It’s time to start talking about Brennen Davis again and probably call him up. His bat is on fire right and this offense needs a jolt.

  1. This offense is so anemic there’s not much harm in trying. He’s already on the 40-man.

    If Luis Vazquez’s hitting hadn’t plummeted in May then he’d be worth calling up in place of Mastrobouni.

  2. Honestly, why not. Happ is struggling offensively. We have too many OFers in the minors to not give someone else a shot while they’re hot 

  3. It’s hard to carry that many OF positions. But at this point maybe just put Nico on the IL and call him up. When facing a lefty that can put him in CF w/ belli at 1B. Or sit Happ with Davis in LF.

    Davis in his last 10 games is hitting .358 with 7HRs (.830 OPS). We could really use that offense. Cubs just need to start calling dudes up. Start moving this team into the next generation of players

  4. I’m excited that he is playing so well but I don’t see a huge rush to bring him up. Remember that he hasn’t played much over the past few years and there isn’t a ton of room in the outfield at the moment. I’d rather he keep playing everyday in Iowa till an injury hits.

  5. This outfield logjam has been brewing for a couple years, but feels like it’s really coming to a head now, and it will be interesting to see how they address it at the deadline. You already have Suzuki/Belli/Happ/Tauchman/PCA in the majors. Obviously Happ is struggling, but you kind of have to defer to his vet status a bit since you can’t send him down. Was honestly a little surprised they extended him, despite being a good player most of his career, just cause he seemed about as replaceable of any of the current core, given the organizational depth at the position.

    Then you have Davis, Caissie, and Canario knocking on the door at AAA. Then Alcantara probably developmentally a year behind them at AA, who isn’t really doing awesome this year, but has potential and could be a good trade chip. Have to imagine that if they want to make a big win now move this summer, a couple of those guys could be on the table.

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