The Haters Need to Shut Up About Jokic | In My Feelings With Big Wos | The Ringer

The Haters Need to Shut Up About Jokic | In My Feelings With Big Wos | The Ringer

[Music] welcome ladies and gentlemen to in my feelings a safe space to talk all things NBA I’m your host Big W let’s [Music] go all right folks let’s get right into fact of feelings fact of feelings guys the haters have to Forever shut the up about Nicole yic let’s rewind to last week oh man it was dark times in nuggets land they were down 02 to the wolves in their second round Series yic in game two L particularly lost they were dominated on offense they just could not get anything going this is one of the historical offenses that we’ve seen and the Wolves just grind him down into dust and woo the haters came out in full force I was on my man Dominique Foxworth show that’s my brother shouts to Dominique I was on there with him he was taking a Victory lap oh y’all talking about Yol is one of the greatest blah blah blah blah blah I mean people coming from out of the Woodworks about oh the competition last year wasn’t that strong and he had an easy road to the finals and they didn’t play any real dominant teams and especially any dominant defenses and look the wolves are about to sweep them and you know what kind of historic big man does this happen to and blah blah blah blah blah and they went crazy guys we’re taping this on the heels of what is probably Nicole aic’s best game that he’s ever played 40 points 16 of 22 shooting 13 assists seven boards no turnovers on a night where nobody on Denver could do anything besides joic he’s dominating the four-time defensive play of the year not even just that he’s dominating he’s seeking the matchup up he’s saying where’s Rudy let’s find him I want to go one-on-one against them making the most ridiculous shots and and again I thought last year’s run through the playoffs was enough for people the Skeptics the people that felt like oh he’s getting too much praise and all of this stuff he’s not that good if you want to look at his playoff averages from the last three to four seasons he’s averaging like 32 points 13 boards eight assists like this is his line in the postseason guys this isn’t like something that just happened last year but it was just amazing to watch the haters come out the woodwork and like no matter what happens in the rest of this series this guy is legitim Ely one of the all-time greatest players in terms of offensive talent and output he’s right there with anyone I’ve ever seen and I mean anyone in terms of his overall offensive impact guys just give it a rest just bury it we’ve all had to get there with players you know like we’ve all had like oh we thought we were right about something and then you know event we get proven wrong guys put your Y and hate away the hater hat it’s not going to work it’s going to be dis credited it’s over haters [Music] goodbye all right folks let’s do a quick little Vibe check with none other than the young upstart pups in Oklahoma City man I thought they had a fourth quarter for the ages an error defining fourth quarter in that game four against the Dallas Mavericks the other night the reason why I say this man is cuz as a young team they’re down 21 they’re BAS basically playing for the season their offense is completely stuck in the mud it’s looking dire like it’s looking like Dallas is going to close this thing out they’re at home they have the support behind them and I’ll be damned if Shay gilis Alexander their MVP candidate didn’t put the team on his back no paint shots no threes just mid-range assassin to death in a quarter where his Allstar SLS Superstar counterparts and Kyrie Irving and Luca dones simply could not get anything to fall Shay was completely Sublime this is a young team if they would have packed it up and folded it have been like you know what this is one of the youngest teams in the league they have an incredible core they have a bunch of assets and avenues to improve upon the roster they can get bigger they can get deeper they can work things on the edges but this kind of thing happens to Young teams everybody would have been completely satisfied with this season everybody would have had a great outlook on next year it would have been completely Justified if OKC packed it up but the fact that they did the opposite to be this young and precocious and again it’s not just Shay Chad hit a huge three-pointer in the corner this is before we even get into how he’s stoning guys at the basket just the ultimate Rim protection deterrent Gafford Lively these guys are these are Big Boys going straight at Chad it’s incredible man I’m at a loss for words for what they’re doing Jay dub hasn’t had the best series I think he’s definitely having a welcome to the playoffs moment I think he’ll absolutely be better for it but even him at the end didn’t stop fighting I just think man the kids are going to be all right and it was just so cool to see that resilience to tie this thing up at 22 and no matter what happens to finish off this series guys the resilience they showed in game four like I said this is error defining stuff that’s the moment where it clicks these guys have the metal and the Heart right now man and they’re building these postseason habits right now and it’s the coolest thing to see to watch a young team go from are they ready to do it to just seizing a game in a big spot like that and so OKC man everybody who’s a basketball fans should be excited for what they got going on man can’t wait to watch the rest of what they do all right guys uh I just wanted to flag something before we get out of here man because we’ve watched some incredible playoff performances so far man and we’re only basically halfway through this thing we won’t soon forget the stuff that we’ seen from Brunson and Joker and anunt Edwards and it’s just has been some crazy performances but another guy who has been a playoff standout that I don’t think is getting enough of his flowers that’s Draymond Green and he’s doing it off the court he’s running his Yap in legendary ways and this is a guy who is already in the Hall of Fame of talking the fact that he submitted this in the postseason is just chef’s kiss man um I know we often talk about how guys remember there was a playoff Murray for a little while we often talk about how guys Elevate their form in the postseason draymond’s punditry has elevated itself let’s just watch this first clip they played great against my sons and they played great in game one G and I was I said dude I might be wrong Sons ain’t got no big man I know that but I but they played great in game one and game two in Denver yes they did they did yes they did got that settled all thought I didn’t hear that we found out making CH picks the Suns ain’t got no big you watch them play big not one big man on the talking to you no I want to talk I want to talk k d the son big man damn big man [Laughter] hey it’s not it’s not a single big on the Suns yo Draymond obviously has a feud going with um Yousef nurkic of the Phoenix Suns saying that the Suns have no big man that KB’s their big man uh just legendary Legend stuff he’s giving analysis about Rudy trying to guard joic on inside and it’s just he’s talking about Rudy keeps getting moved like this guy is just been on a heater obviously he knows that people expect him to say interesting things and let’s face it a lot of times during the season I think he’s trying not to be too much of a distraction for his team and so he sort of tamps down the rhetoric even on his podcast but now that he’s unencumbered by team obligations and he could just be fully unvarnished Draymond I am having a great freaking time Draymond Green Man keep up the great work all right folks that was our show for this week make sure you subscribe to the ringer NBA’s YouTube page make sure you hit the thumbs up on this video man we want to get the algorithm algorithm make sure you hit the notification Bell so that you get notified every single time in my feelings drops we’ll see you guys next time peace

In this week’s episode of ‘In My Feelings,’ Big Wos talks about the Nikola Jokic haters, how the OKC Thunder are holding their own in the playoffs, and the Draymond Green punditry.

Host: Wosny Lambre
Producers: Chia Hao Tat and Victoria Valencia
Additional Production Supervision: Cory McConnell

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  1. I wasnt looking to do this, but with that headline ill give it a shot, legit criticisms from g6:

    1. Jokic is getting shot over (closeouts), lobbed over under the rim, and is making too many non-contests in first quarters – bad defense
    2. Jokic is letting his team jack up 3s and mentally quit non elimination games rather than confronting teammates and getting his guys to drive to the rim when shots arent falling
    3. Jokic isnt providing the leadership to challenge his mates when they aren't playing with urgency (lakers series, games 1/2/6) and now his co-star's health is compromised because theyve opted for a long series

    These are lessons most champions learn before their rings, but im old enough to remember how flawed the west was last season (DAL, LAC, LAL, MEM, PHX, NOP)

  2. Jokic haters will find anything to pick him apart. This guy doesn't deserve this. He's over achieved in the NBA, why don't some people just appreciate these great players? instead of slandering and defaming a man.

  3. hes gonna have game 6 reactions to wolves/nuggets after their game 7 and game 5 reactions for mavs/thunder when the mavs are on to the western finals or thunder have forced game 7

  4. draymond was insufferable trying to compete with shaq and chuck and kenny, like bro we do not care about your accolades you sound like a petty jealous hater. cant take a joke aimed at him without getting defensive and wanting to compare resumes with the other guys. awful

  5. There's a segment of Jokic fans that refuse to acknowledge anything good about Joel Embiid! And Knicks fans that call Embiid a flopper but refuse to acknowledge that Brunson jumps into defenders to draw fouls. I try to tell people tou can acknowledge greatness in one player without knocking another player, but fans are irrational Lol

  6. what type of all time big man does this happen to? Shaq was swept twice. Wilt failed numerous times. Moses never won until he was dealt in one of the leagues worst trades in history and paired up with Dr. J. So yeah most all time centers lol. People love to hate the Joker like they hated Duncan all because they dont fly over the rim and run fast lol

  7. if any other superstar in this league loses its on his supporting cast, HE NEEDS MORE HELP!" if jokic loses its on him even though murray is sucking, mpj is sucking, kcp is sucking, and gordon has had a couple good games.

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