I don’t watch the Habs because they suck” vs “VIVA SLAFKOVSKY VIVA SLAFKOVSKY

“I don’t watch the Habs because they suck” vs “VIVA SLAFKOVSKY VIVA SLAFKOVSKY”

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  2. Fans who don’t watch in tough periods don’t deserve to watch in our incoming dynasty

  3. I watch games when they’re good and I watch the game recaps when they’re bad. Is that moderated approach accepted, my lords? Lol

  4. I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t want to watch the building while it’s going up in flames. I’ll happily welcome them back when they return for the good days. But they better not chime in about things like Slaf being a disappointment when they don’t even watch him play. Or call Marty a bad coach because they looked in the newspaper and saw the Habs missed the playoffs again. Those people can fuck right off.

  5. I can’t watch the games because apparently I live in the fucking leafs territory, all the fucking way out in fucking BC! Hockey broadcasting in this country fucking sucks.

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