Concerns About Tyson Getting Knocked Out | Karsch and Anderson

Concerns About Tyson Getting Knocked Out | Karsch and Anderson

I’m I’m just really concerned and scared that Jake Paul’s Gonna Knock Out Mike Tyson Gator I uh I do not want this to happen at all at all I’m I’m curious why you’re going to say it if if it is anything to do with something I saw the other day I did not like well they’re doing a press tour right now and they’re at the press conferences you know trying to quote unquote hype up this fight Jake Paul is much bigger than Mike Tyson okay and it’s not just a size thing people need to start respecting Jake Paul’s skills a little bit here he may not be a professional professional boxer but he’s getting paid to to fight Tommy Fury’s an up incomer fighter you know he’s won most of his fight he lost one fight right Mike Tyson’s almost 60 years old and I don’t think Mike Tyson just scared one bit of Jake Paul or intimidated at all he’s not this is a just fathertime thing and I think that Jake Paul’s not dumb he’s not going to stand in the pocket and just trade with this guy he’s going to move around tire mount and I think eventually he’s going to knock out Mike Tyson and it’s going to destroy me that day that it’s going to be terrible I’m going to watch my concern was when I saw something from that the other day was it like they embraced or and Tyson was like I love you man like that’s not no no you get there you stare each other down and you strike the fear of God in that man the fear of Tyson in that man like you you look him in the eye and he all of a sudden is like having second thoughts about having this fight why because that’s what Mike Tyson used to do when you would look at him straight I no way man that I saw a recent well recently I should say it’s not a recent recently I saw um a clip of one of his old fights and it was the stair down before the fight are you kidding me how could anybody want to fight that guy after a stown I’m walking out oh you’re right I’m sorry how much do I owe you you right I’ll pay you my purse take it all I don’t want please leave me alone you didn’t see that fire yesterday right nowhere near it no and if he’s like laughing yeah exactly so I’m like is he even is this even going to be a fight is he going to take it seriously this is the problem this is the first thing that Jake Paul has done that I think could Garner outside interest from guys like me that aren’t interested in watching Jake Paul fight I’m not a fight fan this fight on paper interests me that kind of stuff doesn’t interest me if this isn’t going to be a real fight and they’ve they’ve released like the rules and it’s a sanctioned fight and there’s no headgear and like this is it counts on the record and they got heav gloves this is going to be much closer to an actual fight but if you’re telling me they’re laughing and embracing and saying I love you man that doesn’t sell fights and it and and maybe we should thank them for being honest about it that not waste our time although it’s on Netflix if you have Netflix but maybe it won’t compel people to get Netflix if you ask me that’s a but B is K you better be wrong Tyson better not get knocked out I’m scared man because I mean they tried to like insult each other but it was whatever no one cared the old Mike Tyson that Gator you’re talking about I agree with was the one who threatened to eat your children yeah like that’s the Tyson I want entering the the ring against Jake Paul but I don’t think skill-wise or mentally he’s that that Tyson anymore and he’s susep susceptible to get knocked out and I think Jake Paul’s gonna do it this is the worst nightmare scenario for me it it’s it is anybody else share Kang’s concern now maybe some of you will think hear this and go you guys are foolish to even think this was going to be a fight to begin with well I’m sure there are people like that yeah and I get it um it wouldn’t be the first time that people got suckered into buying a fight no no but there have been some the the the Conor McGregor fight was actually it was a pretty good fight McGregor put up I think everybody who watched that fight with he and Floyd came away kind of impressed with McGregor’s skills was he a professional boxer no was Floyd Mayweather just kind of dragging him along maybe a little bit to that extent but McGregor was he was game Fort and it was fun to watch I don’t know about this one though this one I was really hoping Tyson was just going to put him in his place but now it seems like these are two friends they’re going to engage in in an exhibition [Music]

Khang thinks Mike’s age and chummy demeanor is a recipe for an unfortunate outcome.

#miketyson #jakepaul #boxing

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