Kings offseason targets from Thunder, Nuggets and Timberwolves

Kings offseason targets from Thunder, Nuggets and Timberwolves

all right so we’re going to go to the Northwest now where somehow Oklahoma city is in the Northwest um not a lot happening with this OKC roster from a players to potentially acquire standpoint uh we have Aaron Wiggins and Isaiah Joe now I think it’s interesting because you have flyers on both of them and I feel like they would both be legitimate bench up upgrades for the next like Isaiah jok and hoop I think he can really play okay but like I would have to see it like I’m not guaranteeing that they’re going to be in the top 10 of your rotation okay and and they’re also both of them have very lowbudget uh Team options for next year but again this is Oklahoma who has a whole bunch of draft picks and they also have some major needs to like to sort of prove up the fact that they might be a contender mhm so I wouldn’t be shocked if you know they look to like they’ve had this issue the last couple of years where they have to cut good players or players that still have promise U because they don’t have enough roster space and so I wouldn’t be surprised if these guys are available out there just because this is a team that is going to have that issue I could have added Gordon Hayward here too uh as like a I don’t know like a veteran a veteran to throw on your bench sure uh he he’s coming off like a $31 million deal and he’s an unrestricted free agent and I don’t know he has anything left in the tank at all I don’t if he did I think he’d be playing right now yeah he just uh last I heard he played like 40 minutes in the playoffs and hadn’t had a point oh he just I think he’s just kind of washed at this point yeah yeah it’s very possible I love Isaiah Joe if the Kings can somehow get Isaiah Joe to Sacramento okay I love that idea what where would you use him though 40.9 % from three last year 41.6% from three this year he’s never been a super high volume guy um shoots about five threes a game the last couple of years uh I think he works as a as a I don’t think he could be a Malik monk replacement um I just don’t think he that’s that’s his bag okay but as a floor spacer as somebody who’s gonna try on defense um I’m a big big Isaiah Joe guy okay as a I don’t know backup Reserve shooting guard who can start in a pinch okay I just again like is he better than Chris dorte yes yeah so but I mean even saying that I is is he G to guarantee you that he’s better than like Keon Ellis or Kevin herder like I could see a way in which you would need to backfill that position and maybe find a guy that that makes a lot of sense right there but I would take Isaiah Joe over Kevin herder okay well I mean the money yeah yeah I’m not sure I mean like I herder still really really well known around the league for shooting ability sure like he has a proven track record and like while I like Isaiah Joe I don’t know that he has that type of cache in the league yeah I’m interested to see what the Thunder do as far as their roster this this off season because they could they’re still really cheap but they also need to start moving stuff maneuvering so because they’re going to get more expensive in the very near future and if you have a player like Isaiah Joe who a team wants to give up an asset for then you’ll take it yeah take he’s he’ll be 25 this summer in July he’ll be 25 six fo4 I mean he’s got good siid for the position but he’s not a natural playmaker for others uh he’s not a great rebounder like there are some things that I I think they guys like him there are a lot of them around the league that you know have a tough time breaking into like a full-time rotational player he played 18 and a half minutes his year over 78 games so that shows you that that they believe in him but how much do they believe in him I think we’ll find out like he’s just one of those players here’s why I think I might be so high on him he’s one of those players that when your team is playing against him and he catches the ball you’re just like like how was nobody guarding that guy yeah and it feels like he shoots 40 he shot 41.6% from three this year I swear to God I’ve never seen him Miss yeah it’s one of those it’s one of those type of guys um yeah I think uh if if you can bring in Isaiah Joe Aaron Wiggins has been playing like real minutes for them in the playoffs it’s very because Josh giddy suddenly can’t figure out how to play basketball yeah um it’s very odd to watch him out there because like I I don’t think he’s making an impact either I was watching the other night when they got clubbed and it was a lot of it was him taking shots and that’s by Design like Denver’s like hey we got it we got one here oh yeah Dallas yeah they let’s make sure he’s the one shooting all the shots yeah you know o for his last six from three yeah and five six for his last 16 from the field he scored 14 points the last three games yeah he missed a couple of bunnies like I I kept thinking why is he in the game so don’t know but not not horrible like again you’re talking about a player who’s an upgrade over a guy like Kesler Edwards there’s a there’s a caveat in context here do you know what he shot from this year 49.2% what Aaron Wiggins did it was 1.6 a game he sh almost 50% from three like why isn’t he shooting more yeah right right yeah um yeah I I’d be I’d be cool with with both those options for the Kings I’m just not sure how willing that the Thunder are going to be able or going to be to do business this offseason um did we mess this up there’s nobody written down for the Nuggets no we didn’t mess it up like I I don’t think the kings are gonna go chase DeAndre Jordan or Reggie Jackson and the rest of the guys that are on their roster are either like their straight up core or like up and cominging guys like Christian Brown yeah they’re not there there’s no one else like Zeke Nagi maybe um but even that like I maybe I miss Zeke but um I don’t even know what his contract status is with them and um like just as a as a flyer as a guy like maybe and they’ve got him locked up at yeah basically a 4year 32 million starting next year Dam so I don’t think they’re giving up him either maybe they would U who was that Zeke nji yeah he he makes uh 8,888 1889 next year that’s a lot of eights that’s a bizarre and then he has a a it goes down it goes down to 8.1 7.5 Zeke how much do you want next year and he said just write the number eight and I’ll tell you when to stop a lot of eights yeah no um and that’s the kind of dude here’s here’s the deal with Zeke Naji because I don’t I I think you’re right I think the the Nuggets see him as a player for them moving forward but he’s the exact type of player that some team overpays for and goes oh man Denver believes oh we’re going to try and draft off of that so here here’s a bunch of assets for Zeke and then he just doesn’t do anything ever it becomes his catastrophic team wrecking trade yeah I I totally agree and then you’re looking at him I mean team wrecking it’s only eight million bucks but at the same time I mean you’re talking about a guy who career high as 6.6 points per game um you know this season he averaged 3.2 points per game the year before yeah but you can really see it when he plays well the problem is he’s about to start a fouryear $ 32 million deal and he and he like basically match that with 3.2 points good for him wow okay yeah I’m I’m not I’m not all in on Zeke Nashi anymore so nobody on the Nuggets not on the Nuggets I I I just think that the players that they do have like I don’t think the king should be out there chasing um like I don’t think that there’s again they’re not giving up Payton Watson they’re not giving up uh Christian Brown and the King should not want Justin holiday again that’s a pretty incredible job of team building yeah when you’ve reached this point where you have a starting group and a rotation that you’re very comfortable with that you can fit into the confines of the salary cap rules uhhuh and you have a couple of younger players who are on cheap deals that you feel good about bringing up like that’s a really really good spot to be in that’s a great job by Denver yeah I totally agree and like look I would be all in on Aaron Gordon they’re not trading Aaron Gord they’re not trading Michael Porter uh Michael Porter Jr they’re they’re not trading Jamal Murray they’re also be out on PJ by the way yeah yeah just a real poop head yeah I I would agree yeah and and not only that but like players with three back surgeries before the age of 21% typically there’s going to come a point where he doesn’t hold up anymore there’s a ceiling and you don’t want to get caught with uh you know like it’s like musical chairs you don’t want to be caught with no chair to sit down on all right well let’s stick in that series and talk about the Timberwolves okay the Timberwolves are interesting they are because while the Nuggets you look at cap situation and go wow in a pretty healthy spot the Timberwolves are going to be up against it a little bit so they have Kyle Anderson who’s an unrestricted free agent they have Monty Morris who’s an unrestricted free agent have Jaden McDaniels who’s on a four-year hundred million contract uh and their team payroll for next year is $186 million that’s second apron 18 no second apron is 189 yeah 189 and a half so you’re right there like you can’t make any moves or you’re above the second apron yikes all right let’s start with Kyle Anderson make the case because I’m out Kyle Anderson is like in the Zach Collins tier of player for me don’t like his face want nothing to do with him I don’t want to have to get on the radio and be like you know who needs to have a good game tonight Kyle Anderson yeah show up in the Box Score but Kyle Anderson was really good last night I don’t want to do that I don’t have to say that okay so I would understand Kyle Anderson because number one he’s played on a very very high level defense right yeah and he’s still he’s he’s 30 he’ll be 31 next season um he’s a player who’s reasonably durable uh he had a really really bad shooting year but at 22.9% from three which I don’t understand because he’s typically a really really good three-point shooter uh the year before he shot 41% um he’s just kind of a guy that that can eat minutes and that that is smart on the and does a little bit of any of everything he reminds me a little bit of like Joe Les sure you know where you’re you’re going to get a player who just he can fill up the the box score so even this year in 22 and a half minutes a game he averaged 4.2 assists you know the rebound number is at 3.5 but that he’s a career like the last three seasons he’s over five rebounds a game um he blocks shots every once in a while he he just does everything that like quietly is a effective and having guys like that in your rotation does actually mean something um he’s not going to you know kill you with you know go for 30 uh but I I just think that like if you need somebody to fill in as a starter for three weeks while somebody’s down or something okay like he’s a he’s a rotational player even for the Kings this year I hate that his entire Aura is look at how freaking slow he is I get it I get it from a pure like remove the name and face he’s going to know where to be on defense he’s going to know where to go with the ball on offense um from everything I’ve I’ve gathered he’s a fine teammate I just from a personal standpoint I’m out I don’t like his face that’s fine I like I can understand being totally out on him but we have to put him on the list because no doubt a player that’s probably going to be um part of the mid-level exception probably close to 10 million a year maybe a little bit less um he’s made plenty of money in his career uh well he’s been right around the eight or nine million range for a long time um and I wouldn’t doubt like he has a two-year 8 million deal I wouldn’t doubt that he’s right around that price again he comes from the spur the Spurs tree uh so you know again smart player knows how to play the game um and and you know I I wouldn’t want him and Sasha venkov and Trey lyes and Harrison Barnes in the same forward rotation that’s not going to fly but if you gut your forward rotation and really mix it up okay yeah like I I wouldn’t have a huge issue with him yeah I guess it’s fine okay I guess you don’t like it I get the basketball aspect of it everything I’m saying is irrational uh the next player is a is a guy I really like and that’s Monty Morris MH and the the he’s it’s tough because we have no idea what’s what’s happening with Malik monk whether he’s staying or going but Monty Morris is one of those players that I would put firmly in the Malik monk replacement category he hasn’t been that the last couple of years uh for Minnesota uh and Detroit he’s Five Points a game this year 2.1 assists in 14.4 minutes across 33 games mhm but this is a player who in 2223 last season for Washington 10 points 5.3 assists year before that with Denver in 2122 he was 12.6 points 4.4 assists year before that he was 10 and three he finished ninth and Sixth Man of the Year voting in 20189 his second year in the league he played all to 82 games he was 10 points 3.6 assists I think there’s a a good player there who in a system like the Kings with the opportunity he would have with the Kings could could be a really really effective player yeah so what I like about him I he’s he’s a good Defender he does everything reasonably well he’s a career 39% shooter from three like if you wanted a slightly bigger version of of Davon Mitchell or if Davon Mitchell went out in a trade um he’s a player that I would look at and say okay why not I don’t think you’re gonna have to pay a whole lot for him um he is you know a guy who’s making nine million bucks this year uh almost 10 and and coming off year where he made nine but I’m thinking more like like a 2-year 12 2-year 13 billion dollar deal part of your mid-level exception again carving something out of that would make sense for him as a player um but he also could be a player that that is just highly valued by by a team like this uh I would just caution that they just don’t have any money they sure unless they decide to move off of one of their major contracts they’re going to have a tough time ret ret either Kyle Anderson or Monte Morris because they can’t afford a A6 million OR7 million a year contract for Monte Morris will put them well over the second apron they’d be in a lot of trouble Monte Morris in the last not this year but the two previous years with Denver in the playoffs I’m sorry this is 2020 21 and 2122 okay uh in the playoffs 15 games 13 point eight points 5 and a half assists he shot 40.9% from three I’m so in yeah he’s a good ball player and again I don’t think I like him as like as a uh yeah oh okay manman big game this is his nicknames on basketball reference oh I love the last and count of Mony assist too asisto like the count of M chis oh ass I got that I didn’t read it as asisto yeah the count of money money assist his career assisted turnover ratio is 3.8 to point8 yeah yeah that’s wild he’s like a Jones brother he averages less than a turnover per game in his career in 24.6 minutes yeah so that’s a guy okay look and you you brought up uh like if fire everybody if Monty Morris isn’t in a king’s uniform next year there it is if you were lose Malik monk that’s one thing but I like him if you’re G to retain Malik monk I like him as as like a solid Defender smart player doesn’t make mistakes goes out there and does his job type player because I think he would be in your top again eight rotation even if you were able to get Malik monk to come back and so yeah I’m in on him right on uh jadeen McDaniels we have to talk about him I don’t think Ina is going to move off of him I think they pretty firmly committed to him with that fouryear hundred million deal MH but if for some reason they lose their minds this off season yeah and decide oh he can’t coexist with Anthony Edwards or something weird like that uh he’s the kind of player that you get on the horn for and you start stacking up whatever assets they want at least at least to me I’m a I’m a big jadeen McDaniels guy I I think the problem the only reason I added him to this list is because they’re not going to be able to trade goar they’re not going to trade Carl Anthony Towns at almost 50 million next year Mike Connelly they got locked up for another two years Anthony Edwards they’re not trading ever and then NS Reed they’re not trading like I feel like if they have to make a move to get below the apron and and to to save luxury tax and all that stuff he would be the player that you would kind of circle and say okay like I don’t want to get rid of him but if you had to like that would be that would be insane well it would it would be insane I totally agree with you but it’s either him or Nas Reed that you have to make that decision on if you do in fact believe that you’ve got to get down closer to the luxury tax it’s tough there is no the problem is their their team is all topheavy salary they have no middle ground at all they don’t have the Six and8 Million players that the Kings have they don’t even have really like the $18 million players that the Kings have moving forward outside of n Reed so they’re they’re in a situation where it’s kind of like can you find a cheaper version can you do something that would put you back in salary out of salary cap Hill well BJ asks the right question here in the chatty house because if Jaden McDaniels is available everybody’s calling every team in the league is calling about Jaden McDaniels so he says what’s the offer from the Kings if he’s available it’s every asset that that they they have any any anything to me that that Minnesota wants you’re not doing like four first round picks you’re you’re not doing that for Jade McDaniels he’s not that good of a player sure um he’s a great defender and he looks really good on a team that’s completely stacked but we’re talking about a guy who averages 10.5 points per game only shot 33.7% from three uh he’s not a good rebounder at all 3.1 rebounds per game of course he’s playing with a huge front line sure um but he’s also not in sis guy so you have to you have to weigh these things you know like how much better is he than matis dyall like and he’s having that sort of role for that team where he’s not truly a scorer but then when he does get an opportunity uh even the Kings have seen it he can light you up a little bit like herb Jones he really good last night too yeah a little bit like herb Jones where he doesn’t usually score but when he does score you’re like how come he doesn’t get more opportunity to score because he’s really good so I think they’re trying to get him to develop into that and that’s why I just don’t think I mean we can put him here because of the money stuff and if yeah they decide to go that route but I can’t imagine that they’re super eager to move on from no and I’d even assume that if it really came down to it they might choose Nas Reed to trade over him to try to get lower uh to try to get sort of back into like balance but I don’t think they’re doing that either especi especially if they win this game seven tomorrow oh yeah well that’s that’s why like look if you win a game seven you got to be all in right like that’s it like this is you have a you have a contender team yes like you can’t take steps backwards but can you afford to go deep into the luxury tax can you afford to be a repeat offender can you afford to lose draft picks down the road they don’t really have draft picks down the road because of the goar trade but look how much better the goar trade looks when you’re trading the 28th pick or the 27th pick in in the draft versus a potential lottery pick yeah like that’s why getting good you want to trade your picks and then get really good so then that way it’s like oh look we got all these picks from the Sacramento Kings because they’re you know right on The Fringe of being a playoff team but but if they all a sudden become a 28 win I mean a like a 55 win team now those picks are in the late 20s and it’s like they’re not worth anything right

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  1. Did this man just say he don't have the cache around the league, what does that have to do with his skills. This is why he makes so many horrible takes.

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