have to extend him he absolutely deserves it your history in Sacramento plays A A Part in that but even if you want to ignore that and just judge him based off of the two years here I know what happened this season but Mike Brown has proved right basically every single playoff game that’s being played every single time there’s a playoff game and the final score is 107 to 102 or 98 to 95 Mike Brown’s being proved right what Mike Brown has been saying and what he said all this season is I’m willing to take steps back offensively in a step back short term to start to build a foundation defensively the foundation by the way which is what we saw the final third of the Season like that’s how he believes he’s going to win that’s how he believes you win in the NBA he’s won championships before so he actually knows that we don’t he in Sacramento and again every single playoff game there’s a few that have gone to the 120s or high one teens but almost every single playoff game yeah every single playoff game he’s being proven right so he’s the right guy for the job he’s saying the right things he clearly has the respect of the locker room the organization the respect of the entire league the Kings would be stupid not to get that deal done so do you think like do do you believe both of you guys can answer this there’s going to be like some good faith negotiating going on in here or do you think maybe Mike Brown takes advantage and Mike Brown’s representation tries to take advantage of everything that you just spoke about and says all right I need that coach Bud uh contract I need that Monty Williams contract and while I still think everybody would side with the coach because it doesn’t go against your salary cap all this other stuff you got it pay him that that that probably also isn’t in line with like I don’t want to say what the resume says he should be getting but we we know coach bud and Monty are outliers with their contract 10 11 million a year that’s not usually how it should go do you think that Mike is gonna understand that and say all right I’m not gonna hit you over the head with with what I’m asking for but I do want to be compensated fairly yeah Market definitely dictates what what you’re asking for right so if that’s the new if this is the new status quo for coaches then go get yours Mike right if I’m representing Mike I’m I’m pointing you know Monty Monty feels like the outlier for sure that’s desperate times call for desperate measures but if I’m representing Mike Brown I’m pointing right at Mike buen holler’s uh contract and it’s those two in terms of their career accomplishments are nearly identical one glaring exception for Coach bud MH but whenn percentage that might be a$2 million exception exactly but what are we talking about we’re talking about a contract negotiation and that’s what I asked so you think there’s gonna be a negotiation or be like you see what he got I ain’t going no the league doesn’t work no I don’t think any Walk of Life works like that that’s why you have agents it’s so Mike doesn’t have to do this with money and create bad feelings the agent is there not only to to to to you know to get you the most money put you in the best position represent you do all of that stuff but it’s also there to be a buffer to protect your relationship with your boss when when you say good faith Kenny do you mean like in in Mike being willing to take a discount or not being paid what market value is for a coach in the modern NBA to stay in Sacramento to give them a disc is that what you meant by good I’m kind of thinking about like what Damian just laid out like you could say new market value is 10 mil like if you got this amount of wins and all this that’s the new yeah I’m representing Mike Brown that’s what I’m asking yeah and I’m Mike Brown I’m saying the same thing and a negotiation would be like no we understand that but you know hey no it’s a negotiation eight eight million is like what we were thinking of like can we work something out or is the representation like no you see what the mark of value is see I think Mike can walk around and in these negotiations like pu his chest out a little bit and go Who you gonna get instead and that’s what I mean when I say take advantage of the situation and I don’t and I don’t mean that’s not taking advantage in my opinion it I I think it is taking advantage a little bit because the Kings aren’t Matt just laid out all the reasons why they can’t let him go you know what I mean like all that’s showing his word though that’s not taking advantage that’s because the Kings aren’t the Clippers what are you taking advantage of are you taking advantage of the money that buen holer and Williams got or are you taking advantage of the king’s history that’s what I would take advantage of it’s like look where you were and look where I got you immediately you played a part in that but you still need a leader you still need a guy to do the job I’m clearly that guy you’re not going to go back and get Adelman and and my coaching staff is being poached and is going to continue to be poached by the rest of the league jordy’s gone so you’re not just making him the interim head coach and getting rid of me like who are you gonna if I’m Mike I’m puffing out my chest of like you’re just now as an organization starting to become relevant again and starting to get to a point where you can hopefully consistently be good but let’s be clear though Mike doesn’t do any of that yes his agent does his agent goes to the Kings and says look at what my client did for you I think that’s a really really important distinction look at what my client done did for you look at where you were look at where you are now I I I don’t know like that’s that’s just part of the game right and that’s where I said I and it’s his agent’s job to know what Mike buen Hooser makes to know what Steve Kerr makes to know what uh Monty Williams makes to know what every coach in the league makes to know what JB bicker staff is about to lose his probably lose his job at like five mil per Mike is a lot closer to Mike bher than JB bicker staff right so and this is this is what I and we’re having a conversation here I love Mike Brown if it was my money I’d give him the 10 mil where just because I like him oh you got it right I definitely don’t I don’t have no Damian marble floors big screen TV that’s not me but um the we’re we’re having a conversation here right we’re having a conversation and this is what I mean when I say a good faith negotiation right all the things that your agent is doing and saying he’s right and saying that if I’m the Kings saying coach bu makes 10 Mill two million extra because he has a championship that you don’t have I’m Gonna Give You 8 mil yeah that’s what I want to give you and agent takes advantage no do you know how ridiculous this franchise would look if you let I said 10 and I’m not going off of that and that’s what I’m worried about I’m I hope it it’s a true understanding of the situ like quietly he doesn’t have to say this to um the Kings but agent all right Mike look maybe you can’t get booser money because he got the ring he got the ring and and we’re gonna say that together in this room so we understand it I’m gonna try and get you to 10 yeah but we got to understand that’s that’s the difference but if they’re both like Noah the Kings would uh they’re a joke if they let me go we’re not going any lower than 10 see to me that’s what I’m kind of worried yeah I don’t think that I I I certainly don’t know I’d be shocked if something like that happened I think your other scenario is closer to reality I think Mike Brown is part of the list of money that it it it in my opinion is already spent or if you want to be serious it has to already be spent and what I mean by that is like because this is a part of the question that that Kyle threw out when we were talking about on the podcast is and Kyle has this scenario in his head and I understand it completely where VC or ownership or whoever signed on the checks or whatever they’re hesitant like I I want to see I want to see if we can really truly get to where you’re saying that we can be I want to see if it was more than just a flash in the pan type thing so I’m I’m I’m going to wait as long as I possibly can to get that payday until like I have no choice but to give it to you based off your results on the court and I have a problem with that mindset because I also could see it applied to the players and that’s where I have the biggest issue because look at the state of the Western Conference I know there’s like TV money’s coming in the salary Cap’s going up and all that stuff I have already accepted and I think Mike or Monty McNair should already have V primed and he should already accept the fact that if this team wants to be serious and contend in the window that they’re trying to contend in which Monty McNair’s own words said we are built to win right now those are his words not mine then V’s gonna have to go into the luxury tax V’s gonna have to go into the pocketbooks because you already got you just paid sabonis Fox’s Fox didn’t agreed to an extension so he could get an even bigger bag you got Keegan coming up you’re trying to pay him a leak monk right now like spending money is a requirement to build a good enough team especially in the state of the western conference right now if you’re not willing to do that you have to move on from Fox or sabonis that’s the only route that you or you have to say bye-bye to Keegan and bye to Malik and what are you with fox sabonis in a not good Supporting Cast right so there should already in my opinion it’s easy to talk about when it’s not my money but there should already be an expectation or at least a conversation hopefully has been had between Monty and VCA hey let’s forecast this down the road if we are where we want to get or specifically if we to to get to where we want to go the pocketbook has to come open I’m not saying a blank check necessarily but the pay you’re you’re gonna have to pay these guys to even put yourself in the conversation not you can’t wait until you’re firmly in the conversation and almost guaranteed to win it to then be willing to to put the money on the table and I think the same is said for Mike like Mike is part of it give him the money now I agree I agree h i mean that’s that’s that’s part of the game that you’re trying to play here if you want to be a winner and you want want to say if you’re a ve and want to say you’re so upset when you’re not winning and all this other stuff and be so so mad and when you’re a losing team yeah if you want to be a winning team this is this is part of the part of the price and if I can literally I also preface everything that I just said because I I see some comments in the chatty house just to be perfectly clear they’re talking about Stonehenge in the chat that’s true they are talking about Stonehenge too which I’m interested in that conversation as well house brought you about Matthew’s Mattress One of a Kind I there’s been no indic throughout V’s tenure here in Sacramento that he’s not willing to spend the money need right like that he’s had his issues but that he’s been consistent with he’ll he’ll spend money he’ll go it might yeah but I’m not gonna overpay shoban o heeld to go win 29 games next year I’m not gonna overpay mooh harkless Mo harkless we hardly knew you also we better like same thing too with like the Oakland a situation that and the A’s coming to Sacramento I know FC has dreams of MLB baseball in Sacramento too and hopes of that that can’t play any part of how you run the Sacramento Kings either especially and I don’t think it will but people are gonna naturally draw those comparisons imagine if a is so focused financially on baseball that he takes a backseat with the kid that’s not gonna happen that shouldn’t even be a scenario yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t think that it is those are different bottom lines those are not the same thing and like like you said though Matt I I don’t we’ve never seen VC in this situation so it’s unfair to say oh he’s not GNA spin because he never has like Dam said those teams weren’t worth going into the luxury tax for this possibly is right and we’ll see how he behaves now but I feel like you’re gonna have to go into it before you have the guarantee that it’s gonna work like that’s that’s just the St that’s the reality of the NBA and it just because you’re in the luxury tax doesn’t mean you’re stuck there forever if you go for it and it doesn’t work then you move on from Fox and you move on from sabonis you get back under that line and then you start over hopefully that doesn’t happen I’m not trying to speak that into existence but just because you go into the luxury tax doesn’t mean you’re doomed to stay there forever you got to believe in your guys You Got to Believe in You Got to Believe In what you’re building from the domas dearon Keegan Malik aspect to the Mike Brown aspect you’ve got to believe what you’re building as an entire franchise um but the situation with Mike feels like a big part of it yes because you know 48 wins to 46 wins isn’t a a drastic fall off um and if you want to break if if if dearon fox wants to take the podium and say we hit our free throws like we’re supposed to we’re winning four or five more games and you want to blame that on Mike Brown it’s a tough look in my opinion you could blame Mike for a lot of things you could be frustrated with Mike for a lot of things that though that’s not one of them yeah I don’t think anybody should look at the Kings and think it’s a Mike Brown problem no I I I chuckle because um yesterday we had talked about this team and Matt get your opinions on this and talked about them like staying Pat running a back 2.0 right and the possibility of that and I I’ve always said I don’t want them to I want them to go get a big fish like a Brandon Ingram or something like that but if it happens that they kind of run it back the same way maybe a piece here or there like a random piece but essentially the starters are the same I said that wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world and people who look at it as like no you just saw that and you uh made the play in I always say well that’s not that’s where they ended up that’s not their ceiling and it’s not their floor either their floor might have been outside of the playin but that’s just where they ended up like if they did the same thing again that doesn’t mean you’re G to get the same result I think this team has a ceiling this team as currently constituted as a five seed like might be their maybe a four you know what I mean but it’s sing five or six seed and you know we the new the new two game uh the new two n game losing streak you know what that is now well if they would have just lost to two of the worst teams in basketball and if they would have only blew two of their 20-point leads they would have been a six seed that’s the new two n game losing streaks but it it is kind of true like well you and Jesse are familiar with nine game losing streaks no l streak over I’m about to start cooking well it’s not a streak he won one I said an impressive the losing streak is over I’m about to start cooking it was an impressive win today very good but now that like do you feel that that way about like running the team back like nah we seen how that is that’s not gonna get you where you want to go I think there’s two sides of that coin because like we talked about last week I think Mike and Monty have already kind of prefaced us for that and I’m not saying that they’re they’re committing to just running it back again but Mike made it very very clear he said I thought I think this is a we should have won 50 51 52 games and the difference was he mentioned injuries he mentioned some of those bad losses he mentioned some blowed leads like and whether he’s I mean whether it’s the right thing to say or not like I understand how he and Monty and the Kings can look at this roster especially if they believe and I asked Mike about how sustainable he felt the defense was if he feels the Kings can play 82 games of defense or a full season of Defense the same way they play the final third of the season I think they believe that if you run this roster back exact same and that’s never going to happen but let’s say they just copied and pasted this roster to to next season I think a lot of Sacramento Kings fans would be concerned frustrated I think the Kings would be killed by it n or killed for it nationally but if they played defense at the level that they were playing for an 82 Game season from basically start to finish it doesn’t mean there’s not going to be a bad game here or there because they’re human but like if if they the last third of the season was October to April I understand why Mike and Monty might feel like yeah this is a 50 plus win team and we’re better than we were last season that being said the other side of the coin is you said your cealing might be a fifth seat that’s cool that’s better than what they finished this year Mike Brown entered this season talking about contending for a championship that’s what he talked about coming into this year yeah Aaron fox said the same thing running this team back they’re not a championship Cali team yeah even if they play defense for a full 82 games like they lead the league in def I I tell you right now if the Kings led the league and defense with this roster I still don’t think they could win a championship just because playoffs are different and like the star power and the offense are required and I just don’t think it’s there but you add a Brandon Ingram and you get 82 games of that defense and Brandon Ingram hopefully buys into that you have more length and size and athleticism another scoring option Maybe my ceiling as a second seed now or the third seed I can win a title as a second or third seed in the Western Conference the way it is I look at the Dallas Mavericks Dallas Mavericks could win a title as the fifth seed because they’re they got two Superstar offensive options and then a defensive buyin from everybody else like so if you’re true if you’re serious about contending you got to make a move if you’re in it for the build you can run it back and still feel pretty okay with it I just don’t think your words match up with your actions in that sense and to me this offseason is about getting your roster and your words on the same page which is we’re trying to build this way we’re trying to win this way we’re trying to do this now get me the Personnel where on paper and the ey test so shows I can do the same thing is that your move is that your upgrade I think it’s the most obvious one at this point in time Brandon Ingram one yeah I’m not like I’m making it very very clear I’m not even close to considering Keegan Murray involved in that deal whatsoever and I don’t think I don’t think for Ingram you’d have to because think reasons we talked about the contract isn’t just the thing isve teams are looking for Brandon Ingram I know he has his issues and he has his concerns and the the last year of his contract is part of that Brandon Ingram in terms of his measurements and his size and his scoring is everything this king’s team needs and every team wants more of those guys that’s why Keegan Murray is the one being asked about in every trade conversation because they want more of those of players if Ingram is the one that’s made available to you I have my reservations and concerns about him but if Ingram is the one made available to you you have to aggressively pursue it because I’m not in the Jimmy Butler idea I’m not in like in those things like if Ingram is if Ingram’s available you have to try you have to go for it and but the difference between this offseason and and I think past offseasons is Monte doesn’t get a pass for trying anymore it’s either you get it done or you don’t but we’re going to judge you if you don’t get it done there’s no oh Pascal we didn’t get the Pascal seum trade done because Pascal wasn’t going to resign here I understand the decision behind that and why you didn’t want to take that risk but you got to do something you you don’t you don’t get the benefit of the doubt of it’s the same thing Kyle brought this up with the San Francisco Giants you don’t get the same the benefit of we tried to sign show Otani we tried it’s your job to get it done it’s your job to improve the roster that’s where I look at this summer and if Brandon Ingram is that that route go for it well farhan’s just a Flatout bum of the general manager so there’s that that’s a big difference he’s terrible but um yeah I I’m I’m I’m like stuck you know on both sides like I’m stuck in the middle of this situation because I want them to be aggressive I want Monty to go after it I I will actually now this this is the the flip side rplip side um this is the the the flip side of it I also don’t think he’ll get the benefit of the doubt if he’s Ultra aggressive and it don’t work like nobody nobody if if he goes and gets Brandon Ingram gives up whatever assets outside of keik Murray that he has to Brandon Ingram plays 25 games and they don’t make the playoffs again nobody’s gonna be like well you know hey we can live with that because you were aggressive they were like no get this guy out of here we missed the playoffs again and that’s the unfair nature of it all right you know what I’m saying so like like I I understand I understand waiting for the right moment if you don’t feel Brandon Ingram in in a trade for him is the right moment still keeping you know your your Ace in the Hole as far as your next move keeping that there I understand it but I’m like everybody else man I want him to be aggressive Brandon Ingram is really truly available and you have a real shot to get him I’m saying roll the dice and I probably would like give my see the benefit of the doubt if that didn’t work because I remember what I’m saying right now I want you by all means go get him do what you got to do and if it doesn’t work out I could say man sucks it didn’t work out but this you took a chance I I give you a salute for even taking a chance but I don’t think a lot of people do that though he’s already kind of done that and he did that with the Tyrese halberton trade which was his first ever draft pick as a general manager like people forget he didn’t inherit Tyrese he drafted Tyrese and then shatty house brought up a great Point by the way it’s a pertains to our earlier conversation you forgot to include Tyrese Alberton as a top 10 player of all time my bad my bad well I mean it’s either him or Tyler I don’t I don’t know well Tyler’s not a top 10 player of all time who shows up tomorrow Tyler or tyres where’s the game it’s Indiana Tyrese like all the other role players only Tyler in New York like all the other others on Indiana This Man Called Tyrese a role player I didn’t call him that yes you you did I asked the question is he okay that’s fair you asked if he was a role player his role is the star of the team is he really where well who’s the star Stars travel well Stars travel what was that game don’t beat up Matt don’t beat up Matt what was that game last night he in OKC or in Dallas what it was in OKC or Dallas oh it was in Dallas last night no OKC and Luca a true star showed up in OKC that’s what stars do so he pulled the numbers okay and there’s that that and and you got to see you’re not getting the whole story I wish I really wish you tell the whole story here we were watching the game together during the ksfm show and we were casy was like man that that that adage about role players on the road and at home that’s real like look at the way that these guys are playing on the road versus the way that they’re playing at home the Nicks spacers yeah well the next day this guy comes in and and and hits me with the is Tyrese a role player and then starts throwing out Tyrese’s Road and home stats and it was like well damn so I thought a fair question is not is Tyrese a role player I thought is does Tyrese play like a role player and the numbers that’s like me when I say numers uh I’m not calling Draymond a scrub I say he’s playing like a that’s right that’s right I got that from the book of carway right there uh verse uh chapter 3 verse 16 Thou shalt indirectly say a player sucks so I I and and I did for clarification purposes said I don’t think Tyrese is a role player I think he’s better than that yeah but the numbers the numbers are are nasty the home and road splits in these playoffs are nasty so I went back to Luca’s first ever playoff series which was against the Clippers in 2020 his F I didn’t even realize this he went the wrong one to look up first game in the his first career playoff game at the Staples Center 42 42 points nine assists that’s the only game dearn didn’t beat right yeah wasn’t de the second highest TI for second highest but he turned the ball over 11 times so he’s that’s Luka so he’s a scrub that’s farford of course funny enough his worst game was his first game at home in in that series he only had 13 points in but then he had Jesus he had 43 17 and 13 in game four at home crazy he went crazy they lost that game too by yeah so maybe Luca and Tyrese aren’t necessarily on the same same page but this is Tyrese’s first I think the I think the the the this the discussion is like if if if you want Tyrese to be a star you got to talk about him like he’s a star you got to criticize him you can praise him when he succeeds for sure criticize him when and and and I we got tagged I’m sure you saw it in Kevin okan man’s tweet about Tyrese and it’s like all right you you you if as long as you cover him fairly that’s fine because this has been going on a lot this season and it was it was interesting watching the game what did we just finish five watching the game four highlights versus the game five highlights that was a different Tyrese halberton man the energy now season on the line you know he talking about this guy can’t guard me and all this other stuff and then you come he doing the ho yeah like and then all right bro you come out in game five and you you can’t disappear like that coach Stan Van is like yo why are you passing the ball like shoot the ball no Stan Van said why are you passing the ball in the air at The Rim so and and the only man up there ready to finger roll I’m g go over here you did the Tyreek Evans the the only push back I would have about him it being his first playoff which I mentioned as well too it is his first playoff is his his issues have been there since we met him yeah and he said since life they’ve all y they’ve always asked me you got to shoot the ball you got to shoot the ball they all said for like I don’t I don’t know if that’s gonna change in his second playoff appearance this may be who Tyrese Alberton is you’re right you’re 100% right I’m I’m on board with almost everything you said until the role player part oh I said he’s not a role player I said he’s better R it was it was uh it was a way to spark an hour long I love it I love it but he he’s that’s unacceptable like I I don’t know if I can call him a star player well I don’t know if he’s a star one thing I do like about Tyrese which what I think makes tonight’s game interesting is you go back to Game Jesus that’s right thank you yikes um game one like six points or six shot attempts or something ridiculous like that I got to be better I got to respond comes out he’s more aggressive has a hell of a first half kind of dies the second half but point being he knew he couldn’t do that again and then did it and I think we talked about this yesterday he’s probably just one of those guys who needs to be reminded over and over and over again hey Ty don’t shoot the ball six times tonight like in the tunnel hey Ty let’s go baby don’t shoot the ball six times tonight shoot at 20 here’s the here’s the truth that that we like like really all that needs to be said in this scenario is put the kings in the Pacers position right now where the kings are in the second round of the playoffs and it’s domas who has that really big game and follows it up with a really crappy game he’s getting dragged through the streets but let’s take it even a step further if Fox did that oh man Fox is getting torn to shreds oh Fox ain’t ready right which we’re never worried about Fox only taking six Shots by the way or six threes by the way but that’s what we’re talking about here is is Tyrese has always kind of had this darling label and he he got that darling label because people did 360s after being wrong about him in the draft and then they’re like oh he’s so good now we like we make up for that we praise him and I like I love Tyrese I’m rooting for Tyrese I’m wishing him the absolute best because in addition to a great basketball player as you guys know he’s a great dude also he’s a WWE Fan so he’s amazing in my book yeah he got hyped meeting Booker T that was a that was a great video Sean Michaels Shawn Michaels tweeted him on draft night do you remember that he got drafted and Shawn Michaels tweeted congratulations and like Tyrese freaked out about I remember that because Jason Jones and I like geeked out about I’ll find it I don’t think I I don’t even think I I didn’t know that I’ll find it because Shawn Michaels tweeted him and he’s like oh my God HBK thank you so much for the love it was it was really interesting that’s what I would have said too hpk but anyway like Bron Nunes what we all know how t t what that’s that’s oh yeah I know we all know how we’re not supposed to say his name either geez they bought everybody from us Jesus Christ I might not be they might not be allowed to say my name any well I heard that’s crazy y That’s crazy Matt George is the boogy man over there Matt George is Kendrick Lamar they not like us Matt hey I told you Matt was the one who alerted me when you text me about that record I didn’t know it was out I was trying to get stuff done I again made the mistake of putting my phone down for five minutes and I said oh Matt George just texted me Kendrick might have just dropped the best track of all of them and you went no I was like did did you just hear like I’m I was confused and then I did a quick search and took a listen was like all right still think Euphoria is better but Matt might have been right because only one of those two songs is the number one song in the country but also what does it tell you that that was the only track out of all of them that I texted you about because I was so excited about it because I could have a little fun little dance to it there you go well I mean hey I got me move he made a Bop he made he made a club hit he did the uh big Club goer mat yeah I don’t know what the club is Matt leaving little Arty at the house so we can go party man got sorry honey one a tiger going to the club with casy come on back up pull up on me come on uh I think our show is over yep our show is over thank you so much for being with us Matt George thank you so much for hanging out with us make sure you check out the lock on Kings podcast of course Matt fantastic work over on ABC 10 and we’ll

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