Spurs NOT INTERESTED In Trae Young?

Spurs NOT INTERESTED In Trae Young?

ooh okay all right we got reports all over the place now don’t we so Trey young uh does Trey young make sense rebuilding with the Spurs and Victor one Bama according to Jack fiser according to Jack fiser the Spurs might not have that much uh to say about the matter I want some n are we having fun yet all right so let’s take a quick look at this article okay we won’t we won’t dive too into it but let just let just let just take a quick look um so Jack fiser here um we all know Jack Fisher all right we all like Jack fiser here um this is what he had to say about the San Antonio Spurs potentially getting Trey young so he says there’s been several potential destinations for young swirling around the NBA rumor meal for months San Antonio has no clear lead guard of the future despite the strong table setting of Trey Jones and League Personnel uh believe the Spurs will explore their options for a longterm pick and roll partner for the 7 foot4 he’s actually 7 fo5 isn’t he this is this is false reporting okay we can just we can just throw this whole article out the window uh 7 fo4 Phenom Victor wama this summer there’s also the clear Synergy of San Antonio holding the P the Hawks pick which we traded or which were traded to acquire Murray in the first place all right but moving on this is uh this is the one that got people talking all right this is the one that got people talking so San Antonio Personnel will be committing front office malpractice by not cont cont lating the opportunity to pair a league assist leader and highscreen Maestro like young to pair with Victor wanyama the Spurs have so far approached building around wanyama as an intriguing experiment where they will weigh all different kinds of variables around their rookie of the year however according to multiple League figures with knowledge of the situation any Spurs plans of maneuvering to bring young to San Antonio have been vastly overstated the Spurs sources said have expressed little interest in obtaining young to date so with this being said I’ve said this I said this many of times I think that the Spurs will look at it obviously like they already have they they’re going to continue to look at it see how things play out I think the best opportunity for the Spurs getting Trey young which is is kind of a weird one is if time goes on and the the Atlanta Hawks are stuck with a play player that doesn’t want to be there like a time would have to go on in which uh their their uh idea of trying to get so many picks and so many pieces to trade them away kind of diminish uh quite a bit that’s the only way I can see that the Spurs go in now what’s funny about that is the only way for that to happen would be after 2024 draft and if it’s after the 2024 draft more than likely the spur is probably going to get Dilly now that we know what the draft uh our draft position is they’re probably going to go after a guard especially if Dilly is is available if he’s not then maybe you know you leave things open there and let Trey Jones run things for another year um before going into 2025 and trying to get a uh guard there but as it stands right now that’s what’s kind of weird about this is I am still on I I said this 50/50 I think if you go after him it’s not a big if you don’t it’s not a big whoop you can’t really lose here the Spurs are in a great position but as it stands right now now um I think that I think there’s some truth to this I think there’s some truth that they don’t have like interest as far as I’m going to give you everything we got I don’t think that that would be the case and I would not be for that okay I think that the only way that I would be comfortable with it is if it’s a first round pick and giving them their picks back or something like that like I’m cool with that right I think that that’s doable especially since Spurs has so many picks and we have like SE we were looking at this the other day then we have like eight second round picks over the course of the next three years in which they’re not going to use all these picks they would more than likely package these picks for other things so I’m I’m saying if you can use that and maneuver up into some drafts or however you want to go about it I think that maybe that would be a good way to go about this um if you want to try to get Trey young but I am I have never been on uh a record saying that I would take I I would get rid of Jeremy soan two first round picks and give them their picks back or something I would not do that I I wouldn’t go that far or same thing with Deon fael I would not go that far um but it would really have to be a pretty desperate situation for the Atlanta Hawks for that uh uh for for that to go down and just me personally I think that it would have to go down over time which would be after 2024 draft right uh so it’s a really weird thing but as it stands like I do think that they’re going to attempt um and one thing to keep in mind as well this could potentially one of those Maneuvers that teams do in which they say oh yeah you know we we have no interest we have no interest in that guy you know kind of kind of like a it’s a it’s more of a business move right it’s more of a business move um just you don’t want people knowing um what your next moves are you don’t want people knowing um how far you’ll go uh to try to make something happen so we’ll we’ll see we’ll wait and see but a as time goes on I am still 50/50 like if you want to go after Trey I’m cool with it I understand it I don’t think that is one of those things where you’re rushing the process and the only reason I don’t believe that is because we have so many picks but if you get rid of all those picks and you get rid of a a a a stable in in our in our franchise right now like soen or or dev then then I’m questioning then I’m like okay what what was the point um but if for somehow some way you can finesse again and then you bring in Trey young I’m cool with it I’m cool with it I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that um but we we’re still gonna nonetheless you’re still GNA need some picks in the future so you can’t get rid of all your picks right you got to keep the Chicago try your best to keep your own um if possible um but hey if Trey young goes there next I I don’t know I don’t know if you even need your own um but those are just my thoughts uh let me know what you think um I know a lot of people are not sold on getting Trey young and I’m not mad at you like I’m not going to sit here and argue and fight and get angry and mad at anybody that say don’t get Trey young because everybody that I’ve heard or most people that I’ve heard heard have a really good point right that’s why I’m just 5050 on it I don’t have a strong opinion um I love Trey young as far as a player and matching up with Victor I think that he’s been great as far as being open and honest and and vocal about uh with saying it without saying it about how he he would be he would be down to help the Spurs right like oh I’ll be I I don’t mind being a second you know second in line I don’t mind taking a back seat um love stuff like that so um I’m cool either way but we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see um but as it stands seems like this the Spurs are not showing all of their cards right now and guys I don’t bring this up a lot and I need to do it more often please please please uh check out Clan theem merch fan.com get yourself some merch I think I have one person as of right now I think someone ordered the Invader Zim um or in oh I said Zim invader whim there we go woo don’t want to get in trou trouble there um but yeah I think I have one person in line right now so it’s first person first first come first serve um cuz I have to order the material and then make it here and everything like that so and then ship it out to you so it takes some time but if you guys do want to uh uh check out the shop uh please do it will mean the world to me um but hey if you don’t want to do any of that please comment like subscribe all that good stuff and I will get with you guys later man bye bye bye bye [Music] oh [Music]


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  1. I think Atlanta may try to see what returns they get with their top pick and Trae Young playing together. If the Spurs draft Rob Dillingham or his college buddy/friend Reed Sheppard they won't need Trae.

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