Oh what could have been

There’s been so many times the last 3 years where I suddenly remember that Lance exists and he’s still on our team, it almost feels like he left when Correa and Springer did.

  1. Who’s that guy in the Astros jersey in your pos– OHHHHHH RIIIGHT. Lance. That guy. Yeah.

  2. I just forget about him and if he comes back it’s like making a mid season acquisition for free. We just have missing cap space somewhere.

  3. Look, I will love Lance forever even if he never throws another pitch, and this is hilarious.

  4. I will forever love Lance McCullers Jr for all those curveballs and for his “Bury me in the H”. That man can do no wrong in my eyes.

  5. His elbow is made of literal glass at this point. All those surgeries take their toll.

  6. I wish he lived up to what we expected him to be but injuries just broke him down too soon. I hope he can come back and strengthen the bullpen

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