Cole Caufield, Kaiden Guhle, Juraj Slafkovsky & Oliver Kapanen have now all been named Player of the Game in this tournament

Cole Caufield, Kaiden Guhle, Juraj Slafkovsky & Oliver Kapanen have now all been named Player of the Game in this tournament

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  2. I think the Habs just draft for jawlines based on this picture.

    Not complaining

  3. The future is so bright I gotta wear shades.


    why is our little ball of joy not smiling?

    Have they been mistreating him?

    Wars have been started over less.

  4. Kapanen’s a chonk. His neck’s even thicker than Slaf’s! When’s he expected to make his NHL debut?

  5. I wonder what is the reaction from other teams around the league seeing 4 of our players are excelling?

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