RECAP: Morel walk-off gives Cubs the victory over Pirates!

RECAP: Morel walk-off gives Cubs the victory over Pirates!

let’s get to the highlights It’s Showtime this is fun way to start the day Marquee lighting up for this man top of the first on the mount IM managa Conor Joe bye-bye I mean we were out there and The Vibes out there were the energy out there was great so you knew it was going to be a great day for the Cubbies and this was a great start when he’s getting all the ks and so he is still still dealing in the top of the fifth triolo bye-bye 0 we’re not talking any offense here and then top the sixth that was crazy got some good defense so Connor Joe grounds out wisdom is at first today and fans love that who needs t-shirts just right Sha across your chest it’s a hot day you know you know what’s crazy they’re going to have a farmer stand like that they might actually I would like to see the aftershot uh imaga he’s still on the mound so gets Nick Gonzalez swinging and then later in the inning he does have a little bit of trouble two Runners on Tommy hotovy comes out has little chat a good timeout good time out two outs yeah settle things down the crowd is starting to get into it sha stays in the game he said feed me feed me and Michael a Taylor says yes Dunkin Donuts get me Dunkin Donuts small or medium I don’t know and that’ll do it for shoda he goes seven four hits seven strikeouts no runs one walk Mark lighter Junior I mean he says well showa I got to pick up where you left off I love that love that energy stay right there and he gets reyolds looking for the third out bottom of the eighth half is on third biley falter he’s still on the mount it was a pitch duel miles Master bony rounds into a fielder’s Choice yeah that’s a tough one there but like this was tough yes like but I mean like you said like I mean guys aren’t hitting you you try to try to force the envelope and it worked out the second time cuz you just got to believe he saw right side going on contact and just didn’t work out so couple batters later wisdom is up Holderman Strikes Out wisdom so that what the lateral movement on that pitch was nasty bottom of the ninth no one on Cody Bellinger changes that do it that is a do it double love that I mean he just knew it the whole way right off the bat he’s like I am getting to Second this is happening that’s a good ab right there that’s the type of ab you need and this one too I mean this is great that’s that’s a ball he hit and he hit that ball hard and it’s off the it’s off the end I mean that Ball’s off the plate yeah and he hit it he crushed it and Michael a Taylor has a hose I said he has a hose nice slide right there all around all around everything you just described flying with the two4 on his back just just throwing that out there Ballinger morale Ballinger going in hard make it happen hard slide safe he’s waiting for it this is where sees the ball come out and he’s like wait he want to he want to give him the game ball right there that’s what he want to do he’s trying to hand it to him and there you go the Cubs win it right there nothing after he tagged him he just gave him the ball and said here I don’t anymore we don’t want take this fly the W that is how the game ends and that is how the Cubs win it one nothing show to imaga Let’s repeat it seven Innings four hits no runs a walk and seven K he lowered his ra today he went in with a96 ra it’s now at84 [Music]

5/18/24 – Christopher Morel wins it for the Cubs behind yet another quality start from Shota Imanaga.

  1. Shame it was his third straight no decision. I would be pissed if I pitched really well and had nothing to show for it. Especially if my incentives include reaching a certain number of wins.

  2. It would be cool if the Cubs could get Jimmy Lennon Jr. (Boxing announcer) to come and start the game with his signature "Iiiiitssss SSSSHO- Time!!!

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