I Re-Drafted the ENTIRE 1st Round of the 2021 NHL Draft… (FULL Top 32)

I Re-Drafted the ENTIRE 1st Round of the 2021 NHL Draft… (FULL Top 32)

this was the season that we saw the 2021 NHL draft class finally starting to develop with a lot of key players becoming nhlers and today I thought it was the perfect opportunity to redraft the 2021 NHL draft going through my top 32 players from the entire class to see which players have fallen which players have risen from 3 years ago and which players will become the future of the NHL so make sure you watch till the end for all of the picks and all the rankings and hit that subscribe button if you’re new for all of the draft content so much 2024 stuff coming out over the next month so you won’t want to miss a thing now looking back on the 2021 draft it was honestly one of the hardest drafts I’ve had to cover on this channel a long time because of the pandemic a lot of players were in a multitude of different leagues and specifically with the Canadian hockey league it made Canadian players especially hard to get a read on but that only meant one thing was that there was going to be a lot of risers and a lot of draft steals in this class and boy is that correct now it goes without saying but of course with this draft only being 3 years old these rankings are especially fluid and even towards the back end there’s quite a few players that are even Main Stays in the NHL yet that could be even higher or lower by the time they’re there these are just about pure projections and having fun I thought the 2021 draft has been especially interesting to look back on and today I want to make some rankings for it but now we can officially get inside the top 32 the cream of the crop and we’re going to start out in the seeds tier most of these guys are rather unproven players that think have pretty good NHL Futures though even if they aren’t NHL’s yet but now starting us off at number 32 a player involved actually in the Jak gel deal I have vly kin and now of the Pittsburgh Penguins interestingly enough he’s actually one of three players that Kane’s drafted in that 2021 class to be inside the top 32 that’s insane on top of Cruz Lucius I think vly Kyan was also another underrated Prospect in that package for the Penguins he’s had a couple of great Le of Seasons just using that skill set and the vision to create so much and just continues to get better and better with Sol in the playoffs as well the ah and I hope he continues to grow into the solid scoring middle six piece maybe even a second liner if all pans out but really underrated ad for that going on to number 31 we go on to a player I talked about as a really underrated player in the goal tending Prospect rankings and at 31 I have Carl lindbom of the Vegas golden kns it was a couple picks away from being a Mr Irrelevant pick back in 2021 but for Vegas he’s become their best Prospect in my opinion at 20 years old even though he’s on the smaller side he uses his athleticism incredibly and you can see how that’s provided great results in the El Vin scan and then this last year is a full-time sa Geller a 911 save percentage and a solid playoffs too Lind bomb is looking pretty good folks and you better jump on the hype train before it’s too late at number 30 I will always love my boy ATU ratu somebody that I just loved at 52 overall for the Islanders and of course got traded in the Bo horat Deal I still am a pretty big believer for him in him at being his middle six responsible center of the future he’s someone that’s really rounded out well in adbert absord in the AHL 52 points in 72 games this last year and a solid playoffs as well for them he’s somebody that was really caring their offense in a lot of ways and I’m really hoping he’s able to turn into an NHL because that would be good for the brand I love this man and I hope he has major success and number 29 honestly one of the more underrated prospects out there I got Zachary laru who is somebody that I really liked in his draft year as somebody that was intense somebody that was great on the puck somebody that was fantastic Around the Net and just drove really good high danger chances and he’s really continued to do that as a 27th overall pick sure are there issues are there undisciplined actions absolutely but you look at what he’s been able to do 48 points 66 games and he’s turned on the playoffs too 10 point point in six games a goal per game as well laru really steps up when it matters most and I think he will continue to do that in the PED system and with the prce someday and number 28 next up we go on to a Buffalo Sabers product here and Isaac Rosen who’s somebody that I think is also kind of going on the radar just like laru in the prospect landscape but even though he hasn’t yet become a full NHL I still think there’s some great attributes there you can see what he’s been able to do in the AHL just consistently getting better and better got his first 20 goal season La this last year and was solid in the playoffs goal scoring wise too Rosen to me just has a good Pace he is just a really consistent player offensively he’s somebody that has pretty low-key skill but it comes at you when you least expect it and I think for the Sabers especially with one of a lot of their top end skill players Rosen could be a really interesting complimentary Winger in the future who I think will Aid to a lot of goals in the end and number 27 next up we go on to the second of the canes picks from 2021 in Jackson Blake somebody that is really Rosen over the past couple of years for me he’s somebody that I didn’t really watch as much as I probably should have in his draft year but he was somebody that was an 109th overall pick and somebody that has really exploded since then going to North Dakota he has been unbelievable 42 points in his freshman year then 60 points in his next season he is going to be an absolute electrifying piece for this Kane’s team offense is what he really provides speed and and intensity and that’s exactly what Carolina needs I don’t think he’s quite ready yet for the NHL level but give him a couple years of seasoning and I think he could be at number 26 we go into a much different player but somebody progressing in the ah gel with the PRS as well in Fodor is vov somebody that I might not have be as high on as I was back in his draft year but I still love the balance and I love the complete game that he provides really the big question was vov was how much offense was there going to be and it seems like he’s adjusted well to the AHL 39 points in 57 games and a great second half and also a pretty good playoffs as well of Milwaukee vov is somebody somewhat of a wild card because I always love the fundamentals but again I wanted to see more offense I want to see him really produ to the pro level and now he’s starting to it maybe he rises a bit over the next couple years and is a sneaky under the radar Edition again for the PRS like a lot of your younger players at number 25 we’re going to go to a guy that I was Hardcore underrating in his draft year and that was rer Evans of the Seattle Kraken and here’s the thing he was an over rager in his draft year and I believe the highest drafted over rager he was somebody that I wasn’t able to watch as much as I should have just because I prioritized draft eligible guys but he had a great season in 2021 and just continued to get better and better had a fantastic freshman year in the AHL just brilliant there and that’s really when I started to take notice of the puck moving ability the transitional ability and also the improvements in his physical play and the strength on him he’s a really balanced D though and I think for Seattle even though he would’t overwhelm opponents he’s going to get the job done pretty solidly and be a great guy transporting the puck out of his own Zone which is always valuable now on to number 24 and a guy that I was overrating a little bit in his draft year and that is Fabian LEL I love the pace I love the intensity with the puck and he’s one of those players though that is just really gifted really special really skilled with the puck on his stick but also isn’t really able to slow the game down very well that’s something that I think he’s had to work on in the AHL and I think he’s done a pretty good job at that with Providence this last year 50 points in 56 games he’s somebody that I think also goes pretty underrated in the prospect landscape but I think it’s gotten better and better he’s become a lot more mature has come a lot more consistent and I think with that skill set with him he’s still one of the Bruins best prospects of the future and number 23 though we got to go to my dude my man Dylan Duke maybe I’m biased sure but I’ve always loved the dog Duke that we’re talking about here man he just continues to get better and better and really the big issue for me with his draft year and what he was back then was his skating how much was he going to be able to get past opponents especially with his size that was a concern but I think he’s gotten much much better in his time with Michigan they’ve worked on him incredibly well over there and you could see this last year 49 points in 41 games he just continued to be so good Around the Net so good where he does his dirty work and I think will be a great depth grindy player for Tampa but also bringing some underrated skill and he’s somebody that I could honestly see being just as great consistent 15year NHL middle six piece that Tampa loves to have at 126 overall are you kidding me now on to number 22 and somebody that was a little bit iyon back in his draft year that was Scott Morrow now the Caroline hurricanes the final canes pick inside this top 32 and it’s been a long road there’s been a lot of good ones here but Scott Morrow Takes the Cake he’s somebody that has really improved over the past couple years he’s somebody that was a little bit ifon being a high school player he was dominating then but I thought was very wiry had a a little bit of lack of of really bulk to his frame and that was something that I really wanted to see him improve on in the NCA and man did he improve on that with UMass just being a consistent offensive producer and with the canes I think it’ll be just this great power play option I’m not sure how much he’ll be able to rise past that but I think he’ll be a good power play middle a middle pair guy who just gets the job offensively and just brings a lot of electrifying pace and with Scott Mor is too and how he’s been able to bulk up he becomes a lot scarier with that now we go on to the last player outside the top 21 and the last player inside the C tier next up I go on to Matt Coronado who I’m still a believer in and I’m still a 20 I think will be a solid NHL in the future he’s somebody that has had some struggles here and there but in the AHL he’s been an incredible producer up to this point and has been a great Mainstay with the Calgary Wranglers whether it be in the regular season or in the playoffs he’s somebody that really failed to adapt to the NHL level when he did play earlier he’s somebody that really got out muscled somebody that was not able to really establish himself and and really put the authority into his play but I do think is a matter of time before Coronado was able to do that I still think he maxes out as probably a decent second line producer but still that’s pretty good now starting us out in the Beats here and starting us out with the top 20 I had to give some appreciation to Josh D another player that was wrong on like rocker rer Evans was an over Ager back in his draft year 37th overall by Arizona it was just an amazing story to see them get the chance to draft this kid with of course Shane don’t in the organization and he’s gotten better and better since his draft year he’s somebody that didn’t really get the most ice time back in his initial draft year but got better and better in the USHL and was a huge part of Arizona State University he’s somebody that think has really developed his shot as well has gotten better and better getting scoring areas and really asserting himself with that physicality I think that’s really changed the game with the skills that he already had he was a great player in Tucson this last year and lit up the NHL when he came over I don’t think it’s too much of a consistent thing going forward that he’ll stay at that production but still I could see him being a solid middle six piece and some Arizona or Utah is really able to build around next up going on to number 19 we go on to the Rangers 16th overall pick in brandan ofman he’s somebody that’s developed pretty solidly since he was drafted but in terms of the physicality the intensity on the puck the big hits the shooting ability that’s really the name of the game when it comes to often and what he’s able to bring he’s somebody that I don’t think will be much more than just this really consistent grindy second liner that again can chip in a few goals but still I think ofen will be just a really solid pce for the Rangers and again a second liner is a pretty freaking good player and a 16 overall your not complaining next up we go on to number 18 and go on to probably one of the most underrated if not the most underrated product to come out of this draft and that’s Giannis Moser so there was a 60th overall pick by Arizona back in 2021 I think was a double Ager or something similar to that but back when he was drafted he got 30 points in 48 games in the Swiss League it was a captain for his team there and was probably worth a draft Pi especially since Arizona might have wanted to sign him anyways but he was in the NHL right after that and was immediately somebody playing games and playing meaningful minutes for them and although I don’t think yam moer is an overwhelming defenseman by any means in terms of actual talent he’s somebody that you could just get out there and eat minutes and to get that 6f overall is one heck of a steal speaking of steals next to we going to number 17 in the Montreal Canadians in Joshua W already made a dedicated video about him a little while ago but he has been so good since he was drafted was already somebody that I think was a little bit underrated in his draft year but I feel like how he’s improved his physicality how he’s improved the intensity and his skating and how he’s really developed his entire game he’s just gotten so much better and you could see from this jhl play you can see with how good he was in the AHL how good he started out there and he was fantastic for the Habs when he was called up bringing just good intensity and incredible work ethic and great smarts and that’s really lended to a lot of success already at the NHL level and number 16 next up we go on to another pretty under the radar guy in Cole singer somebody that for Columbus was drafted 12th overall but I think had a pretty underrated Year all things considered especially in the second half for Columbus he’s somebody that might not light up the lamp with the production he got 32 point points in 77 games but was somebody that was more in a defensive role for Columbus and shut down to the opposition pretty well especially in the last couple of months so to find that defensive game somebody that I think was a lot more offensive back in his draft year I think that’s a pretty good progression and I still think there’s a decent 50o guy in there somewhere so if he becomes this great two-way centerman for Columbus that’s a great thing to have now going us inside the top 15 next up we go on to Sebastian kosa and maybe if we made this video earlier on in the year kosa would be a little bit lower down but he was a player that really started to find his Groove at the AHL level for Grand Rapids getting a 913 save percentage in 40 games and he’s somebody that still think has a pretty good future do I think he’s the best goenda no but I do think he’ll be a solid starter in the future for Detroit and somebody that’s quite a bit aggressive has some great skill on him and obviously the size is impeccable we’ll see how he progresses but right now one of the best goalie prospects in the NHL and number four team we go to the last player in the B tier and next up I got Kent Johnson somebody that I’m kind of up in the air on in terms of how much value he provides at the NHL level you see the skill set you see the creativity but you also see why he was sent down to the AHL level even though he dominated there there’s a lack of consistency a lack of shift to- shift really intensity and defensive play and that’s going to really pull the hair out of a lot of coaches but I still think the absolute offensive brain he has is just too much to bet against and I still think he’ll be a great NHL producer for CBJ Now we move on to the a tier players in this draft class and this tier is especially close there’s really not much separating any of these prospects but at number 13 I had to put Brant Clark in the last place position in this tier but really again by razor thin margins I still think Brant Clark will bring a lot of offense and a good brain to the game I do think there are some issues physically but you can just see what he was able to do in the AHL and consistently able to do down there I still think he’ll be a good power play and offensive player for La though there will be Wars in this game that is for sure at number 12 next up I got Simone Evanson of the Detroit Red Wing somebody that always Lov the balance in his game and even though there were some issues in his draft here to me with some of the decision- making there I think he’s really tightened up that part of his game and you can see the skating the physicality the defensive game there EV vincon is just a really well-rounded D and I really liked how he played for Detroit when he was called up down the stretch he was really under the radar there and although Detroit was imploding Evanson was playing like one of their best D if not their best and I thought in that situation in a no win situation he did pretty well and number 11 next up it pains me to have William eckan in this spot but this is what I’m talking about this tier is so close it’s so razor thin you could have him all the way up at six and I wouldn’t even mind it honestly I put him in number 11 just because of some of maybe the uh projectable issues when it comes to reaching that next level there are times where again physically there can still be problems but I love the slipperiness I love how he’s was able to use his skating to deceive and and and to just go all over the ice and just make things work he’s just such a really interesting player he’s so fluid with his skating and that’s somebody that I think especially with some of the topend players coming up with San Jose like celebrini like Will Smith will be just a great complimentary player there and I think will’ll be great in that position and a consistent one at that for San Jose 2o now we officially jump in to the top 10 and jump in with Matthew n of the Toronto Maple Leaves he’s somebody that I also was underrated back in his draft year but he was an interesting player that I think you really need to do your homework on because back in 2021 he was okay for Tri City got 42 points in 44 games but he was pretty sick throughout a lot of his draft year and you could tell he wasn’t really taking a lot of risks wasn’t really looking all too fast he obviously had great physical tools but wasn’t really doing much outside of that but Toronto obviously saw the circumstance there and knew that he could explode in a big way and he certainly did playing well with Minnesota and now being a great middle six producer for the Leafs and I think will continue to be this great power forward for them which is exactly what the doctor ordered at number nine I have to go with my boy yeser wad even though there has been some inconsistencies this season I still think he is the best goal tending Prospect in the future in the NHL he’s somebody that I have a lot of faith in and when he wasn’t getting sh in that first game he actually showed up pretty well in his other couple games in the NHL level he’s something to me that just brings a lot of potential with the tal with the athleticism with the vision and the tracking he’s somebody that I think could be a great star for Min and I hope they don’t ruin him at number eight next up let’s go on to the Anaheim Ducks and the first of two of their prospects inside the top 10 and Olan zwagger somebody that I’ve always been a pretty big fan of but somebody that has really exploded since his draft year in terms of asserting himself in terms of the offensive production he was somebody that was a second round Pig back then in 2021 but man he just continue to get unreal offensive production in the WHL and in the AHL I thought was pretty great at the NHL level and honestly was showing some of his best defensive habits I’ve ever really seen him play he was just great and showed a lot of physical strength as well a lot more than I’ve ever seen him really show and that to me is a major sign of progression obviously he’s a smaller player but if he can get by defensively that offense is going to more than make up for it now we go on to number seven if we’re going to talk about players that were slinging it at the end of the season Dylan Gunther was looking like a star for Arizona in those last few weeks you can see in 45 games he got 35 points 18 goals but a lot of that production came in the final few weeks he was looking brilliant for Arizona and that was a great signed up progression he was really using that shot and really using it in so many ways and that’s what I wanted to see he was asserting himself getting low using that size too which I think is one of the most underrated parts of his game showing more muscle showing more athleticism and that is the biggest progression in his game now that he has that Arizona with Gunther is looking pretty good and Utah will get a pretty good one at that like a lot of the other players a lot of the other young players that they have Gunther is going to be incredible and at number six you couldn’t forget you couldn’t even think to not have this guy in the top 10 you couldn’t think that I wouldn’t have this guy in the top 10 and number six I got my boy Logan stankoven who just continues to show up and show why he was a top prospect in this draft whether it be in the WHL in the AHL now in the NHL season and the NHL playoffs he’s half a point per game the dog continues to munch and the stankoven continues to get better and better man I love the intensity I love the effort I love the skill set and the physical play the way he’s able to battle in the wall the way he’s able to win pucks from guys that are like six Ines taller than him he just continues to be an absolute Legend and I love to see it but now we’re in the cream of the crop the S tier in terms of 2021 drafted players next to number five we have to go on to Luke Hughes somebody that I think even though he has issues in his game has really just been able to bounce back from that in a lot of ways with the offense with the power playability the quarterbacking play that he has in his first NHL season 47 points in 82 Games been really good for the us as well in the world championships offensively he’s somebody that we obviously know the weaknesses of but man the strengths that he has are some of the best in this class and you just got to appreciate it while it happens next up at number four we go on to a player that looks like a pretty solid pick at number three for the Ducks and that is Mason McTavish somebody that was around more of the 10 range for me but that was just because a lack of real sample size we saw him at a DC level in the Swiss league and but he played pretty well in the playoffs there and was pretty good at the u8 world juniors but it was hard to really tell what he could be there were times where I really like the skill set really like the physical play and other times where he was a little bit more invisible but man he has progressed so well since then whether it being the OHL and now the Anaheim Ducks just looks like a consistent power forward producer and for Anaheim a major part of that future and number three next up somebody that wasn’t my number one Prospect back in the draft but was number two and that was Owen power and here’s the thing even even though he comes at number three really the top three might as well be exactly tied they’re all going to be pretty similar in my opinion in terms of NHL potential throughout their careers even though I think there is some issues with ow power whether it be around the net where using his defensive body using the really the god-given gifts that have been given to him he’s somebody that still has a great transitional ability is still fantastic offensively and even though he had a little bit of a Soph sophomore slump I don’t think he’ll be wor off he’ll still be a great NHL D for Buffalo and a consistent one two over the next couple decades now coming in at number two this might be a little bit controversial and maybe re C bias does play a part in this but at number two I’m going to go to the player IR ring number one in the draft class and that is Maddie baners now of the Seattle Kraken kind of like a Empower he also had a bit of a sophomore slump going from 57 points to 37 he turned it on in the last couple weeks but that offense was starting to show a little bit of limitations it started to be figured out a little bit he was somebody that was being a little more onedimensional but start to find himself in those last few weeks thankfully I still love the frame I still absolutely adore the overall ability the two-way play he provides one of the best maybe overall players in this entire class maybe even the best he’s somebody that is just very well-rounded but we’ll wait to see how much offense there is that’ll be the main really decider over how well he does in this ranking in the future is how much offense will he really be able to provide that would be the big question here but at number one somebody that really hasn’t shown to have any limitations offensively and somebody that continues to produce in in the NHL playoffs we got to go to the player that was maybe the most wrong about in Wyatt Johnson of the Dallas Stars and man I’ve never been happier to be wrong he was somebody that I ranked I think 40th in my final 2021 draft rankings and somebody that has been an absolute Revelation since he was drafted he was maybe the biggest I guess uh victim of the pandemic and how that really affected players from Canada because he didn’t even play a single game in the ol he didn’t go overseas and the only games we saw from him were the u8 world juniors where he was he was pretty decent but wasn’t really showing anything crazy but after that he had an unreal OHL campaign and then immediately was a great NHL producer this year 32 goals and in the playoffs seven goals 11 points in 12 games it’s insane the turnaround we’ve seen here you also just look at the draft rankings at the time and besides Bob Mackenzie I was actually the person to rank him the highest even though I still saw Johnson as more of a middle six piece coming from a 40th range to me to number one is one heck of a turnaround and again as a Dallas Stars fan I will take it the funniest part about that is that I really wanted Logan stain over with our pick but man it really worked out for me didn’t it but those are my 20121 NHL draft rankings just a few years later and again this is just for fun it’s not meant to be taken so seriously so for all the people going why are you doing a redraft 3 years later I I just like doing it I I don’t know what what do you want from me I I I like to have fun on this channel sue me but if you did enjoy just like me make sure hit that like button hit that subscribe button hit that notification Bell and I’d love to know your thoughts down below what do you agree what do you disagree with if and what would your top 32 look like top 10 top five would love to know your prospect rankings down below of course make sure you share the video with all the hockey fans you guys know online and all the prospect fans you guys know online as well and click on this card for all the prospect talk in one playlist for you to binge so much good stuff there especially around the 224 draft so I highly recommend it and I will see you in the next one I hope you have a great hockey day and goodbye [Music]

THREE years after the 2021 NHL Entry Draft, we’re starting to see the future of the NHL shine through!

LOADS of players are starting to make their make on the NHL this season, so today I went through and RE-RANKED the prospects from the 2021 NHL Draft Class three years later!

But who do I see as the TOP 32 BEST players from 2021 now in 2024? Which prospects have risen and fallen the most for me? And who do I see as the BEST player from 2021? Let’s find out!

#nhl #hockey #nhldraft

(2021 NHL Re-Draft / 2021 NHL Draft 1st Round / 2021 NHL Draft Prospect Rankings / Best NHL Prospects Highlights / Matthew Knies Ottawa Senators / Wyatt Johnston Buffalo Sabres / Logan Stankoven Detroit Red Wings / Owen Power / Matty Beniers / Luke Hughes / Mason McTavish / Kent Johnson / Simon Edvinsson / Brandt Clarke / Tyler Boucher / Cole Sillinger / Matt Coronato / Sebastian Cossa / Isak Rosen / Brennan Othmann / Zachary Bolduc / Fyodor Svechkov / Jesper Wallstedt / Fabian Lysell / Olen Zellweger / Josh Doan / Ryker Evans / Joshua Roy / 2024 NHL Scouting Reports & Anaheim Ducks / Arizona Coyotes / Boston Bruins / Buffalo Sabres / Calgary Flames / Colorado Avalanche / Columbus Blue Jackets / Chicago Blackhawks / Dallas Stars / Detroit Red Wings / Edmonton Oilers / Florida Panthers / Los Angeles Kings / Minnesota Wild / Montreal Canadiens Habs / New Jersey Devils / New York Rangers / New York Islanders / Ottawa Senators / Philadelphia Flyers / Pittsburgh Penguins / Tampa Bay Lightning / Toronto Maple Leafs / Vancouver Canucks / Vegas Golden Knights / Washington Capitals / Winnipeg Jets Picks)

Follow me on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok & MORE: https://linktr.ee/graviteh

GRAV COMMUNITY DISCORD!: https://discord.gg/2rJJMGsePc

MY NHL PROSPECT TALK VIDEOS!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM6i7Jz60mQwF9jSaXssKI1IBDtQpcWQH




Danny Palladini
Matthew Dube
Craig Skiff
Hockey Highlights
James Amodei
Ken Connelly
Rob Monkey
Nicolas Lefebvre
phillip bridgeman
Michel Richer
Alex Levesque
Keith Zielinski
Hockey,arcade and coins!!!
mike martinez
Lachlan Hall

  1. The 2021 NHL Draft is already become a CRAZY one to look back on! What are YOUR thoughts on my UPDATED 2021 rankings? What would YOU agree & disagree with? And who would YOU re-draft 1st overall? Let me know folks!! #GravGang

  2. Great call on Wyatt Johnson , I don't think anyone saw that incredible rise either eh……….. I'd have Clarke higher though……. Stankoven , littleball of hate. Gotta love that draft pick……. Great video 😊

  3. I know theres more to the story with Mailloux… but if were just talking about the players there is really no case to have forwards with similar AHL production ahead of a defenseman. Who's also 6'3, and can skate.

  4. I’m a bit biased as a Sharks fan but Eklund only at #11 seems wild. He had 45 points in 80 games in his rookie season with basically zero help. In his last 14 games of the season he had 15 points.

    I feel like other people are going to be mindblown when this kid blows up soon but it’s quite easy to see how much he stands out on that Sharks roster.

  5. Im still taking eklund with the sharks pick! 45 points with 0 other talent on the team. Literally could have had 40+ assists if he wasnt stuck playing with luke kunin!

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