Flyers Prospects shine in CHL playoffs & Your Flyers contract concerns

Flyers Prospects shine in CHL playoffs & Your Flyers contract concerns

it’s the lock on Flyers podcast for Friday May 17th your daily dose of Flyers news analysis and high quality content that is excited for Memorial Cup time especially this year yeah it’s fun time of the year you’re locked on Flyers your daily podcast on the Philadelphia Flyers part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day hey there and thanks for making lockd on Flyers your first listen every day I am Rachel Donner you can find me on Twitter at riam I’m here as always with Russ Cohen who’s on all your favorite social media apps at sportsology and we are at lockon flyers on Instagram threads blue sky and Twitter as well today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use the code locked on NHL for $20 off your first purchase terms apply you can find our show over on YouTube or on the sirusxm app or anywhere you listen to podcast subscribe to get our latest episode as soon as it’s available here on the lockedown podcast Network your team every day Russ we talked a little bit about uh the forwards well we talked a lot about the forwards eligible in the uh draft this year potentially for the Flyers some of whom are playing in men’s worlds we’re going to get into those particular guys and what that tournament can do for them but want to talk about the Memorial Cup because Flyers fans have especially uh a good reason to tune in this year as we have three prospects in this grand championship tournament um interestingly all three championship series from the WHL the ol the Q ended in sweeps which is just wild to think about sometimes just happens but still like for all three yeah I mean some of these games were good games the one game was overtime I remember the London game was a high-scoring overtime game so yeah I mean just happens but doesn’t mean the competition won’t be good for the Memorial Cup I’m not going to base it on that no I think it means it’ll be even better in a lot of ways because you feel like some of these teams could be resting on their Laurels a little bit and so they’re going to have to get back into the swing of some tough competition uh of course London winning the OHL Championship means that Oliver Bon and Denver Barky will be playing in the tournament Denver Barky wound up with six goals and 21 assists in 18 games played in the uh playoffs there Oliver Bon seven goals nine assists in those 18 games a hell of a playoffs for for these guys yeah good playoffs for these guys you know like I said doesn’t change what I think of their trajectory kind of keeps some status quo but good that they’re still playing yeah I think one of the things that’s good for our London guys is that um you you look at that London team and I think the main focus was on Easton Cowen in that tournament um who’s a Leaf’s Prospect so of course everybody’s going nuts for him up there as well they should but I think it kind of in some ways took the pressure off Bonk and Barky a little bit in terms of that Spotlight and they just went out and did their things and had successful playoffs yeah I mean but again London’s a an All-Star team and we have to point that out and and if they win the Memorial Cup nobody’s going to be surprised and no you have to you have to be careful though like I said you know again there have been some great players that have played for London and they’re not all Patrick Kane no that is absolutely true uh Drummondville won the Q uh championship and Alexis Gendron is on that team as we’ve mentioned 11 goals and eight assists in 15 games played in that uh playoffs and so it’s good to see another Flyers Prospect in the me cup yeah if this helps spark him to better training over the summer that’s great uh I don’t think this means he’s better and can make the Phantoms next year I think he has to prove that but you know it’s good that he’s playing yeah I think so I think this will be a good opportunity for him to get some additional eyes on him I think it’ll be good to have this kind of pressure to be honest I think that um especially you know the way we’ve talked about the Q as a developmental league and it has its you know pros and cons there to be in competition with the quote unquote better junior teams uh and see what he can do I think will be really good for him just as a good end of season test and again good to have some extra eyes on him in a pressure situation it is it is I mean hopefully all this will do some extra good but as I’ve said the queue isn’t great even even if he does well in the in the M cup he still has more to prove uh he just couldn’t find a spot in the AHL and look there’s a a lot of times there’s a massive jump between getting from Juniors uh just to be a regular na AHL not NHL well we’ll see how that goes for him uh in the Memorial Cup and heading into next season of course we’ll be talking about it uh mushaw won the WHL championship over the Portland Winterhawks Carter sutherin Flyers Prospect is on that Portland Winterhawks team but he didn’t play in that final because he was injured in the previous series but uh bummer for for his team but again I think the Memorial Cup should be a lot of fun it’s in Sagen in Michigan it hasn’t been in the states for a while uh and it’s uh I think the first time they’ve hosted it it could be read correctly and uh I thought about going but I just couldn’t fit it in the schedule I I’ve been to like three or four others I think uh it’s that London beat Sagen on its pth to winning the OHL Championship so there might be a Revenge Factor there could be a very big Revenge Factor at play uh it’s taking place from May 23rd to June 2nd and you can watch it on NHL network if you so desire I know I will be doing that as well uh checking in on some of the draft eligible prospects uh that we talked about yesterday who are playing in men’s worlds just talk about how this tournament may or may not affect their rankings well it gives everybody another look and years ago I feel like some players would just get signed um from this tournament into the NHL like Matt zarell hey we don’t really know about this guy look at this little guy all right we’ll sign him and he turns into something now I would say within the last five years all of a sudden there’s players to Scout and he gives the scouts an extra couple weeks to to look at some of these guys especially guys that are on the fensive about so I think it’s become more important than it used to be for that and it’s kind of interesting that it’s not a prospect tournament but there’s some prospects that play in this tournament and the ones that do you do have to kind of pay attention to so you know that’s something that’s changed over the years and I like the change because it gives you that extra look yeah one of the guys we talked about yesterday who’s playing in the tournament was uh Michael Brans niggard who’s playing for Norway uh I I don’t know that his ranking in particular is going to be affected by the tournament just given Norway’s place in the hockey world U but could he make an extra name for himself here yeah he could because again I think he um he has two points in four games something like that and when you look at that you say h now he’s going up against you know some men and granted it’s not the All-Star team of Allstar teams but they’re still professional hockey players that he wouldn’t normally get the chance to match up against and he’s holding his own so I think now he is solidifying like whatever spot that’s going to be in the first round so I do think it’s really helped him I do and uh who else do you think is worth keeping an extra eye on in this tournament so let’s talk about San soberg another uh good young player with Norway uh yeah he he’s a he’s got a decent size he is a defenseman that I think plays the game hard if you look at his Puck battles one for the regular season it was 52% according to uh to huddle uh 45% of his shots got on goal he had uh 11 goals it looks like this year so he’s a guy that I think you could make a number four in this league and he you know he he’s playing um right now uh and he played I believe played in the World Juniors too I think that’s where I first noticed him and so you have both of those things going for him and as a defenseman I think that’s that’s something where he’s a bit of a surprise right now and I think he could work into the bottom of the first round or not then he’s going to be you know somewhere in that first 15 picks of the second round yeah the world in the um world juniors he had two points in five games so and again not a great team you look up the talent that they have to go up against it’s hard yeah it is interesting because you know he’s spent almost all of his time playing in Norway which to be fair he is from Norway so you don’t fault him but he’s gonna try his hand in the shl next season in Sweden so that’s GNA be a little bit of a step up for him and which I think you know shows good progress right yeah so that’s a plus because he’s already playing against men and now they’re going to put him in one of the best men’s leagues in the world teams are going to like that when they go to draft him uh again I like the way he keeps the puck in the offensive zone his shot does get through traffic uh that’s something that Flyers are looking for a defenseman that can get a shot through uh he’s one of those guys good first pass plays a lot of minutes too he um the interesting thing about him is he gets 111 on the power play but 203 short-handed so clearly he’s a guy that’s good on the penalty kill and that’s something where I think you know those those guys don’t come around every day he averages 2.2 hits a game in that League too so this is a guy I think the Flyers could Target especially if for some reason the first round they ended up going with two forwards uh that next pick of theirs whenever that is um could be this guy because he you know he could be around in the uh late second third round it’s possible good to know and then any body else scou around let’s talk about you know cona helenius again who got a lot of talk early in the year I think his his numbers have been good I think everybody realizes now that for a younger player uh he’s really he’s proven it like to me he he doesn’t have to put up big points in this tournament I don’t think he was going to because you know again a lot of Pros are on this tournament so he’s not like a budding Superstar but he could be one of those late developing Stars you know this year as an example he um he averaged 1722 of ice time which is really good 58% shots on goal 46% on the puck battles even almost a hit a game so all those things are good averaging 4.6 shots a game so you know you look at those kinds of things and you say all right then if he’s a center like I do think he’s a center and that’s the gamble if he’s the center then that’s where he ends up going earlier than the Flyers could take him but if teams don’t think he’s a center then you know he’ll drop a little bit but I still don’t think he’s going to drop to 12 I really don’t feel like that’s a possibility but he is going to be a fun guy to watch because he’s really got a lot of tools in the toolbox I really do like him a lot and even on um faceoffs 51% and again the other thing that’s nice about him is you know 18 November birth date so he’s a you know there’s a little extra Runway with him right right well definitely uh someone I’ve been interested since you first brought him up earlier in the season so we’ll be keeping an eye on him for sure uh earlier this week way back on Monday we talked about the Philadelphia Flyers salary cap situation and kind of what the road map was going into this offseason and uh we asked you what your concerns were about the flyers cap situation we’re going to get into your poll results coming up next findy tickets to your favorite events like the NHL and NBA playoffs shouldn’t be stressful 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purchase terms apply again create an account and redeem with the code locked on NHL for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed next week on the show we’re going to have some more end of season player profiles including defenseman cam York who made some significant progress this past season uh we’re going to do a big picture Phantom season in review we’re going to look at the draft eligible prospects from the US national team development program and so much more uh we did ask you about the flyers salary cap and which Flyers players salary are you most concerned about relative to the cap for next season your options were Sean Cur Ivan fedotov cam ainson Cal Peterson and Rasmus ristan and I have to say like I’m genuinely surprised at the results here a little bit uh go ahead with the number one I mean it was very close but the top vote getter was Sean Catu with 37% of the vote and I did not I expected him to be maybe top three of these results but not the most okay I think that’s fair uh I think and again I think this has a lot to do with the way the coach painted the picture at the end of the season don’t think that doesn’t affect how people view it because the coach is basically telling you look you know he could have done more I wanted more he wasn’t doing well so that’s why I put him where he put him and and then I don’t think Couture’s quote when he you know um thought he was doing fine sat well either even if he felt like he was just because he wasn’t really proving it on the ice he may have been proving it to himself like hey I could still play this game and I could still get a little better coming off an injury but I think those two things are factors into what people were thinking yeah and I I guess you know when you think about when this contract was signed um it was a Chuck Fletcher contract it was eight years and you know you you uh 7.75 million at the time seemed like a good contract and based on there’s no way there was no way to say it was bad he was trending up the skky guy like it was all good right so I I don’t think that you can really fault the contract to begin with no I mean the injury was you know just it’s something that happens and it’s unfortunate that it happened to him um is especially being like your onec you certainly don’t want that to you know want that to happen but I I I do think you know there is concern there because it is a long-term deal and you know if you’re not using him as a onec on the team it does like from a perception standpoint make you wonder about the value of the contract but I just given everything we know about this guy and who he was when the deal was signed and how much other teams pay for a onec I just I just don’t see the downside here yeah I just feel like um the usage hurt his season and I think we would have seen better results had the usage been better and I almost kind of wish and this doesn’t have to be someone inhouse either by the way but this might be something that the coach would frown upon I would mind if cier you know consulted with like a rehab Specialist or whatever every you know three four weeks to kind of see where he’s at Daily hey Sean how do you feel this what is this like how does it you know and then you know if he has to go up to the coach and say yeah you know I spoke to what’s his name and uh or her and yeah they felt like I should play five on one off or six on one off then you do that and I just feel like that’s what they should do for next season and should have done it for this year and I think that did hurt what he could have done because I think he could have done more uh but he couldn’t have done more with the way he was used I’m I’m certain of that yeah absolutely uh the number two vote getter who I expected to be the number one vote getter with Cam ainson at 34% and yeah it is very clear that he just was not creating any value at least Sean cier created value for this team yeah just him being on the ice he still has defensive Merit he’s still good on the face off offs uh when it was a um shootout situation he was great so he he still had that Atkinson you know started out like a house on fire and just trickled out and when it trickled out there was just nothing else that he was doing out there that was valuable yeah and I guess there’s also like the way the question was worded I did say which is the cap you’re worried about for next season and to me ainson is the biggest worry for the C yeah if you’re thinking long term sure the cerer deal might weigh on you but I’m saying for next season and so that’s why to me Atkinson was by far the choice to make here um you know if it’s close you might have had one guy hit Kor like 10 times just to throw the thing I’m kidding maybe maybe the cap hit if they buy out cam ainson it’s 2. 358 million in year one one . 758 million in a year to so it’s not nothing I no but I would do it because it would create a spot and so like it’s saving me what 3.2 right so saving me that that no it’s saving 1.57 eight over the life no over the saving you are saving 3.5 in the first year correct that’s what I was trying to figure out so in that year that’s kind of important because I could put two younger players in that in in a spot in that lineup you know one of the defenseman and maybe resign tan linski just saying somebody like that or oi lixel or something yeah and and you’re you know at least there’s hope with that you bring back cam you’re just you know the hope is dwindling yeah no that’s that’s absolutely fair I think it’s just you know something more to add to the dead cap list um but this is definitely a year where they shouldn’t be going out to sign free agents as we’ve talked about so uh we’ll see what they decide to do there the number three vote getter was Rasmus rinin I get it uh he you know we just don’t know with him and it’s a big nobody’s taking him um with any significant salary without seeing him play and he’s gonna have to play for a little while and and do some really good things out there right which is why it’s a concern for some people because there’s literally nothing you can do about it that’s a cap hit that we’re going to keep no matter what probably until the trade deadline and if you buy it out it’s probably as bad as Kevin Hayes oh yeah it’s not great so that’s why you can’t buy him out yeah yeah so then in fourth place was Cal Peterson at 10% of the vote yeah this is one that bums me out because I still think the deal the three-way deal and you know getting Shawn Walker being able to flip him like I still think it was all worth it in the end because you know we got that extra pick out of it and I I just it’s gonna suck for lack of a better word but uh we just have to eat it at this point yeah I would say this I think so far it’s all worth it but if Felix sandstrom were to go somewhere and and and come you know a backup a decent backup then we will argue this in the future because he’s the one who took that spot away and that playing time away but for now I agree with you but I want to look back on this in a year couple years I know remember Anthony star is like we felt bad he was not getting the playing time wasn’t getting the this this is all on Chuck Fletcher’s regime not getting the playing time and you know you let him go and he’s been a really good backup ever since really good yeah well and then you have Alex lion the history continues yeah but I I do think that if Alexi kosoff did not exist like the Flyers did not have that goal tender in the system I don’t think it would be as big of an issue because you can keep sandstrom at that point and Cal Peterson is just your second goalie in Le and then fine but it isn’t like we do havei col song right and actually and the next guy you’re going to talk about um with fed doov this is the problem with this the problem with fedotov is everybody was pretty much resigned to the fact that okay he’s just not going to be here and and I didn’t hear anybody complaining about it anymore since they thought kosov had a good future and you know erson looked pretty good but then all of a sudden you know you find out oh they signed F doov and he comes in he doesn’t light the world on fire so now there’s a little bit of unrest in my mind about fedota that’s why he ended up on this list and that’s going into next season now that’s a concern because if erson still needs a legitimate backup like for more games than a normal backup that’s what I’m getting at you know like shesterkin will only need a backup for x amount of games ersa might need more than that and if right but doov isn’t that guy if he’s not up to the task then there’s a problem there absolutely is and I I think we were in some ways better off without him right in terms of our you know feelings going into this offseason and goal tending because we’re like oh okay we have Sam M everybody moved on everybody had kind of moved on and we’re like maybe we’ll try and find a goal tender in free agency maybe you know Cal Peterson will be better than we think or they’ll keep sandstrom or whatever but there was sort of a a resignation to it and we had like done the mental math and moved on and now only because erson did well before erson the thought was hey F doov can come over here and be the number one uh nobody was even thinking about the Carter har stuff too too hard uh but maybe he could be you know a future number one or at Le you know and and then all that went away it all went away it all changed heart left uh you know for obvious reasons and so he was gone and then all of a sudden you know you get him and then it’s like oh oh now we got him what do you do and it could be that like we don’t know yeah I mean this could go great so you know I think that you know with Flyers go tending there’s a a natural tendency to think negatively about it uh but this could go well for the Flyers the whole We’re not gonna go through the whole history but prehart it was shaky during heart it was not shaky at all and now until it was until it was right and then right and then now is why you know that thought is back because okay there’s no clear cut even though urome was the number one this year he’s not like a clear cut guaranteed one you’re gonna have for 10 years nobody’s willing to say that yet so that’s where all this I think comes in and so fans do talk about it I think it’s fair to do that yeah absolutely uh you guys are less worried about it though with only 2% of the vote there uh I maybe we’re overthinking it but there is something to talk about there for sure uh we’ll come back with a new question for next week so stay tuned on the Monday show and and uh looking forward to hearing your answers to that one in the meantime the NHL playoffs are Trucking along and we have a a horse in that race so to speak because we want Florida to lose to get a better draft pick we’re going to check in on that coming up next passion 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like a bunch right and you know it felt like just the first round normally there’s a frenzy to it and with so many games and just so much of it goes to overtime and all of this and there was some of that but it just didn’t feel as intense as this second round has been and I feel like you know there’s some coaches grudges happening there’s officiating controversy there’s injuries there you know it’s it is wild like got Jim Montgomery miming stuff like what’s happening like it’s really funny I had no idea Jim Montgomery was this guy I love this Jim montg yeah yeah yeah it’s fun and even Brad Marshon today basically said that s Bennett sucker punched him and got away with one yep he didn’t use the word Sucker Punch but he goes yeah he got away with one I mean it’s just a lot of stuff man he’s one to know what that would be I trust his opinion on that matter yeah but yeah I think you know prior to last night’s games you know we’re recording this before the Thursday night games but three of the four series or that three games to two yeah and that’s that’s pretty close uh Florida up three to2 on Boston who pulled out game five and and got a win um I still feel like Florida’s gonna win this series but I wouldn’t I don’t know I just feel like the sort of edgy Grudge side of Boston could be a factor here it could but I they’re going to make it harder but yeah I’m not sure yeah I I don’t know I I mean again Boston Sports has failed me on every side of every story whether they win when they shouldn’t or they lose when they shouldn’t that is uh my personal history with Boston I mean my personal history is not bad considering 1986 other than that it’s been lousy so yeah you know I can’t complain as much but I can from the Patriots side versus the Jets so yeah well and even like Boston and the [Music] pwhl like come on they had such a lousy regular season anyway I covered you know I covered that Championship run of theirs though and it was nice I was on the ice at the end I’ve got some nice photos no I’m talking this year in this year oh I’m sorry year well I mean Toronto typical having a major injury um at the wrong time it’s you know that’s typical Toronto no matter what sport it is it seems yeah poor nut Spooner anyway she seems to get hurt a lot I don’t know if that’s the truth but I’ve seen her hurt a few times already in her career yeah I yeah but as far as the other series go I you know obviously we don’t know what happened with Rangers Carolina but um you know and then there Edmonton Vancouver who are tied at two games a piece I’m this Dallas Colorado series though is Wild is I I don’t understand it and like nothing is happening according to all my expectations I don’t think you can understand it because even if Colorado’s down like in games they still have the better team on the ice so when if you get the better performance and it doesn’t always happen right but if you get these major performances from MAA McKinnon just those two alone you’re going to be okay yep and they did and so you know they’re still in it but Dallas is still up three games to two uh you know it’ll be exciting to see what happens in uh the next game tonight for that series Florida Boston is also tonight can’t believe I’m rooting for the Bruins but here we are and we’ll have to go from there okay I agree all right just another quick note Connor Ingram was awarded the masterton trophy uh welld deserved and I think that you know he’ll be a good presence in Utah I think as that team tries to get itting he’s a solid guy all right that will do it for today’s show we’ll be back on Monday with our Nemesis of the week a new poll question like I mentioned and so much more as a reminder we always want to hear from you if you’ve got mailbag question questions a draft eligible Prospect you want us to cover a flyers player you want us to do a deep dive on let us know via Twitter at lockon Flyers you can email us at lockon Flyers at gmail or comment over on YouTube I’m Rachel I’m on Twitter at R Miriam that’s r m i r i a am I’m Russ I’m at sportsology sp sp o r TS o l o g y lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube that’s also available on Amazon on Fire TV in the free Fire TV channels app locked on sports today is here for you 247 covering top sports stories of the day with local Experts of locked on plus National shows covering every League find locked on sports today available on the free Fire TV channels app have a great weekend everyone

On today’s show, Russ and Rachel discuss the CHL Memorial Cup field, including Flyers prospects Oliver Bonk & Denver Barkey with the OHL Champion London Knights, and Alexis Gendron with the QMJHL Champion Drummondville Voltigeurs. We also touch on Men’s Worlds and Draft Eligible prospects participation, as well as the latest with the NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs and the Florida Panthers chances relative to the Flyers 2nd first round pick. Plus your poll results on which Philadelphia Flyers contract worries you the most.

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  1. I really cant take much out of that London series. Obviously London was much better but id like to see them play better competition. Barkey looked good but man does that dude need to bulk up he looks like hes 12.

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