10 years ago the Warriors dumped Mark Jackson for Steve Kerr

10 years ago the Warriors dumped Mark Jackson for Steve Kerr

  1. Say what you want about Mark Jackson, but having both Steph and Klay yet running the entire offense through Jarret Jack was a bold choice.

  2. And what a change it was. None of those championships come from Mark Jackson, only with Kerr’s experience do we win any.

  3. Mark Jackson is my least favorite commentator. He’s a hypocrite, fake religious man, and never gave curry enough praise because he was jealous of what Kerr did that he couldn’t do.

    Forget Mark Jackson.

  4. People can say what they want but Pockets brought a defensive identity to the Warriors and put confidence in the Splash Bros which was pivotal to the team’s identity. He was also pivotal in Iguodala coming to this team as a FA. Kerr came in revolutionized the offense and the rest was history on top of that Steve is really likeable which is something Jackson really lacked(outside of his main players).

    One thing that is never mentioned is that Kerr had plenty leverage in taking the Warriors position so he was able to bring in his own staff and honestly that is one of his biggest strengths. Jackson did not have the same leverage as a first time head coach so he was given most of his staff and that IMO was one of the biggest issues with his tenure. He showed too much paranoia and he really handled things wrong and that led to a shaky relationship with management, hence no job offers to this day…

  5. Because Jackson was too busy playing in scrimmages and hosting shooting contests between himself and the stars and basically ignored all bench players. Kerr did the opposite, let the stars be and focus on coaching up the role players and synergy.

  6. Damn… so many fans here hate Jackson, but all you hear from the players is how they somewhat felt “empowered” by him.

  7. He was part of the journey and helped. But it was absolutely the right move to bring in Kerr. Clearly.

  8. Putting any personal feelings about Jackson aside, he was a stepping stone for the org. He got them going but the Warriors needed someone else (Kerr) to get them the rest of the way.

  9. I remember in 2014 thinking how the team on paper should be so much better than we were playing.
    Curry, Klay, Iggy, Lee, and Bogut were 5 quality starters and a deep bench. I was a fan of the move at the time and it aged like fine wine.

  10. And to this day some people still think the Warriors would have won the same or more titles with Mark Jackson🤦‍♂️

  11. And when he is commentating you always here that lo key hate hate against the dubs it’s funny not a fan of hatin ass mark Jackson

  12. Still cant believe most fans dont know how messed up he was. Here’s the full laundry list: [https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/42b5ne/comment/cz93961/utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/warriors/comments/42b5ne/comment/cz93961/utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

    some highlights:

    * Instilled a “us vs them” where the “them” was the entire front office. He would tell the players that the front office didn’t want them to win so that Mark Jackson would look bad. C’mon that’s lunacy
    * Barred Jerry West and Jim Barnett (the beloved TV color guy) along with everyone else from practices so they couldn’t hear the crazy shit he said to the team
    * Told the team Ezeli was rooting for them to lose so that Ezeli would look better (he was injured). This culminated in Ezeli in tears saying that there was no way he would do this, when confronted by the team
    * Told the team that Harrison Barnes was possessed by a demon, which is why he regressed
    * Darren Erman, the assistant responsible for the defense after Mike Malone left, was recording Mark Jackson surreptitiously to try and capture the crazy shit like the Harrison Barnes demon thing and the Ezeli thing, but was caught and fired
    * Noted homophobe, including the “I’ll pray for him” when discussing Jason Collins coming out. This doesn’t fly in the bay area when a lot of the team staff is gay and so is the front office, including the COO/President Rick Welts
    * Didn’t want to hire actual good assistants, instead, he hired yes-men like Pete Myers and Lindsay Hunter, who backstabbed Alvin Gentry in Phoenix to get the head job
    * All the coaching staff were allying themselves with star players instead of the players who actually needed their help/development, so a lot players like Barnes didn’t get the development time and help they needed
    * He put players against each other, telling a star player “hey that bench thinks he’s better than you” and then telling the bench guy “hey that star guy thinks you’re shit, go take his job”
    * Didn’t get along with anyone in the front office, including Jerry West, Bob Myers, and actually the rest of the employees (marketing, PR, etc)
    * No preparation. He said in the Clippers series that he didn’t need to prepare extra hours, when Doc Rivers was up all night devising schemes

  13. I just remember all the national commentators and ex-players whining about how could they fire Jackson after leading them to the playoffs, without having any idea that he wasn’t a really good coach. Now every time a franchise in any sports goes through an unceremonious firing, I hold back my judgement, because most of the time there is a reason.

  14. Benched Bogut cause he’s an atheist, said gays are going to hell as the Dubs Pres is gay, kicked out Jerry West the fucking logo out of watching practices.. I can go on

  15. and what an incredible decade it’s been. i know we all know how blessed we have been but let’s take a moment to be grateful once more

  16. I will also never forgive Mark Jackson for Bob always calling him a great coach just for his hockey line “offense for defense” subs at the end of a quarter.

    My dad has always been the biggest Fitz hater so whenever the Warriors make similar substitutions now, he’ll always jokingly say “offense for defense, good job coach!”. I’ve had to endure this shit for years lol

  17. Kerr has been pretty generous in his comments about Mark Jackson time here. I’ve read accounts of what led the firing of Jackson, and it comes down to the fact that he alienated management, including Jerry West. Jackson didn’t want oversight, he was secretive. Lacob was apprised of this and he decided that it was time a change. The rest is very good.

  18. He was fired because he wasn’t really a good coach. Exactly why no one hired him as a coach again.

  19. proud to say that ive been a steve kerr believer since day 1 and has never wavered since. not sure why, but i had always believed in him ever since that youtube video of the warriors staff picking him up from the airport.

    (in hindsight, maybe because at the time, i havent seen countless former players ended up being terrible coaches, so i didn’t have that negative connotation at the time hahah)

    i will never ever downplay kerr’s significant role in shaping and guiding this warriors dynasty. People sure love to downplay his role by saying he has star players in his team constantly. yeah fair, but other coaches also have that and they can’t build what this man has built. This guy was and is still an important piece in this dynasty.

  20. Remember when he took Curry to his church group to pray for his ankles

  21. And just think, with NBC winning the NBA contract, guess who will be back…

    Just saying…

  22. They need to do this again if they see Kerr run 4G or small ball lineups in the Olympics.

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