Cardinals Afternoon 5/19

Red Sox110232002111406

FINAL: 11-3 Red Sox


Postgame Wrap


  1. Do stats like ERA-6 or ERA-7 ever factor into pitchers? Rarely do pitchers go more than that, so I sometimes feel like considering their earned runs over a 6-7 inning frame is more indicative of what to expect.

  2. Maybe next time we have a good streak going we should consider not putting out the auto-loss lineup.

  3. I’m starting to think I have higher odds of becoming the president than the Cardinals finishing an opportunity for a series sweep

  4. So … we just gonna keep throwing Libby out there every 5th day? Doesn’t feel like a recipe for success.

  5. Missed the game today…what’s the verdict on the Roku broadcast. Looked like it was a colab with the Sox broadcast crew?

  6. Oh look two of your best young and upcoming players Winn and Gorman have a great game, hey let’s bench them for the has been Crawford! This is why they can never sweep a series, Oli is such a f’in idiot I’m convinced he was paid to sabotage the team

  7. How much longer do we have to do the 5th starter Dog and Pony Show with Matt Liberatore?

  8. While it’s great we’ve won the last 2 series, the problem is that it’s hard to make up ground when you win 2, lose 1. We are going to have to do that in our next 6 series just to get back to .500. At some point we need a sweep and a long winning streak.

  9. We’re gonna need more patience especially with the O’s coming into town next

  10. So frustrating that they took Libby out of a role he was excelling in for this. Just another case of this organization breaking players.

  11. For all intents and purposes, Oli threw that game. Not starting Winn, Herrera, or Gorman. Using your weakest reliever?

    I’m sorry but why put your team in this position when they are hot?

  12. I wouldn’t sit out there in the sun and bake to watch this shit show either.

  13. Has anyone said what the actual plan is re: fifth starter? Just accept a loss with Libby or what?

  14. At libbys 1st start, people were giving me crap for the poor management decisions to put him on the mound to start…..yall haters haven’t backed up your word since then….time for yall to sit the fuck down. I know Matz is on the IL and he was having quality starts. I was rooting for Matz because he got better. But what the cards have done is call up their best Memphis starter. Libby is a 2nd rate long reliever..AT BEST.

  15. Today made it clear that I love Libby out of the bullpen. Hate seeing him start.

    Can’t win them all, but at least we got blown out and didn’t lose a 1-0 game. For some reason, I am OK that that.

    Is it wrong that I am slightly sad to see us winning series since it is also saving Marmol’s job. He isn’t getting fire if we finish .500 and miss the playoffs by a game.

  16. What does Fermin have to do to get Crawford dfad. .390 with an 1.180 ops in Memphis. Just a better all around option. It’s ridiculous

  17. Of the relievers we sent out today is 1 a potential starter? Or at least a bullpen game starter and bring Libby in after 2-4 innings?

  18. Oli post game comments are very clear that he doesn’t want to be using Liberatore and Mo doesn’t give a fuck.

    “He’s taken his best shot. It’s nothing against his preparation or execution. He’s taken his best shot for the situation that we’re in. It does complicate things for the pen a little bit
    because you end up overextending guys. You’re asking them to do more than they need to do. … It’s a combination that puts them in a tough spot for that game, and the following days as well.”

  19. Thompson or Pallante are prob getting on the shuttle soon, telegraphed by Denton’s article just now:

    “In four games and three starts with Memphis, Thompson has gone 1-0 with a 1.84 ERA while allowing foes to hit just .125 off him.

    Sem Robberse (5-2, 3.29 ERA), Andre Pallante (1-0, 2.20 ERA), Gordon Graceffo (4-3, 4.32 ERA) and Michael McGreevy (2-4, 5.84 ERA) are other Triple-A options who the Cardinals could consider when the No. 5 spot in their order rolls around in the weekend ahead.”

  20. Cards got a small rally going towards the end and let Crawford and Pages hit to end the inning. Would have been nice to let anyone besides those two hit but I didn’t think much of it since it was 9-2.

    Then the next two innings we saw Carlson, Herrera, and Gorman all pinch hit. Why the hell are we getting these guys useless ABs but putting up two of our worst hitters with guys on base?

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