Draymond Green’s grudges are souring his TV work

Draymond Green’s grudges are souring his TV work

  1. Idk man, Shaq and Charles always talking shit. That’s why I love the TNT crew haha

  2. Dray being a professional hater is ironically perfect for views and clicks. It’s exactly what the media does. Being objective and polite gets you know where in this age. You gotta be a dick to get them ratings. It’s why media be creating a new narrative and tearing down players every day. Keep doing you Dray.

  3. Isn’t that the business? Clear as day these “analysts” pick and choose who they love and hate.

  4. If Kendrick Perkins can be an “expert analyst” I have no doubt Draymond could do that job if he truly wanted to.

  5. NGL I thought it was pretty funny he just kept going after Rudy. Thought it was going to end, but he just kept going on and on like Kendrick dunking on Drake. The best part was when he brought up the last 40 point 10 assist zero turnover game was by Chris Paul against Rudy. Even Shaq started laughing 😂

  6. Disagree. He’s getting the pettiest revenge ever, and I’m Loving every minute of it.

  7. Draymond is a bully. I love the warriors but fuck, don’t like him at all because he is a bully

  8. he’s the sole reason that made me glad that TNT is losing its NBA license and I love that show. He’s so annoying.

    well him and shaq recently.

  9. Dray makes great analysis! if Charles Barkley can transform from a very bad boy to a likeable TV character, who’s to say it won’t for Dray?The chapter is still unwritten.

  10. I got no problem with him trashing Goberts bitch ass but it’s annoying/tiring seeing him just shit on other guys or try to set them up with certain questions in postgame interviews.

  11. He ain’t professional and he ain’t funny, Charles and Shaq aren’t that professional sometimes but they are funny af.

    Draymond is terrible in inside the NBA not just bc he takes shots but bc he is not entertaining

  12. I think the problem is unlike Chuck he isn’t funny at all. He can be insightful and has investing analysis but is not funny

  13. But wasn’t Stephen A. Smith says the same thing. Rudy was horrible and he got cooked that game. To say that he shouldn’t be guarding Jokic is not a wild take. I saw cousins and Rando saying the same thing. Yall really love to reach!!!

  14. Guy has won 4 titles and still acts like a fuckin loser every day of his life.

  15. Draymond has no business being on national TV. With his kinda history I don’t know why the let him on air.

  16. Of course someone with 4 rings wouldn’t be listened to but Charles is tho 🙄🙄.

  17. At one point, Ernie mentioned that Draymond was doing a 2-day stint on the show, but he ended up being on there 3 days this past week, and think it’s because his takes on the Knicks, and then Gobert, made the headlines.

    Clearly TNT wanted him back on the show, since his takes garnered attention.

  18. I feel like the mess he creates makes it more entertaining. Draymond essentially became known as a goon in the NBA, and everyone eventually learned everything he was good at (at least Dubs fans did). He’s doing the same thing with TNT. Part of what makes him so provocative is that he holds grudges and isn’t afraid to call people out.

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