Marc Savard to Toronto with Berube??

Marc Savard to Toronto with Berube??

  1. Dude’s pp was worthless. Same as the guy before. Stop the dumb shit drop pass. It does nothing.

  2. I never understood why people were so happy with him in the first place after the Boston signing.

  3. This would be very good for us. He should have absolutely been fired this year. People ripped Kirk Muller’s power play but Savard made Muller look like Scotty Bowman. I know this year was write off because we started our rebuild but our team being close to last in the entire league for power play is unacceptable. We literally would have been 30th in the league if it weren’t for Kuzmenko carrying Savard to still have a job

  4. It’s confusing to me because apparently the Blues had an amazing PP when he was there, and our PP was amazing at the end of the season. Obviously, the PP did not pass the eye test (or the stats test) most of the year, but I would hate to lose a good PP coach if it really was more of a personnel problem.

  5. Perfect, now we hire Tanguay. He’s been great for Detroit’s power play

  6. I’d like to know if he put Huberdeau on the top unit or if that was Huska. That was painful

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